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SWTOR: Attack of the Clone


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i believe this post is a clone of a clone of about 500 other clones about star wars being a clone of wow which is a clone of EQ which is a clone of a MUD which is a clone of table tops. whoa cloneception..... thwommmmmmm.

Guess you didn't bother to read the whole OP, understand the spirit of it, or think about the question posed at the end. Well done, sir. Well done.


Your vibrant contribution has been noted. :p

Edited by Blistrich
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Star Wars: The Old Republic is, in my humble opinion, a clone of previous mmos (not one previous mmo in particular, but many).


Your terminology is flawed "Clone" means exact copy, as SWTOR is NOT then to say it IS.....well is just plain silly. Yes there are similar features in other MMo's just like there are 4 wheels on most cars BUT it is an MMo in its own right and people really should think before using the "Clone" addage. Correct grammar is a wonderful thing and can save so many red faces.

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Your terminology is flawed "Clone" means exact copy, as SWTOR is NOT then to say it IS.....well is just plain silly. Yes there are similar features in other MMo's just like there are 4 wheels on most cars BUT it is an MMo in its own right and people really should think before using the "Clone" addage. Correct grammar is a wonderful thing and can save so many red faces.


Sometimes when you intend to reach out to those who don't read, you have to stoop to their "language" to get the point across.

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