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Why Nerf Crafting?


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I understand the view, what you want is all schematics and materials available for purchase from vendors.


The issue with this is what would be the reason to run any operations at all other than to complete content? The reason for repeatedly running Ops disappears and would result in far quicker unsubscrbes from the level 50 population.


The issue you have currently is that if you're trying to sell into the level 50 market with purple gear, you're wasting your time. Players can obtain the same level of upgrades from some dailies and earn credits doing so.


If you want to ignore end game PvE as a player, you should only target the levelling market, a lot of players are running with alts so be willing to pay good prices via their main characters credit stash.

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Any orange REGARDLESS OF LEVEL can be crafted with an augment slot.


As it stands now crit crafted orange gear with an augment slot is better than the loot drops in the new tier of gear. The new tier of gear has transferrable set bonuses. Slap that in an critted orange piece and suddenly the crafted piece is better than the end game drop.




Thanks. This pleases me. It seems that all this time crafting is now justifiable at end game as it should be. Good job bioware.



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I understand the view, what you want is all schematics and materials available for purchase from vendors.


The issue with this is what would be the reason to run any operations at all other than to complete content? The reason for repeatedly running Ops disappears and would result in far quicker unsubscrbes from the level 50 population.


The issue you have currently is that if you're trying to sell into the level 50 market with purple gear, you're wasting your time. Players can obtain the same level of upgrades from some dailies and earn credits doing so.


If you want to ignore end game PvE as a player, you should only target the levelling market, a lot of players are running with alts so be willing to pay good prices via their main characters credit stash.



I do not want to buy crafting materials from vendors; this would drive the price of crafted items down even more.


What the game needs is to rewards players more cash for doing missions so they can afford to buy the crafted items from the exchange, and stop rewarding them with all the gear they need as they level up so that the gear on the GTN don’t lose their value.


The game should also be easier to gather resources from so that more players will post crafting resources on the GTN for sale driving prices down to a reasonable price.


Another thing that is wrong with the GTN is that it recommends a set value for an item no matter what price the players on that server sells them for, it should at least be the median of the last week or months sale prices of such items.


I really wish it was true what you said about lvl 50's alts buying low lvl stuff because I have tried to sell everything from low lvl chars like green and blue droid gear, potions and buffs, purple ear pieces, armour, weapons, etc and I sell 5-10% of what I make the rest I end up selling to a vendor or scrapping for parts...

Edited by NikitaCH
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Tell that to a level 50 that has to pay 100k credits to repair their raid gear after a night of wipes. Thats a big dealth penalty.


You should see what it was like in Aion before they drastically lowered the debt cost. You not only lost xp it was more than 100k per death and you had to run slow for 4 minutes plus your stats were lowered. Gaining money back then was extremely difficult. In STWOR you can always just swap to more gear to totally avoid the penalty of defeat. This is nothing more than a slight slap on the wrist compared to some other games. If you want hardcore death penalty look at Everquest and Lineage where you could actually lose levels from defeats.

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I'm totally with the OP on this. This game is aimed at the PvP'ers, which is great, for them. (


There is no way this game is aimed at the PvPers, if that was the case I'd be happy, this is a pve game first. The PvP here is just mini games and is fail at that.

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I do not want to buy crafting materials from vendors; this would drive the price of crafted items down even more.


What the game needs is to rewards players more cash for doing missions


And what I and many other people have been trying to tell you, is that if you leveled up to 50 and did Dailies, you would have more than enough Credits to make your purchases. I've personally found this MMO to be the easiest to make money in, of any of the MMOs I've played.


You don't seem willing to understand the Market by getting to 50, yet you stress that the kind of game you want to enjoy is an Economic one. I just don't feel like that makes a whole lot of sense.

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And what I and many other people have been trying to tell you, is that if you leveled up to 50 and did Dailies, you would have more than enough Credits to make your purchases. I've personally found this MMO to be the easiest to make money in, of any of the MMOs I've played.


You don't seem willing to understand the Market by getting to 50, yet you stress that the kind of game you want to enjoy is an Economic one. I just don't feel like that makes a whole lot of sense.


And what I and other lvl 50's have said several times is that even if you are lvl 50, there is nothing to buy the GTN is dry when it comes to crafting materials.


And yes I have also said that I could send my companions out to get materials wait 1 hour, see that its the wrong kind of material, send them out again wait an hour etc, but thats not really how I would expect crafting to be in a game as new as this, in older games at least you would have some control over what resourses you were gathering and yes you would spend a lot of time on that also but at least you knew what you were getting.


I have several lvl 50 friends and they have the excact same problem as me, so I know it has noting to do with my rank.


This is one of the hardest MMO's I have played to make credits in and I am a crafter, there is something seriously wrong with that...

Edited by NikitaCH
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Today I thought I would swap from PVP to PVE because it's a PVE server.


So I jumped on the GTN and started searching.


Wow some really nice gear but was in no way any better than the recruit gear I have bought from pvp vendors.


Not really much to look forward to leveling my alts now because they can't craft anything better than what I can get from PVP dailies or PVP.

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I'm not actually qualified to comment on this post as I came from the Star Wars Galaxies method of crafting, so I am incredibly biased. All MMOs, with the possible exception of EVE Online, have horrible crafting systems in comparison. Alas, SWG is gone, so for my Star Wars fix I have come here. ... Perhaps, and I've said this elsewhere, since SWTOR is a ... themepark (and I"m not even sure I'd go that far) and SWG (and most certainly EVE) are sandbox games, that's the difference that makes crafting in those games amazing and crafting here just plain bad. On the other hand, the storyline in SWTOR is phenomenal, and obviously, Bioware favors that, for which I am grateful. I love the storyline. It's sad, though, that crafting a la SWG has been destroyed, removed, gone - and none of you will get to experience the in-depth wonders of SWG-style crafting - it doesn't appear to fit the modern MMO game theory design. Good luck! and enjoy your stay in the game!
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