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The end of the arguement. Is SWTOR in decline? Can it be saved?


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Fleet population means NOTHING.


You have to look at overall population.


I could have server with 20 people on fleet and 200 on tython/korriban and it would still show standard load.


Why is this so hard for people to grasp? Stop quoting fleet size as health of your server. If you have a problem with your server pop, do some real research and actually figure out the population. It isnt hard to do.


Well fleet size does have alot to do with economy and pvp. On a pvp server where you are queing for WZ's the best place to be is in fleet. Very little lag time when loading out of a warzone in comparison to being on a planet. Also the one planet to do sandbox pvp has been ruined. Economically fleet is where all your faction trading is done, very few people on fleet means they are not selling nor buying. That is evident by the amount of mats on the GTN. If you do to my server and search biochem mats you will get one page of materials. Now even in the worst mmo that would be considered substandard. I just think that and let me say it again I think the population caps on each server are different so it is not to reflect the poor population values


And i forgot to mention what the poster above me stated. He has a very valid point

Edited by Saltydogg
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Fleet population means NOTHING.


You have to look at overall population.


I could have server with 20 people on fleet and 200 on tython/korriban and it would still show standard load.


Why is this so hard for people to grasp? Stop quoting fleet size as health of your server. If you have a problem with your server pop, do some real research and actually figure out the population. It isnt hard to do.


Fleet population is the best indicator for endgame players and level 50 retention rates. And it is the real ONLY indicator for server health. This so called "real research" that your proposing would be just reading speculative articles of third parties who make a guess at server sizes.

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Fleet population is the best indicator for endgame players and level 50 retention rates. And it is the real ONLY indicator for server health. This so called "real research" that your proposing would be just reading speculative articles of third parties who make a guess at server sizes.


You dont have to make a guess.


I did it myself, its easy. I can tell you exactly what the current active population is on your server. Anybody can do that. Its not guess work.

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You dont have to make a guess.


I did it myself, its easy. I can tell you exactly what the current active population is on your server. Anybody can do that. Its not guess work.


So what is the current population on my server then?

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So what is the current population on my server then?


Whats your server?


I can tell you the current ACTIVE population. Its easy and kinda fun.


I plan to do one for Fatman during primetime one of these days to figure out what it takes to get a full server.

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Whats your server?


I can tell you the current ACTIVE population. Its easy and kinda fun.


I plan to do one for Fatman during primetime one of these days to figure out what it takes to get a full server.


The Jek Jek Tar

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Honestly I don't count people on starter worlds into population estimates. They can't contribute to the economy, they aren't running flashpoints or pvp


If your server has 30 people on fleet and 10 people on corellia, ilum, and belsavis, and only a handful of people currently in flashpoints or warzones it feels dead even if it has hundreds of people on starter planets.

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Going to cancel. Once my days are up, I'm going to play something FTP. Most of those have the same content as SWTOR and are free. I have played both PTP and FTP. SWTOR has the worst endgame content at start from any of the MMOs I have played (the only exception would be FF14 but I'm not sure that should even qualify as a game given the state is was released in). Bioware has until my subscription runs out to REALLY convince me they know what they are doing, the bugs are fixed, and they will listen to the community and stop being so pigheaded. Because once I'm gone, I'm gone. Nothing will make me come back. Too many other games out there and about to be relased to come back to a game that I left. Brutal darwinian world out there. Get it right or go FTP. Your choice Bioware
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Jek Jek Pop pstats as of 7:28 PM 4/18/2012


1120 Players active


Republic ~562 active players.

LVL 50;

37 Commandos

27 Vanguards

33 Sents

29 Guards

37 Sage

30 Shadow

19 Gunslinger

19 Scoundrel


Empire ~555 active players

LVL 50;

34 Juggs

19 Mara's

63 Sorcs:eek:

22 Assassins

46 Mercs

16 Powertechs

16 Snipers

20 Operatives



Approx 40% on both sides are between lvl 20-45


Starter planets only had around 5-10% of the total population. Fleet only had around 15% of the total population.


Proving fleet is a bad way to measure a server pop.

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Dude i did not just do your servers stats so you could walk away and not respond. That was like.. 10 mins of my life wasted.


And i used formatting! And colors and smileys!


I see how it is...


You expect a response on these forums after you show how wrong someone is? LOL, they will vanish from the thread and post the same nonsense elsewhere, demanding proof again, only to repeat the same thing in another thread. I've seen it countless times, these forums are a waste of time.

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Dude i did not just do your servers stats so you could walk away and not respond. That was like.. 10 mins of my life wasted.


And i used formatting! And colors and smileys!


I see how it is...


I like the app. Although in my defense I said Fleet levels were a good visual indicator. 1150 people online at the moment you did the survery isn't bad. Also fleet levels would be closer to 23%. I checked both sides and there is a combined level of close to 250.


Edit: I don't really understand how that proves someone wrong either... Fleet levels are a good indicator of an active server. The fleet obviously doesn't comprise ALL the players online at the moment. But you can use that as a sample space.


I also took a long time to respond because I'm actually playing the game and not spending my evening refreshing forum posts :p

Edited by Saviorr
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I like the app. Although in my defense I said Fleet levels were a good visual indicator. 1150 people online at the moment you did the survery isn't bad. Also fleet levels would be closer to 23%. I checked both sides and there is a combined level of close to 250.


Something like that. I did not go to the fleet to confirm. I just did a /who check across level groups and tried to notice who were in the "fleet". At the time significantly less folks ~80 were in fleet.


I could refine the way i do census to include a "fleet" number form both sides, but i dont see the point.



plus the fleet changes quickly with people jumping in and out of flash points.


People were arguing that fleet was a large portion of the user load, which simply isnt true. Most of your folks are either in FP or on planets leveling because only ~25% of your active users are at endgame.

Edited by Oddzball
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Edit: I don't really understand how that proves someone wrong either... Fleet levels are a good indicator of an active server. The fleet obviously doesn't comprise ALL the players online at the moment. But you can use that as a sample space.


No, fleets are not a good indication of activity levels.

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I like the app. Although in my defense I said Fleet levels were a good visual indicator. 1150 people online at the moment you did the survery isn't bad. Also fleet levels would be closer to 23%. I checked both sides and there is a combined level of close to 250.


Edit: I don't really understand how that proves someone wrong either... Fleet levels are a good indicator of an active server. The fleet obviously doesn't comprise ALL the players online at the moment. But you can use that as a sample space.


I also took a long time to respond because I'm actually playing the game and not spending my evening refreshing forum posts :p


Eh i have my 2 lvl 50s on both sides, it gets boring after that, all my friends are in bed.


I like math and numbers so i find this fun.


The reason i dont use fleet is the number change to much to quickly.


Fleet can go from 50 to 120 in like 2 minutes depending on guilds or groups poping in and out of FP and ops.

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Eh i have my 2 lvl 50s on both sides, it gets boring after that, all my friends are in bed.


I like math and numbers so i find this fun.


The reason i dont use fleet is the number change to much to quickly.


Fleet can go from 50 to 120 in like 2 minutes depending on guilds or groups poping in and out of FP and ops.



So how did you do it btw? Did you have a character on TJJT?

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So how did you do it btw? Did you have a character on TJJT?


Takes 5 seconds to make a character

i made one for each side, then have a preset list of "macros" if you will, that i use in the /who tool to tell me the information.


I could get more detailed but i still have to physically write down each result as it comes up, so its not automated.


I dont feel like doing another sever tonight, unless its a "Dead" server, which might be interesting for comparison.

Edited by Oddzball
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You know what else happened in January? The end of Christmas break.


After that second statement, dated March 8, we have no more information on the number of subscribers, only anecdotal data and opinions.

Nice post Kthx!


You do know there is no better way to get your post ignored than to use cool reason and logic. ;)

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I actually enjoy looking at server loads because I deal with it at work constantly.


Its educational for me to see what other companies are doing.


I hate to say it but the way SWTOR designed their servers is very unimpressive. they seem to have a cap around 1.5k-2k users, which is sad IMO. I think we run 5k users per and i KNOW they have more money then us.


They should be double the size IMO. 4-5k servers. Trust me when I say that MMOs aren't as demanding on servers as people think they are.

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