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The end of the arguement. Is SWTOR in decline? Can it be saved?


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Again, the numbers are proving you wrong. You may not like it, but to call a game with 2 million steady subs "dead" is just completely obtuse...


they have hardly 2 million steady subs. if you think that you're delutional. they have atleast lost 40% or more since the start.....

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They have knock on 2 million subs, coz the game is new and the SW fan base who have been waiting for years...of course it's good numbers!


Problem is, many of the people who have been waiting for so long for this awesome SW game...didn't get one! The first year will make or break this game.

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They have knock on 2 million subs, coz the game is new and the SW fan base who have been waiting for years...of course it's good numbers!


Problem is, many of the people who have been waiting for so long for this awesome SW game...didn't get one! The first year will make or break this game.


Indeed. For some the expectations were SO high that nothing was going to meet them. I've done that and it is frustrating. I also learned NOT to do that. :) I take a game as it is, not what I thought it was or think it should be or want it to be. It's a lot less annoying that way.


You're right on the "make or break", that's pretty standard. I think SWTOR will carry on for quite some time to come with a healthy enough player base for content upgrades, expansions, bug wrangling etc. Won't get to WoW levels but then it doesn't have to.

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The server I'm on just keeps losing it's players.


No way in hell is this game still at the 1.7 million subscribers, it's getting much lower. Of course if they add features like LFG tool, things might change for the better but as it is right now this game is not getting new players.


Claiming this is going well, does not make it so.

Edited by Slobozache
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The server I'm on just keeps losing it's players.


No way in hell is this game still at the 1.7 million subscribers, it's getting much lower. Of course if they add features like LFG tool, things might change for the better but as it is right now this game is not getting new players.


Claiming this is going well, does not make it so.


No concrete numbers to offer you, of course, but MANY people decided to move servers over the past six weeks or so. I know, I have done so and so have entire guilds. They decided that since it was taking too long for xfers/mergers etc. that it made sense to just move to a server that has population. It seems to be working out for them and, in some cases, worked just a bit too well given some of the threads from folks on Fatman with LONG queues.


As for new players, one of my guilds has recruited no less than 15 new players in the past week. Genuine new players, not alts.


So...all that said, who knows. You don't and neither do I. Time will tell.

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My honest opinion is that people went into this game exspecting to much from a game in its infancy. They did not consider the fact that the EA is money hungry and forced Bioware to release the game before was ready. In my opinion bioware is all the you can to fix the game. The fact that you have to realize is that if bioware had their way this game would have come out dec of 2012 not 2011. It needed another year of development and bioware knew that. EA just didnt care. Development takes time people; however the mojority player base of any MMO consist of 17year old kids who cant even wait for a stoplight do not understand this. Go become an engineer. Just see how long it Takes to get your design out and have it working flawlessly. Better yet, watch what happens when your investors force you to produce it before its ready. That is what happend here. Exspecting to see logic in an MMO is asking a lot I know. I am rank 90 valor and I am going to give this game the time it needs. I see its Potential. Edited by Zergnaut
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You can talk all you want.

I have unsubbed and was the last of my guild left. 2 months ago we were around 70. My server population is probably around a 1/4 of what it was in february.

Like uncounted posters said - roaming alone through a ghost town is no fun at least that is not what I expect behind the first M in MMO.

However I do not think that SWTOR will "die" - it will just downsize to a few servers and then continue as long as the income is higher than the expenses.

SWTOR was fun when there were many people to play with. Unfortunately it didn't last long.


After 14 years of playing MMOs, finally there is only one that left an undying impression on me and kept me playing for several years : Everquest.

In the current trend of always easier, faster and massively solo MMOs I do not think that I will ever see something on a par.

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The server I'm on just keeps losing it's players.


No way in hell is this game still at the 1.7 million subscribers, it's getting much lower. Of course if they add features like LFG tool, things might change for the better but as it is right now this game is not getting new players.


Claiming this is going well, does not make it so.


Not necessarily. Since we know now, as of two days ago, that BioWare's sub numbers are NOT decreasing, here's what's happening, and it's typical for EVERY MMO:


Remember, a server's decrease in players playing at any given time of day is not due to loss of subs. On the contrary, subs are increasing, or at least remaining steady, according to BioWare. What's causing this, then, is less people playing concurrently.


For example, you have 12 subs. At launch, people are excited, take days off, use vacation, decrease other entertaining activities, etc. to play as much as possible, more than they usually do in an MMO. Over a 24 hour period, you have 2 people logging in every 4 hours, and playing 12 hours at a time. At any given time during the day, you'll see 6 people playing.


Now, the launch excitement wears off, people start returning to their normal play durations, log in times, etc. After that typical MMO "dropoff", you now have 24 subs, but you have 2 people logging in every 4 hours, and playing for 4 hours. Thus, at any given time of the day, you'll see 4 people playing instead of 6. Subs have actually doubled. But because the concurrent playtime has dropped off, there is a perceived decrease in subs.


And, as is par for the course, BioWare has started a long-term, organized server transfer system. The reason why this works better than server merges for this issue is because, again, there is no loss of subs. Thus, merging servers will only cause insane Full queue times during events and expansions. Server transfers will not, since it tends to have a more "leveling" effect.


Now, that increase for 12 to 24 is a net result. Meaning people unsub, others sub new or resub, resulting in an overall gain.

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You can talk all you want.

I have unsubbed and was the last of my guild left. 2 months ago we were around 70. My server population is probably around a 1/4 of what it was in february.

Like uncounted posters said - roaming alone through a ghost town is no fun at least that is not what I expect behind the first M in MMO.

However I do not think that SWTOR will "die" - it will just downsize to a few servers and then continue as long as the income is higher than the expenses.

SWTOR was fun when there were many people to play with. Unfortunately it didn't last long.


After 14 years of playing MMOs, finally there is only one that left an undying impression on me and kept me playing for several years : Everquest.

In the current trend of always easier, faster and massively solo MMOs I do not think that I will ever see something on a par.


And even your beloved Everquest saw this exact same "launch surge/dropoff" trend that's going on now in TOR.


I promise, the sky isn't falling. ;)

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My advice is this.


Play out the remaining time on your cancelled accounts and then move on to something better.


Learn to play an instrument

Finish that degree

Get to know those children you sired

Read a book .




I believe MMO ends here, this is the end of the Road. The dust has settled ...


We, all of us , see what MMO is by now. A monumental waste of time.


There is a bigger prize waiting for you , invest in YOU not some fictional avatar.


heed the word or not you must admit the basic truth.


The time you devote here awards you one thing and one thing only.


wasted time



When you are on your deathbed will you utter in your dying breath " I wish I spent more time in MMO"




Return To Life

Edited by Blavatsky
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My advice is this.


Play out the remaining time on your cancelled accounts and then move on to something better.


Learn to play an instrument

Finish that degree

Get to know those children you sired

Read a book .




Absolutely agree, most excellent advice.


I believe MMO ends here, this is the end of the Road. The dust has settled ...


We, all of us , see what MMO is by now. A monumental waste of time.


There is a bigger prize waiting for you , invest in YOU not some fictional avatar.


heed the word or not you must admit the basic truth.


The time you devote here awards you one thing and one thing only.


wasted time



When you are on your deathbed will you utter in your dying breath " I wish I spent more time in MMO"




Return To Life


The last part is purely personal opinion. It's a shame that you feel this way as it does limit you in choice for sure. And of course it is "wasted time" but I will counter that with it is only "wasted" if you didn't enjoy it.


To each their own and all that.

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The last part is purely personal opinion. It's a shame that you feel this way as it does limit you in choice for sure. And of course it is "wasted time" but I will counter that with it is only "wasted" if you didn't enjoy it.


To each their own and all that.


A fair retort and I wont criticize


It is up to you what you find enjoyable.


I don't offer myself as any exception , I am a gamer also.


But my stance is this , given the negativity and the tiresome perspective that seems to prevail , don't you consider that our leisure is better spent elsewhere?


Are we not meant for something greater?


Consider this , it would be a huge task to suggest that you may listen to this and learn something from it...


Yet one hour alone ... just ONE HOUR I think would alter the perspective of all those who endeavor the effort.


Just one Hour into this...



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A fair retort and I wont criticize


It is up to you what you find enjoyable.


I don't offer myself as any exception , I am a gamer also.


But my stance is this , given the negativity and the tiresome perspective that seems to prevail , don't you consider that our leisure is better spent elsewhere?


The negativity is not universal. There are, despite the caterwauling on these forums a LOT of people who are having fun.


Are we not meant for something greater?


Perhaps some of us are on that path or have already trod upon that path and have spare time in which to relax and unwind? You seem to making the assertion that GAMING is all that we do. Yes, there are people like that, of course but again, not universal.


Consider this , it would be a huge task to suggest that you may listen to this and learn something from it...


Yet one hour alone ... just ONE HOUR I think would alter the perspective of all those who endeavor the effort.


Just one Hour into this...




I know this is going to sound condescending and I apologise in advance for that but have you ever heard the expression "don't try to teach your granny how to suck eggs"? :) I'm older, I'm retired. I've done all the things I wanted to in life save one which I never could get to do (meet an author I loved before he died). I play games as a hobby. Not as a life focus. And I have learned that not everyone is the same nor do they wish to be. Some folks have higher callings, some folks are content with what some might call "mediocrity". Unless someone's actions directly impinge upon mine in a negative way, all I can do is give 'em a nudge in what I consider the proper direction. The rest is up to them and it is not my concern.


To bring this around to your postings...obviously you are going through a transitory point in your life and good on ya! But you are not everyone. :)

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its so fun that people cant see the difference between being on Fleet 256 ppl and fleet-1 20 people....


Im playing on red eclipse and even after people waited 20 mins to get in someone asked why tehre was so few on the fleet...... classic.)

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just resubbed to see what 1.2 had to offer, unsubbed in 20 min. The graphics some how managed to look worse, the ui editior is not very good, when i hit the map, it is to large for my screen now and the top and side edges are off of my screen, as far as i could tell no way to resize the map when u press m, not the mini map. Overall game looks and feels dated been playing wow for the last month or so, and yes it looks better alot better. Game is bad
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just resubbed to see what 1.2 had to offer, unsubbed in 20 min. The graphics some how managed to look worse, the ui editior is not very good, when i hit the map, it is to large for my screen now and the top and side edges are off of my screen, as far as i could tell no way to resize the map when u press m, not the mini map. Overall game looks and feels dated been playing wow for the last month or so, and yes it looks better alot better. Game is bad


LOL, now there's an in depth review for ya.


The UI editor is not good? What? Its more dated then Wow? The UI editor is so simple a chimp could use it, and it is fully customizable beyond anything seen in an MMO before.


Honestly, this argument is absolute nonsense. I'm thinking that you re subbed so you could continue to spam the boards with this stuff.

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LOL, now there's an in depth review for ya.


The UI editor is not good? What? Its more dated then Wow? The UI editor is so simple a chimp could use it, and it is fully customizable beyond anything seen in an MMO before.


Honestly, this argument is absolute nonsense. I'm thinking that you re subbed so you could continue to spam the boards with this stuff.





What else needs to be said, everyone here has the game, if you dont agree and enjoy it, more power to you, nothing will change your mind anyways at this point. I think the game looks horrid and i didnt care for the new ui that much, it is what it is. At this point if you are still here playing SWTOR nothing will change your mind if the game being like it is already hasnt

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My honest opinion is that people went into this game exspecting to much from a game in its infancy.


Most of the negative comments are conjecture, or just plain ole fabrication. Many of the demands are well off the charts, for any MMORPG. Many of them have no understanding of how MMORPGs launch, grow, mature.


They did not consider the fact that the EA is money hungry and forced Bioware to release the game before was ready. In my opinion bioware is all the you can to fix the game. The fact that you have to realize is that if bioware had their way this game would have come out dec of 2012 not 2011. It needed another year of development and bioware knew that



This is an example of that conjecture. No proof at all of this, no indication of such at all. Just something made up out of thin air.


In fact, the more logical assumption would be regarding investors and the limited finances available to them until they begin to take in sales. Who is going to pay for that additional year of development with no return? There have been games of this nature that attempted to launch complete, and they failed. Horizons was a prime example. Simply ran out of money and their investors pulled out, game died.


That is the reason these games do not ship complete. MMORPGs launch with a shell, then begin development on advanced features while meeting their investment demands utilizing their paid subscriptions. I would guess that only a fraction of the posters on this board have any understanding of that at all.

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