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not having fun/don't want to play. but don't want to quit?


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Maybe leveling so many at once is actually hurting your experience. I mean switching around causes a break in the submersion which prevents you from possibly living out the story as they intended.


could be true, although that's what i have the most fun doing in general... so logic tells me i should have the most fun with it.


i don't raid, i don't enjoy premades in pvp... i hate dailies.

so.. i just can't see how i would enjoy 50 life with one character.


levelling up many characters and the journey is pretty much my thing in mmos.

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I'm pretty much in the same position OP, after the nerf to both classes I play (BH & Trooper) I have roll ed smuggler and am trying to find a reason to keep playing without much success. The game is good dont get me wrong but it has just lost its appeal somewhere, the patch/nerf was the last straw for me. I may hang around if I can get into the Smuggler line....
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Im in the same situation as original subject.


I was waiting for this game for years as WoW pretty much ran its course for me. Original GW just bored me.


I purchased a new PC for this game, fell in love with it and my class for first few months.


I was really looking forward to most of 1.2, and am pretty happy with a lot of the new stuff, especially the shared buff across classes and sprint at lvl 1 change.


However the changes that were made to my class(s) directly impacted the..ill say fun of my build and simply put makes me not want to play.


Its not that they are unplayable or bad per say, they simply changed enough of the talents that the way I perfected playing after 5 months doesnt apply as much, and isnt as fun to run around with, not in pvp, or pve dailyes/HM's


Im not really a go out on worknight kind of guy as I need to work early each week day, so my weeknights were filled with swtor. I was enjoying this as a primary hobby but not now.


My sub doesnt run out till july, and I really like socializing with people in my guild, but dont really feel like playing any of my characters anymore.


My suggesstion is dont half play for those on the teetering point, if you are going to stop, go cold turkey and cut the cord, I was never happier than 1 week after I stopped warcraft to put more time and effort into other things...and may be doing that here soon too.


So either suck it up and deal, finding a way to have fun, or stop all together, dont half play, you will just be miserable and bring down other who rely on you in game too if in a guild.

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i'm all for story but i don't think the story in this game succeeds, especially in combination with the useless side quests.


there's not enough creativity/free will/exploration/meaningfulness/too linear/not enough variation.


all that being said i don't want to quit either, i don't think it's a bad game.. it's kind of average.




I can relate for sure. I can go a week and not log in and not have withdrawals lol. "Back in the day" that never would have happened.


When I do log in, I spend more time tabbed out of the game doing other things. That's totally new for me where an mmo is concerned.


I love the class quests. And the world event is awesome, mainly because it was unannounced. I like spontaneity and an often-changing dynamic in an mmorpg (see your quote highlighted in red). About it feeling familiar, yeah... there was a plague in EQ2. Everyone's toons were puking for weeks lol.


The funny thing is, I normally love quests in a game. Want to do them all, no matter how lame (kill 10 rats, etc.). But in swtor, I want to skip all the unnecessary stuff and just follow the story. I don't pvp, though, and space missions are bleh, so I need the side quests to level. I think the reason for this change in me is because they've essentially built a single player rpg with a chat box and some multiplayer content that the side quests feel in the way. Plus, there isn't enough going on in the world to entertain while you are doing the kill-ten-rats style quests. No other players. No choices. Nothing unexpected.


Anyway, I do understand the not really wanting to play but not wanting to quit either. It's Star Wars. :) We've waited a long time for this, and there aren't any other ways to get our SW fix in an mmo format. For that reason alone, I want to stick with it and give it a good chance to improve and succeed.

Edited by Lunazen
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I too agree with you OP. I took a month break and I came back to find that I still don't have fun anymore. I think it is the inability to explore the planets. I have always enjoyed having freedom to go where I want in an mmo. In ToR you are corralled to areas with no option to just take off and explore areas. I am also a crafting fanatic and ToR has a very lackluster system.


I was anti-spacebar too, but I find myself wearing mine out now to blow through the same old quests with alts. I don't know what can be done with this game to make it better for me. The hero engine is here to stay obviously, so they can't open the existing worlds up. You can't get groups together to do flashpoints anymore. I think a cross server flashpoint finder option would help people actually find flashpoint groups, but I have no idea when that will take place.


As bad as I hate to say it, I am probably going to quit until something is done to make the game more enjoyable for me.

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I think the reason for this change in me is because they've essentially built a single player rpg with a chat box and some multiplayer content that the side quests feel in the way. Plus, there isn't enough going on in the world to entertain while you are doing the kill-ten-rats style quests. No other players. No choices. Nothing unexpected.


Anyway, I do understand the not really wanting to play but not wanting to quit either. It's Star Wars. :) We've waited a long time for this, and there aren't any other ways to get our SW fix in an mmo format. For that reason alone, I want to stick with it and give it a good chance to improve and succeed.




I think these are my feelings as well...you just said it better.

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i don't want to quit, maybe i just need someone to convince me to keep playing.. i dunno. lol. :D



Not our job to convince you to keep playing. It's the game developers job to do that. I liked Rift but the game didn't really hold my attention. So I quit and did not regret it, nor did I regret the time I spent playing. It was fun while it lasted and I got my money's worth. If you don't want to play then don't play. After a period of time not playing you still don't want to return and you've found more enjoyable things to do with your time then you should be doing those things instead.


This game can't be everything to everyone and perhaps it's just not the right game for you. It doesn't mean you think SWTOR is a bad game just not one you want to keep playing. I like TOR it it's held my attention for this long and I foresee it doing so for quite some time. But I am not you.


That said one of the major things that has kept me going in this game is the people I've met and made friends with. I like doing things with them in game. If you have not found a good guild or some good friends to play with this game does loose it's luster.

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