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Post 1.2 Gunnery findings (No QQ)


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Sticky-Grav round(or charged bolts)-Demo all end up blowing at about the same time for some nice burst.


I suppose in a short lived fight, but this would decimate your ammo would it not? I so however see the benefit of a quick burst of damage like that.

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I suppose in a short lived fight, but this would decimate your ammo would it not? I so however see the benefit of a quick burst of damage like that.


Oh, that's purely for pvp. If you're trying to burst someone down it's totally worth it, but you may need to take a break to regen after. I forget exactly, but if you're maxed out that combination will leave you at about 7 ammo. In pve, I agree, may as well take sticky off your bars.


Edit: Of course, if you're trying to get the most damage out of it you can, you need to lead with 2 or 3 grav rounds, so yea, it's a huge ammo cost.

Edited by namesaretough
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Cool thanks for the tips I swapped out some enhancments and brought my accuracy down to 111 from 114. Hasn't made a huge difference in my assault numbers but I will try it with gunnery soon. I will try to cut back on my hammer shot as well, I used to use it whenever my ammo was below the max recharge rate. How often do you sprinkle it in? How do you manage your ammo?
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Ran a test against a combat training target. I was able to sustain about 1200-1300dps for 300 seconds (could have kept going if I wanted to).


I am gunnery spec, full columi set (my weapon is champion main...so not as good)




few notes:

I only used grav round when I knew i'd still have enough ammo left to regen at a good rate.

I only used HiB when I had 5 stacks on myself.

FA was used whenever it proc'ed

I was not buffed at all. I did use my relic when it was available.

Edited by socman
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I tried doing the 3x gravity rounds but what I'm finding is I run out of ammo very very fast doing it that way. I'm having to weave in hammer shots very early on to try and keep ammo up enough for faster recovery. I've been doing a rotation that starts like this:




DR (5x gravity vortex debuff)


Repeating GR / HS until 5 stacks of buff, then using HiB. Switching back to FR as soon as that procs. If the ammo gets a little low then I weave in HS more often or use recharged cells if it's gone too low. I don't tend to run out of ammo as fast with this rotation.

Edited by MJHoyle
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Ran a test against a combat training target. I was able to sustain about 1200-1300dps for 300 seconds (could have kept going if I wanted to).


I am gunnery spec, full columi set (my weapon is champion main...so not as good)




few notes:

I only used grav round when I knew i'd still have enough ammo left to regen at a good rate.

I only used HiB when I had 5 stacks on myself.

FA was used whenever it proc'ed

I was not buffed at all. I did use my relic when it was available.


I click on the link but I only get log view, and not analytical view. You able to try and link the analytical view again? It comes up with this message:


No fights were detected.

You may, however, use the "By time" feature to specify your own time window to parse.

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Yeah looking at that parse from 18:19:43 to 18:25:00 gives Socman a 1243 DPS rating over the course of the fight, which is not too shabby at all comparing it to yours.


I literally can't think of any situation where I would have sticky even in my bars

Before Mortar Volley's reaction time got fixed I used it on the mouse droids on Karraga, and I use it on Gharj when its time to move platforms. Either on him or on the adds since its a fire or forget ability and I'll have the ammo back by the time we get to next platform.

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I tried doing the 3x gravity rounds but what I'm finding is I run out of ammo very very fast doing it that way. I'm having to weave in hammer shots very early on to try and keep ammo up enough for faster recovery. I've been doing a rotation that starts like this:




DR (5x gravity vortex debuff)


Repeating GR / HS until 5 stacks of buff, then using HiB. Switching back to FR as soon as that procs. If the ammo gets a little low then I weave in HS more often or use recharged cells if it's gone too low. I don't tend to run out of ammo as fast with this rotation.


I always GR->GR->HS->GR and then pop my skill that gives me a free ammo cast and then use demo round.

This always leaves me with good ammo and regen at the beginning.

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What is your thoughts on replacing the accuracy enhancements on the Tionese/Columi gear with crit enhancements for HM flashpoints? My guild leader told me to replace the crit enhancements on my orange gear with accuracy instead but after doing that we then couldn't down certain bosses in HM flashpoints before they enraged.
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dunno but did they nerf demo rounds with today's patch? i think im getting lower demo rds damage after the patch and ive been playing for 3hrs already.


Apparently demo was getting extra damage from debuffs other than our own grav vortex. That has been fixed.


And yeah, my demo round hits like a wet noodle now. I'd previously been optimistic about the 1.2 changes because of the big damage demo was doing, but now... Not so much.

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Hey Socman, you able to post your Tech and Ranged stats?



Damage = 705 - 977

Bonus Damage = 387.8

Accuracy = 103.17%

Crit Chance = 28.3%

Crit Multi = 64.4%



Bonus Damage = 689.1

Bonus Healing = 479.5

Accuracy = 113.17%

Crit Chance = 29.22%

Crit Multi = 64.4%

Activation Speed = 4%


Now, I am prob going to work on getting more crit and lowering accuracy, because from what ive heard from many people is accuracy is a pretty useless stat. I will prob at least get it down to 100% and go from there.

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Cheers, I'll try your rotation out.


Just remember after this point, there really is no "rotation". It is all then about making sure the 5 stacks stay on the target and to hit FA every time it procs. Other then that, it is GR in between, with HS being used when I need to regen some ammo.


I also look to keep my ammo at full recharge rate or the one right below. I never let it get below that unless I am about to use my regen skill.

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I definetly would say I've seen a drop in my dps. Somewhere in the range of 5%. You have to use hammer shot a ton more....and that is white damge, vs yellow damage of grav round and other things. In the new ops, myself and a sage were on the range target, and we had a sent and guardian dps on the other, and they were outdoing the range damage around 20% more, and we are all full rakata and know how to play our toons.


It could be that we just never noticed before (I doubt it), but it sure seems the melee crew is doing quite a bit more damage these days over ranged.

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Opening PvE Rotation should be 3 grav rounds. No exceptions. You provide armor reduction to all the dps, and maximizing the uptime of that armor reduction is important. Afterwards you will be a bit low on ammo (depends on crits), so you should pop reserve cell and throw plasma grenade (using anything else is typically a waste of reserve cell!) You should be OK on ammo by now; use a 0-cost HiB if not. Once your ammo has stabilized move onto the normal priority rotation (keep in mind, however, that even though grav round is pretty lame now, it's still important to keep the debuff stacked. During movement phases in ops I recommend using tech override on grav round). Edited by Arzoo
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Damage = 705 - 977

Bonus Damage = 387.8

Accuracy = 103.17%

Crit Chance = 28.3%

Crit Multi = 64.4%



Bonus Damage = 689.1

Bonus Healing = 479.5

Accuracy = 113.17%

Crit Chance = 29.22%

Crit Multi = 64.4%

Activation Speed = 4%


Now, I am prob going to work on getting more crit and lowering accuracy, because from what ive heard from many people is accuracy is a pretty useless stat. I will prob at least get it down to 100% and go from there.


Dude your DPS for your gearing was awesome. My best was 1340 on a short fight. If you look at min/max values of some of our damaging abilities, yours seems a little high if you look at my stats. So that doesnt seem right. Unless you were using the dummy at the same time as someone else I guess.





Bonus Damage 820

Accuracy 110.27

Critical Chance 37.74%

Surge 71.31%

Activation speed 4.00%




Bonus Damage 501.0

Accuracy 100.27%

Critical Chance 36.82%

Surge 71.31%

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It has to be said, after making an optimistic post, I feel extremely disillusioned by yesterdays "fix" to Demo, this ability was our saving grace and allowed me to keep up or be just below sentinel/gunslingers in ops, with its current state we will be quite far behind and simply not viable. Add this to our pathetic pvp survivability and we are now the worst class in swtor, hands down.
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Don't be too disillusioned. I just went 1390 DPS in 1st boss HM EV. I mean, theres a little bit of moving around, and the group I was with was learning the fight, as evidenced by the 3-4 attempts on the tower trash lawl.




That's good to see, I'm running EC HM tonight again, we did it recently so I have benchmarks. I'll see what happens and decide whether to just join the rest of the saber swingers. PVP wise, I cant fathom why anyone would take us to rated?

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After last nights foray I have a really good idea of how I am personally affected, overall DPS was about 6% down, putting me on par with a couple of our struggling players (trying to be diplomatic here) and way behind our gunslinger, who I was previously basically tied with every time before.


Big hit for me, feels really demoralising.

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Then according to BW you are right where you should be. We are supposed to be within 5% of the pure DPS...I mean afterall you can heal right? (Yes, that is sarcasm). Couple that with no utility, no survivability, and the easiest dps to shut down in PVP and you have the recipe for the most avoided class when rated warzones launch.
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