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Complete waste of time to even try a warzone after 1.2


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If you can't score yourself 4 medals to get rewarded with commendations at the end of the match then you don't deserve any reward for being so bad.


The problem that BW has created is not that you can't get 4 medals, it is the fact that I spend 15 minutes in a match and get those 4 medals and I have no tangable reward for those 4 medals. It does not matter if I lose 6/5 in hutt ball or 6/0. Why stay if it does not matter and there is no reason to play in a loss?

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And seriously, whoever had the bright idea of giving defender medals only to the people right by the gates in Void Star is a bad person. Who in their right mind (at least for ranged) would stand on the GD doors, in plain sight of everyone on the opposing team, that's like asking them to hand your *** to you.


This annoys me no end. I have a few spots I like to stand in and having tested them, 4 out of 6 on the first door set don't give defender points, and the two that do are the most exposed :(


Another 5m on the defender point range would have been nice... or actually doing the right thing and basing defender points in VS off of who you are hitting. I.e. if you are hitting somone near the doors no matter where you happen to be stood.

Edited by Livelyhound
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1. The small healing medal is gone from what I have seen.

2. No team score -> no personal score any more.


So, if you are outgeared or outnumbered (yeah, 3 to 8 can happen, and the matches don't stop like they used to before):

0 point score in hutt ball -> 0 points reward for the loosing team,

no door tapped in voidstar, again 0 points reward for the loosing team - regardless of if you personally scored 100 medals, 3 or 0 at all.


No chance any more to close the gap to teams outgearing you already. Even if you are mid geared, if you are set up with low geared players you can just leave, the reward is the same.


1: i still get the 2,5 k heal medal as a dps


2: i also get rewards in huttball and voidstar aslong as i get enough medals, have never seen o rewards aslong as i got my medals, and im fairly sure ive been on the receiving end of both 0-6 huttballs and no bomb voidstars

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Hey!!! BIOWARE!!! ***?


I took a week off from the game. I came back expecting the great and almighty 1.2 to have its first few tragic bugs fixed. I played a few warzones and realized quickly that you blew it.


First of all.. The losing team gets didly squat for warzone losses. Thats right. nadda. Its impossible to even grind through several losing warzones to hope to get better gear to compete. The fact is on my server the republic is outnumbered by the imperial population. The imperials all have full BM or WH gear and many republicans are still trying to grind to thier champ gear. Do you see the problem yet?



completely agree with you!

If this does not change all those people not having BM or WH gear will cancel their subscriptions and leave the game!

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Who doesn't have a set of BM gear? I'm talking about war hero gear, the stuff that's gonna take about 3.6 years to get a complete set off.


What's in game now is only temporary until rated wz's go live, at which point the grind you see now will be drasticaly reduced. The benefit of wh over doesn't seem to be that great apart from a few items



You idiots keep saying buck up and stop failing....but when i get about 12-13 medals(offensive and defensive)do about 300k damage, actually do what I'm supposed to in a wz, but because 6 out of the 8 people on my team have down syndrome and treat it like arena and i lose and its my fault?


Time to find yourself a group of people to play in, you'll need one for rated warzones anyway.



Have you been reading the posts in these forums? Hundreds of players are finishing with fewer than 3 badges despite playing hard throughout the fight. Being undergeared, thrown into a battle after others quit, being outnumbered and getting killed before you can get in a single kill or bugs that don't even reward you proper defender credits are just a few of the reasons. Don't project this problem onto players until YOU strip off your high end gear and join an undermanned pug against a pre-made, then you will know what the OP means.


Life hasn't been that hard on my centurion geared alt.



1. The small healing medal is gone from what I have seen.

2. No team score -> no personal score any more.


So, if you are outgeared or outnumbered (yeah, 3 to 8 can happen, and the matches don't stop like they used to before):

0 point score in hutt ball -> 0 points reward for the loosing team,

no door tapped in voidstar, again 0 points reward for the loosing team - regardless of if you personally scored 100 medals, 3 or 0 at all.


1. It's there, I've recieved it on my commando.

2. Not true, I've lost games received commendations in all of them, including zero doors blown in voidstar and zero goal hutt balls


I will agree that matches going on with scewed numbers is total bs though, the 2 min countdown was neccessary.


I spend 15 minutes in a match and get those 4 medals and I have no tangable reward for those 4 medals.


WZ comms, the currency that buys all your pvp gear isn't a tangible reward? :eek:



if you do well and still lose, you should get almost the same amount as the winning team, that way the better players are rewarded.


Agreed, but...


now you get nothing.



Not true, make the AFK-er/baddie medal threshold and you get something.

Edited by Brownnoise
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I, personally have made 50+ Commendations and over 2k Valor for losses. Where does this sense of entitlement come from? Why should you be rewarded excessively for failure?!


Butter up, buttercup!

Whose failure? Mine? I deffinitely cant move the fingers of 7 more men with me in the wz. I do my best, and i go for objectives. But if my team is fresh 50's or new pvpers, i am PUNISHED FOR THE FACT MY TEAM IS UNDERGEARED. Where is my personal fault in this? Why should a fair pvper that does all for his team , be punished because some rng placed him randomly with new guys?

The system promotes elitism, wz leaving, unfair pvp, unfair gearing process. And i am not talking about myself, i am almost full BM. But if it goes like this, no one will play any more. The new guys because they cant get anything out of it, the geared pvpers because they are too few to fill warzones.

Edited by alcek
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As we already have several threads for discussion of the new PvP rewards system, we're closing this thread and encourage you to join the existing discussions in either of the following threads:


Also, please note that Lead Combat Designer Daniel Erickson has posted this thread in response to this issue:


On Warzone Scoring and Rewards


Hey folks,


There's been a lot of discussion about the changes to the Warzone rewards system in Game Update 1.2 and the type of play style that it encourages. I wanted to help out a bit and point out a major change not all players may have noticed and share some of our plans.


First of all, rest assured we are keeping a close watch on the results of our reward changes to Warzones in 1.2 and we will continue to pull constant metrics to make sure they are going in the right direction as players get used to the new rules.


To refresh everyone's memories, one of the most important aspects of the new changes is that your team's performance inside the Warzone has a direct impact on a portion of the rewards you are given at the end of the Warzone. Even if your team is losing, the closer you can make the game the better your rewards will be - so don't give up hope! Giving up and letting the other team 'win faster' is now the worst possible route you can take to rewards.


Secondly, one of the things we have already identified to fix is to reduce the minimum amount of medals a player must receive to gain any reward at all. Currently that value is three (3), and we are going to reduce that to only needing one (1) medal to gain rewards. This should make sure we cover that all important backfill player while still protecting against the freeloaders.


As we move forward, we will continue to meet and discuss other possible changes based on the feedback here on the Forums as well as the data coming in from the live servers. As always, we appreciate your comments and want to hear from you.



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