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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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It is, after all, called a role playing game - this is a tremendous amount of the point of playing it. .


Exactly - it is a ROLE PLAYING GAME, and a MULTIPLAYER one at that. To think that you can control all facets of the game and have them to your delight is asinine. If you want something static, set-in-stone, not dynamic and never-will-change, MMOs are not for you...go pick up Skyrim. You keep bringing up "what (you) paid for" but one of the biggest disclaimers was that

"Game experience may change during online play"and has always been a staple of an MMOs user agreement.

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How about.. stopping a massive planetary war between Jawas and Sand people over Salvage Rights..


How about.. Random Imperial / Republic Invasion by Special Forces Drop Pods hitting the Fleet at random locations and need people in Fleet to band together and stop the invaders


Love it! BW please do it! :D


If you want to have more RAKGHOUL based story, Make an inverse like a good hearthed but ugly looking Rakghoul separatist who want to be your companion ..


Like a pet :p


I got both! The pale and the crimson! :) Can't wait til a couple months down the line when I can pop them out and scare the living daylight out of people!

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Exactly - it is a ROLE PLAYING GAME, and a MULTIPLAYER one at that. To think that you can control all facets of the game and have them to your delight is asinine. If you want something static, set-in-stone, not dynamic and never-will-change, MMOs are not for you...go pick up Skyrim. You keep bringing up "what (you) paid for" but one of the biggest disclaimers was that

"Game experience may change during online play"and has always been a staple of an MMOs user agreement.


Yeah some of my favorite negative comments towards this event is that it is ruining open PvP. Are you effing serious? It is THANKS to this event that I have been witnessing more open PvP in the last 24 hours than I have in the nearly 4 months this game has been out.

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Of course, it is effecting both teams equally, but it makes for warzones which are overall less focused on skill. It's problematic.


You explained stuns and resolve bar in great detail, that's nice. But it's not necessary.


In reality, it only happens once every 10 minutes. I really wouldn't call something that happens once every 10 minutes "problematic". Let's assume a warzone lasts 20 mins. You'd only explode 2-3 times over the course of 20 mins.

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So a stun that occurs for 3 seconds or so once every 10 minutes makes pvp unplayable?




Do you realize how completely idiotic you sound?


Absolutely, if it hits at the wrong time it can.


For example, the Alderaan Civil War (one of the warzones) is veeerrrrryy often just a matter of who controls the turrets first. Often, they never swap to the other side or the advantage gained early is so large that it cannot be overcome. If a player right at the beginning of the warzone were to stun when he is going to take the left turret (which often is done solo), that may result in the other team getting that turret and de facto winning.


If you search the forums, you'll see a TON of people complaining about how the changes to PvP scoring have made it hard enough as it is to actually get rewards from the warzones and the changes are resulting in many early quits.

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apparently my server disagrees. this event is all anyone has been doing on mine for the last six hours.:rolleyes:


Mine too. It's all I've done all day! :D


The plague is a different story.


People need to recognize that those who are objecting are not objecting to the event, but only to the way the plague debuff is working and the negative impacts its having on server life.

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It's still not griefing when they get somethign for it. Moreso, is if they infect someoen they get credit toward a quest :eek: !! that means free XP for exploding on people.


yeah, helpign peole get currency and free XP is *totally* griefing.


Eh, I'm not sure "getting something for it" erases the argument that some folks don't want to participate for whatever reason.


Kind of like I slap you upside the head and then give you a fiver. That'd make it all better, right? And yeah, I know you're likely to say: Sure! ;)


I think it's a fun event, I lost track of how many times I died doing it on one character because the 'Net gods saw fit to give me a craptacular connect yesterday. Today it looks great and I will be having a lot of fun doing it and, this time, actually getting to see something other than every 5th frame. :D

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I can assure you that this is an entirely inaccurate statement, both as pertains to my personal life and as regards the support for the event.


Again, the support for the event is very high.


The support for the plague facet of it is, I believe, not. On the forums is it popular? Yes. I do not believe it is popular amongst the majority of players, most of whom do not post here.


Are you kidding? TOR forums are notorious around gaming for being filled with never satisfied whiners and complainers; gamers who hate just to hate. If the vast majority are in support of this event ON THESE FORUMS then you'd better believe that Allah himself is joyously running around the Fleet infecting people

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THANKS to this event that I have been witnessing more open PvP in the last 24 hours than I have in the nearly 4 months this game has been out.


This 10/10.


Thx Bio for yesterday's fun :) Want more...

Edited by Elendil_PL
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A yes, the famous: "Only 5% of players use this forum and everyone who agrees with me is the other 95%" argument.


Sorry, but that does not fly. Especially considering how undividedly possitive all responses were last night.


Heck, I was in an RP event last night when someone came in and exploded. We just rolled with it and had a laugh as we continued with our Pazaak tournament after everyone was vaccinated.


Sorry, but no. You are the very small minority here.


One cannot deny that there is a particular type of player who posts on forums, and that the general view of the game of those who do not post is typically fairly different, no?

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Yeah some of my favorite negative comments towards this event is that it is ruining open PvP. Are you effing serious? It is THANKS to this event that I have been witnessing more open PvP in the last 24 hours than I have in the nearly 4 months this game has been out.


Really? Still? Are you sure?


I saw that for a while and it was great.


Now, imps and pubs are literally standing next to each other. They drive past each other and don't attack. It's completely dead.

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You explained stuns and resolve bar in great detail, that's nice. But it's not necessary.


In reality, it only happens once every 10 minutes. I really wouldn't call something that happens once every 10 minutes "problematic". Let's assume a warzone lasts 20 mins. You'd only explode 2-3 times over the course of 20 mins.


Again, if that ONE explode comes at the right time, it can automatically lose the warzone for you. Warzones are TREMNENDOUSLY precise about where you need to be and when.

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It is THANKS to this event that I have been witnessing more open PvP in the last 24 hours than I have in the nearly 4 months this game has been out.


Potentially true at least :). Am on a pvp server (but don't pvp. Go figure). After 4 months of play, today was the first time I ever saw someone from the opposite faction. I was killing an event quest mob. While I was healing up, he ran up to spawn the same mob.


However, when we came face to face, we let each other live. It was all very civilized (said with an Imperial accent).


But the potential was there at least.


Anyway, OP... I normally don't accuse people of whining. I usually figure most complaints are valid, at least as an opinion. In this case, not so much. This is part of the dynamic experience of an MMO. I vote for more world events.

Edited by Lunazen
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That's something entirely different. We're not talking about a story, here, we're talking about a product. Products are sold under a particular description, understanding of their function, etc. When I buy my microwave, I expect that it will function the same a year from its date of purchase from as it did that very day.


Or, to look at the products of movies, since you brought up the films, consider another example. What if instead of saying he was Luke's father, Vader said that he was a cowboy from the wild west, and the film suddenly became a western? Absurd, you might say? Of course! The film was sold to be a science fiction film, not a western. I think most would be rather unhappy and feel disappointed in the movie if Empire Strikes Back had gone this way. Indeed, there are films that do things like this, and they are rejected, given poor ratings, and have poor sales.


The point here is that when I signed up for Swotr, and when I pay my bill each month I expect the game content to change as time goes on, and I expect certain aspects of the game - such as class balance - to be adjusted. What I do not expect is for core gameplay components around which the game was built to suddenly be ignored and for the entire experience to change to something that in many ways is far different.


.....your example is kinda moot as that would be the entire genre changing.


This event is well within Star Wars and sci-fi cannon. There is no disclaimer in the launcher notes stating that the game will always stay the same.

Therefore the description of the product you have paid for seems to have been misinterpreted by you.


I understand all the points you are making, I just think that you may have an incompatible view of what the product is in this case.

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Mine too. It's all I've done all day! :D


The plague is a different story.


People need to recognize that those who are objecting are not objecting to the event, but only to the way the plague debuff is working and the negative impacts its having on server life.


the plague IS the event. recognize that. server life is more lively than it's been since EGA. get over it.

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.....your example is kinda moot as that would be the entire genre changing.


This event is well within Star Wars and sci-fi cannon. There is no disclaimer in the launcher notes stating that the game will always stay the same.

Therefore the description of the product you have paid for seems to have been misinterpreted by you.


I understand all the points you are making, I just think that you may have an incompatible view of what the product is in this case.


Let me ask this.... do you think BioWare, when putting together this very cool and exciting event, intended for people to stop doing warzones for the duration? Do you think they intended people to ignore the GTN, or to stand on the fleet all day doing nothing?


I don't think they intended this at all, and I think that had they forseen it they would have done things ever so slightly differently.

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No, right now it would just take logging in. I'd be infected before I was able to leave the fleet and head to belsavis (where I normally solo the heroic 2 and 4s along with some of the rest of the dailies)


I'm sorry, this simply is not true. I was able to move around Fleet last night at the height of this without being infected. So, no it does not take just logging in.


Look, I understand that some of us don't want to be involved in this. I get that. But hyperbole isn't helping here. I had 2 of my lowbies (under 20) on Fleet doing their thing for about a half hour each and neither got infected.

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What you ask is like asking halfway through the WoW Wrath of the Lich King expansion: "You know, I've had enough of undead.. can we not get pandas now?"

Yes you will, just let this story end first before you start your next.


i dont know .. i certainly dont want kungfu panda in SWTOR.. thats borderline stupid imho

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the plague IS the event. recognize that. server life is more lively than it's been since EGA. get over it.


Again, people standing in a corner is not server life. Let me put it this way...


I have been on Tatooine all day long. The planet usually has at most 10 people on it. It has had about 50 people on it all day, most of them level 50s.


Where were they all day... were they waiting for world bosses to respawn? Fighting the opposite faction? Doing the event quests?


Well, they did these things, for a couple of hours....


but then, they disappeared, all on the planet, but all just infecting each other and not really doing anything else.

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Absolutely, if it hits at the wrong time it can.


For example, the Alderaan Civil War (one of the warzones) is veeerrrrryy often just a matter of who controls the turrets first. Often, they never swap to the other side or the advantage gained early is so large that it cannot be overcome. If a player right at the beginning of the warzone were to stun when he is going to take the left turret (which often is done solo), that may result in the other team getting that turret and de facto winning.


If you search the forums, you'll see a TON of people complaining about how the changes to PvP scoring have made it hard enough as it is to actually get rewards from the warzones and the changes are resulting in many early quits.



A 3 second stun that happens once every 10 minutes or so has made the game completely unplayable when you are getting stunned several times per minute already because it's pvp?


You can't be serious. You can't expect the rest of us to take you seriously.


The effect on pvp is miniscule. It is not even worth noting.


You ever seen one person loudly screaming something in public that everyone knows is completely ridiculous? Maybe that person is holding a sign or wearing weird clothes and everyone walking by just kind of gives them a weird look and wonders what wrong choices that crazy person made in their life that resulted in them standing on a street corner making a fool out of themself.


Ever seen that?


I have.

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