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World Event Bugged 8/9 Codex


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This solution is simply unacceptable. Just give us #9 when we log in after having the first 8. How hard is this?


Unless you're willing to spot me the money I paid to wait around in the game for the respawn and the coordination to actually kill the Bantha on my vastly one sided server.

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Yesterday I killed all three world bosses and was sitting at 8/9 today.


I was just in an Imperial ops group that was fighting with a Republic Ops group over Urtagh. He looked red to us, so we kept fighting. When he went down, I got my 9th codex entry (and the title), but we didn't get any of the loot for Urtagh and other members of my ops group didn't get his codex entry.


I guess maybe you only have to be present when Urtagh dies to be awarded the final codex entry, even if your ops group doesn't kill it?

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Well, would you know... I just saw Urtagh and took the chance to organize a group in Instance 2 where there is always few players, so less chance to encounter Republics. We took him down and suddenly I had the missing codex entry and title. I am so glad this is over.
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Ok so I killed all three world bosses again today and no title. I talked to one of the live chat people and he said that my logs didnt show that I killed any of the world bosses even though I have killed all three, and have 1-8 of the codex entries... He also told me, he could not tell me what I missed, but to check the fourms becaue they would tell me the what i missed... I love the game, but please fix this! It was nice of them to take the time to check my logs, but how does that not show up? Edited by ImmortalLeoman
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Downed Utagh AGAIN today and the title is still not unlocking. I am NOT doing this a third time. Time to earn their money and GIVE it to people who have all the codex entries required. It was unprofessional to begin with to ask people to correct their mistake and now that the issue persists, its beyond a joke.

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Downed Utagh AGAIN today and the title is still not unlocking. I am NOT doing this a third time. Time to earn their money and GIVE it to people who have all the codex entries required. It was unprofessional to begin with to ask people to correct their mistake and now that the issue persists, its beyond a joke.


Yup, we just did that. I recognise your name from the Op just. I was Aerith. I think only 3 or 4 of our group got it.

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We just ran an group and re-did Trapjaw (after having done all three). One of our group got the title (it was the last one he hadn't completed) but nobody that had already downed all three bosses got it.


Trying on the other two bosses now, will update later.

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Killed Urtagh again, just like the patch notes said to do, still didn't get the 9th codex entry or title. Still stuck at 8/9. :mad:


Edit: It took doing all three over again to get the title. What made it even more 'fun' was the empire griefing us by taunting away Zama Brak repeatedly to reset him. Frankly, you shouldn't be able to taunt a tagged creature.

Edited by Neamhan
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Did all the solo quests + killed all three bosses with my BH tonight and instantly got the last codex (9/9).

Had 7/9 codexes on my assassin and decided to go kill off Trapjaw by myself to finish the event. Got the boss kill codex, but DID NOT get the title codex :(

Edited by Gottskallk
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I am 8/9 codex, killed the three bosses. I did not get my title. Opened a ticket. CSR tells me to kill a world boss today. I killed Zama Brak again, no title still.


Server: Juyo - Name: Troopz



Cmon BioWare, stop dropping the ****** ball.

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My problem is a little different than anyone else. I only have 8/9 in my codex, but I did get the "Containment Officer" title after downing the 3rd boss. I killed Urtagh a second time following the patch thinking that would give me the 9/9, but it didn't work. Not sure what I am missing.
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As apparently this is the official thread about the issue, let's comment here as well.


Killed the boss twice after the patch now, yet my codex count remains on 8/9 and the game failed to give me the title. The issue is most obviously still bugged and the patch has had no effect.

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I also have 8/9 codex entries, and no title has been awarded to me which is frustrating to say the least.

Killing the World Bosses over and over again is hardly a solution because it's not easy to find a group to do it and have the boss spawned at the same time.


They should just give title to everyone with 8/9 entries and be done with it, damn it.

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And this is exactly why I will not be renewing my subscription. Such a poor CS and buggy game.


In any other game a CS or In Game support would have awarded a title to a player automatically. I do not blame CS or In-game support people, the blame is solely on BW. I don't think support people have the tools to make those fixes like they do in other MMOs. The only tool that support people have in this game is to generate those corny "Protocol Droid....." canned response emails that help no one.


Just my rant.

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In any other game a CS or In Game support would have awarded a title to a player automatically.


This i agree with completely, they are complicating things too much and are inefficient in the process.

I rally don't understand why CS doesn't award a title to a player who submitted a ticket after checking up on his codex entries.

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I am bugged as well..probably not what you want to hear but I filed a ticked and actually heard back....the email I received said they are looking into it and because of the nature of this type of thing my ticket entry was deleted from the ingame system and I will not be updated as to any further actions on their part.....WOW...REALLY.



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The same thing happened to me, 8/9 codex and no title. So the expectation is for us to repeatedly do the steps to complete the entry and receive the title? That is total BS, and they should check codex's and assign the title anyway. Yes it's a game, but we spend real cash/time on this and have certain expectations that it WAI, and when it doesn't we get angry. :mad:


This situation needs to be corrected asap.

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