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Revan's true self is Sith/Dark Side


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Anyone would have followed Revan. The Jedi council were a bunch of stuck up snobs sitting in peaceful villas while innocent people were getting slaughtered.


Revan fixed that.


Then promptly fell to the darkside, but such is the life of great Jedi.



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LOL I'll leave you to gauge your fail once you see it friend.


You're the only only one with fail "friend".


Revan was stronger than before, after he'd returned to the Light Side.

It's canon, therefore it's fact, therefore you fail.

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Luke said, there is no Gray. There is onyl Dark and Light.


The same luke that said "some people dont deserve mercy" right before allowing a ship full of people to die right? The same Luke that fried killiks with force lightning during the swarm wars right?


Actions speak louder than words Master Skywalker.

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couldn't we agree revan is more or less like windu, a jedi/sith that isn't a pure jedi/sith but more of a pragmatic one, like windu is a jedi but with a substantial darker side to his persona.


not inherently good or evil but just does what he thinks is needed and tries to achieve that in the best possible way which sometimes makes him take the light side approach and sometimes the dark side.


And since he is trying to save the galaxy (from his point of view) he sometimes has to take harsh action which we automaticly place under the header dark side even though there have been other instances if which jedi took harsh actions to achieve what they thought was needed.

Edited by Habushun
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Real Revan was when he went insane and declared that he should kill everyone with sith blood. Then he died knowing that he was a failure.


There is quite high possibly he is still alive (well his spirit anyways), because the Emperor has been keeping him alive/Immortal and there is no evidence he stopped/reversed it (Lord Scourge is still Immortal even though he no longer under Vitiate's direct control).


Also due to the fact they were mind linked for so long it's very possible Revan learned Vitiate's spirit transfer and has now taken over another body (one of Vitiate's unused/rarely used Voices).

Edited by AngelousWang
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The problem with dark/light side of the force debates is that various authors throughout the EU have had their own interpretation of what the nature of the force is make it into print. Jacen Solo in the Vong series discovers that there is no lightside or darkside - there is only the force, for example. Which isn't exactly not in keeping with the jedi code after all. Then this later gets discarded for duality again. Apparently GL favours the duality version so that's canon. Bioware on the other hand favours the more murkier version, which does allow for more complex villains.
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The problem with dark/light side of the force debates is that various authors throughout the EU have had their own interpretation of what the nature of the force is make it into print. Jacen Solo in the Vong series discovers that there is no lightside or darkside - there is only the force, for example. Which isn't exactly not in keeping with the jedi code after all. Then this later gets discarded for duality again. Apparently GL favours the duality version so that's canon. Bioware on the other hand favours the more murkier version, which does allow for more complex villains.


As I posted before


The Darkside is used by channeling emotions.

The Lightside is used by being in a tranquil and focused state.


That is canon, other authors are non-canon if they disagree.


There is only one force, the force is an energy field, this energy field has two types of energy with it, a type of positive energy (the Lightside) and a type of negative energy (the Darkside).


You can use any "power" with any energy type, however it is more difficult to do positive things (like healing) with negative energy (or the other way around).


Originally the (at the beginning of time or such) the force was just 100% positive energy, which is why they also call the Lightside of the force the "natural" force (and why George Lucas see's destroying the Sith as bringing balance, rather than a equal balance).


The negative energy was (an still is) created by sentient live, when sentient live (we assume the Rakata) started to access the force their powerful uncontrolled emotions interacted with the force corrupting/twisting it into negative energy (and now every time someone emotionally uncontrolled accesses the force they corrupt more and more positive energy to negative, which is why Sidious/Plagueis was able to unbalance the force so much the Jedi had trouble using it, and why Bane teaches there is only a finite amount of Darkside energy at one time and having many Darkside force users at once is a bad idea, as it make them all weaker having to share).


As for the will of the force:


The Darkside seems to keep traces of the emotions that created it within it, and forces uncontrolled bursts of these emotions on force users using it, which is how/why the Darkside tends to force Darkside users into doing stupid/self destructive things.


The positive energy is somewhat more mysterious,

1. Some think it has mind of it own (that is may be alive).

2. Some think it has the collective subconscious will of the Lightside force users connected to it.

3. Some think it has collective will of the dead Lightside force users.

4. Some think it has the collective will of all life in galaxy.


Personally I'd say 2 or 3, because that matches up with the Darkside.

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All this 'was he light or dark' arguing is pointless...


...the REAL question is was he Soldier, Scoundrel, or Scout?




I think Scout, as explains the massive number of alien languages, Revans complete lack of republic and recent/common knowledge (which a solider should know) and why Revan was recruited (hiring a Smuggler/Scoundrel to do any other than Smuggling is retarded).

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I really think what ever author/game says should just be taken as fact as it all has lucas brand on it, if it says revan can/used light and dark at the same time, why is it a problem?

it's cool and would make since as he mastered both.


also adding new ways to use the force adds to the the whole universe of star wars,

the whole cannon and non cannon thing is pointless and just creates pointless arguments.


I say just take it as it is, I mean some of the stuff about luke creating a work holes is just silly and way OOT, but oh well, still counts (I mean if he can do that, revans light and dark combo is not as far fetched)

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I really think what ever author/game says should just be taken as fact as it all has lucas brand on it, if it says revan can/used light and dark at the same time, why is it a problem?

it's cool and would make since as he mastered both.


also adding new ways to use the force adds to the the whole universe of star wars,

the whole cannon and non cannon thing is pointless and just creates pointless arguments.


I say just take it as it is, I mean some of the stuff about luke creating a work holes is just silly and way OOT, but oh well, still counts (I mean if he can do that, revans light and dark combo is not as far fetched)


It contradicts the words of the man who created the universe in the first place. if everyone just contradicts him willy nilly this turns into Star Trek with a bagillion different dimensions.


Also, Revan did not master the Light Side or the Dark Side, if he had he would one: be to wise and enlightened to fall in the first place and two: be irredeemable, as that is what Mastery of one aspect of the force does to a Force User, it contradicts itself.

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