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Let's talk about Kaylio


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Below the following contains some spoilers. I am currently in the middle of ACT 2.


I met Kaylio and she was nice enough. I decided like with all my companions to boost up my affection with her. On my first mission she.



Kaylio Side Quests




1. Sends me to Nar Shadda to help free one of her long lost friends. I help her break out her pal only to to discover she plans to turn her into the exchange. I had an option to let her go but I chose to dark side route. Thinking it would gain me favor with Kayilo..Not so much.


2. A guy comes out of her room half naked in the second time I speak to her. Not kidding. He had his shirt off on the ship. It was an arkward moment. You could tell they just messed around. I held off from flipping out on her.


3. She needs my help to take out four seperate people all who I discover she be-friended then betrayed. I help her out without pause and now I have her down to MAX Affection.



(So that's it?...is there anymore to the mission? I was thinking we would go in some full fledge romance. Kinda a dull ending if that was end of her side missions.)

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Your mistake was assuming "she was nice enough." She isn't. She's the sort of gal who insists on defining her minimum number of lovers in the pre-nup. If you decide you can live with that, you'll get on. Otherwise she'll just break your heart. Edited by Flaminica
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You're mistake was assuming "she was nice enough." She isn't. She's the sort of gal who insists on defining her minimum number of lovers in the pre-nup. If you decide you can live with that, you'll get on. Otherwise she'll just break your heart.


Is there no other mission to her storyline that was it? I expected her to be a ranchy on tone of her personality. I wasn't expecting her to make her do things for me with no rewards. On my other companion



Warrior. I got to


Somewhat marry the girl. Was defeating her former bosses the ending of her side missions?


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Her quest is related to companions later on. As you collect Lokin, and Temple there are interactions that can't progress untill you have them and have had the appropriate conversations with those companions.


Mid affection spoiler for Lokin:

For example. Lokin mentions he will keep an eye on Kaliyo and then this leads to another little storyline with her.


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My Kaliyo never accepted courting gifts at any affection level, even after I proposed. I'm not sure if that's a bug or if that's just the way she rolls. Temple loves them and doesn't seem to care if I already have two wives and a boyfriend. Edited by Flaminica
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once I saw Kaliyo was willing to sell out her own friend that saved her is when I knew that she would never become nothing more then a casual flirt, as for the companion gifts kaliyo likes weapons and ammo and that sort of stuff, but yeah kaliyo is just downright dumb, she loves when you flirt sometimes but not others, she just doesn't mesh well with my character, he's a LS agent who does things by the book, the only time I do dark side stuff is if someone betrays me or is a dishonorable person then i'll just finish them off, and Kaliyo is a hedonistic anarchist nympho maniac so she'll be nothing more then a punching bag for my agent in battles.
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Let's put it this way, she's not the person I'd choose to hop onboard, but having been saddled with her, she's grown on me. Hell, I NEED someone to tell off. Otherwise it'd just be me bro-fistiting Vector and Lokin. Similarly, a renegade Agent still needs Temple to glare at every time she mentions the good of the Empire.
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Pretty much, if your companion isn't talking, progress the story.


There's a lot more Kaliyo than you've listed here.


That's what I intend to do. As a poster mentioned above once I gain my second companion on Taris its supposed hook the next phase of the storyline. Right now I have her at max affection. I have been using companion gifts for the most part to boost her affection.


As for her personality. I am interested to know what you all thought. How she did in your story etc. I found her to be extremtrly taking advantage of the situation in a no so obvious way. It's may be difficult for some men easily wooed by girls not to do as she asks in a given situation.




As for ending of Act 1. I actually


Did not help Jadus because she complained and I quote "You want to sell her out that's fine but to Jadus" ..I quickly "ESC" out and restarted this time going against him. Women can make men do crazy things.


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As for her personality. I am interested to know what you all thought. How she did in your story etc. I found her to be extremtrly taking advantage of the situation in a no so obvious way. It's may be difficult for some men easily wooed by girls not to do as she asks in a given situation.

As far as I can tell :

- she's a compulsive liar. What I don't know yet is whether it is simply her way of doing things, or a way to protect herself.

- she likes it when you play tough, but she does not want to be on the butt end of one of your tough acts. She likes it even better if you can handle bluff and irony and play along, knowing it's all pretense.

- she bears grudges.


In the end, she sounds exactly like the girl who would say "I was not born a *****, men like you made me that way" - or, more specifically, would never say it but would act like she meant that exactly. But, as I said above, I still cannot say whether there's a complex person that hurts inside, of she's a conniving ***** down to the core.

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Yeah I'm just now on Tatooine, and I'm excited to see where the relationship will go, because she's alot like the Joker from Batman. She's an anarchist so it's hard to see what she'll do next and is always scheming!
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Damn. I am level 27. I am having trouble speeding my experience to get to level 33. I do not know how people "Power Level" The side quests have been done to death and I'm simply bored of the. So I PVP but that takes a bunch.


On Topic.


I really hope she does not leave me down the road. I know in the Sith Warrior SL one of your companions try to sell you out but he ends up coming back to you. When Kayilo try's to sell you out can you forgive her. I'm intent on having a happy ending with her.

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You have to progress through your story and get to all the planets before you can complete all your companions' stories. So yes, there's more to Kaliyo's quests too. In general be careful about the responses you choose, you can get her really pissy at you or get her to open up a little more about herself.

Not sure how you responded to some of the stuff she did, but you can break off the relationship in a couple of parts.


I ended up marrying her on my second agent, since I married Temple on my first. She's a crack up; definitely my favorite companion of all the classes I've played.

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I guess I'm just a plain vanilla kind of person, but I prefer Temple for romancing purposes. Kaliyo is still my bro though. Can't really fault her for being a free spirit with a dollop of *****iness thrown in.
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I guess I'm just a plain vanilla kind of person, but I prefer Temple for romancing purposes. Kaliyo is still my bro though. Can't really fault her for being a free spirit with a dollop of *****iness thrown in.


I don't really find anything vanilla about Temple...she's more of a nutcase than Kaliyo if you ask me. At least you see Kaliyo's actions coming a mile away, and, she lets you talk her out of some things.

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I don't really find anything vanilla about Temple...she's more of a nutcase than Kaliyo if you ask me.

Elaborate on that, because I don't see it. Unless you're of the opinion that anyone that actually believes in the Empire is insane. Which, ok, i can understand the opinion (though I don't share it). But even so I wouldn't at all classify Temple's behavior as erratic. Once you understand she is a patriot (with a touch of naivete ) her actions all make perfect sense.

Edited by Stlthshark
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Oh I understand perfectly....that doesn't mean I like it/agree with it. Maybe you haven't finished going through her quests yet...


There is no way to justify her taking her father's life into her own hands. He did it to protect her, she repaid him with death. He could have given himself a quick death if he was concerned about being discovered and being subject to Sith punishment. She even admitted it'd be best if she turned herself in...but she'd rather keep hiding herself.


Also, it creates a uncomfortable position for my own character who could see her deciding it would be "the right thing to do for the Empire" to kill ME as well.



Don't misunderstand me, I like that this happened in the story and I like Temple's character, I don't want to change the way the story happened and I'm interested to see where it goes in the future. But I don't find that to be a positive mark on her profile and my character certainly doesn't like it.

Edited by chuixupu
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I can understand where you're coming from a bit as I tried to talk her out of that course of action too. However, the way I took her explanation after the fact seemed to indicate it wasn't just something she did unilaterally (which would be a little off) but something that was a consensus reached by both parties involved.

In other words, I believe she talked to her father before the act. And if that was the case it casts the event in a completely different light.

And again, I don't agree with that decision at all, but I understand the reasoning that could lead to it and I don't feel that that in itself makes her a "nutcase".


Of course, this is based on my own reading of events that happened off-screen and given I didn't play through it multiple times it's possible I missed something or am reading it wrong. That being said, I'm sticking to my explanation as it works for me :p

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I'm pretty sure she didn't contact her father previously, because one of my options was to tell her to contact him and let him know he had been located, and she had some reason why she didn't want to do that...also I just don't see her father agreeing to have her kill him. Like I said, suicide would be a far easier alternative if he wanted to die.. Now I suppose there COULD be more to this than we're led to believe. Maybe what she tells you is not what really happened, but we might not know until later if that's the case.

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she is perfect for a spy

liar, anarchist and casual.

she can take lies and you must expect lies from her and spies are all about lies.

have a corect dose of anarchism needed for a spy that must not have regit morals to do his job and must always distrusts his superiors in order to survive, at some point wthey will sell him out if that is in their advantage (espesialy as an imperial)

and then she is casual at all... she stays cool at all times she doest not have any problem with temporary relationships you have sedusing targets

and she is clear from the start as long she remains curius and have fun she will be game.

its hard if think of yourself a principaled moral loyal guy. but then wake up you are nothing of sort as an agent that do the dirtiest of the dirty missions there are around.

at the end she proves to be more reliable and good fun than any other companion....

well if you forgo the game play isues :p

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