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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dungeon Finder

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Too late.


I am afraid so too.


What I read in the forum here is exactly the same type of player who ruined wow. It seems like the "young" generation that play MMO´s today can only be rude, unsocial etc.



Hopefully BW can resist their demands, else we got wow 2.0 - maybe GW is the solution then.... its a shame tho as SWTOR right now is really fun, like vanilla wow was once.

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I am afraid so too.


What I read in the forum here is exactly the same type of player who ruined wow. It seems like the "young" generation that play MMO´s today can only be rude, unsocial etc.

Actually it's the nostalgic long-time gamers who call anyone who doesn't want to be controlled "kids", like you did.


There IS a generation gap here, no doubt, and I find myself on the side of the younger generation despite being almost 40 and having been around since Ultima Online. The older generation confuses timesinks with challenge. They can't tell the difference. The younger generation doesn't.


My apparent immunity to the phenomenon of nostalgia gives me a clearer view than most older gamers. Vanilla WoW, EQ and DAOC all had a whole lot of crap in them that I'm glad is gone. Spamming general chat for a group while you sit on the fleet station is SWTOR's crap that needs to be purged.


dont need it stop being lazy make your own groups or use the system thats in place k thx bye


/end thread


go back to wow.


MMORPG's need timesinks.


Edit: why people want to implement WoW mechanics in SW: Tor is beyond me. This types of requests, allready ruined an otherwise good mmorpg (yeah wow). Players managed to destroy that game, and now, are starting to want to destroy this one. :mad: , All in favor of FAST, GOOD AND EASY.


What was I just saying? This is how people who tell us we need to save the "community" seem to act. It's ironic that this rhetoric is spouted so often by people who would no doubt be in my /ignore list for a sheer LACK of manners and I wouldn't want them in my "community".


Thankfully, Bioware is aware that nostalgia is poison in the MMO business. It specifically makes people remember past games as having better communities than they really did, and makes those players try to turn back the features clock on new games in order to recapture something that only exists in their minds. Their memories aren't memories. They're fantasies. That's what nostalgia does.

Edited by Caelrie
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  • 4 weeks later...
:eek: shocked that this game does not have a dungeon finder at launch. Heard great things about the game before launch. After seeing it for myself it's very dissapointing, dungeon finder is a must. Don't know if i'll hang about till they get the dungeon finder, we'll have to wait long enough for that.
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Actually it's the nostalgic long-time gamers who call anyone who doesn't want to be controlled "kids", like you did.


There IS a generation gap here, no doubt, and I find myself on the side of the younger generation despite being almost 40 and having been around since Ultima Online. The older generation confuses timesinks with challenge. They can't tell the difference. The younger generation doesn't.


My apparent immunity to the phenomenon of nostalgia gives me a clearer view than most older gamers. Vanilla WoW, EQ and DAOC all had a whole lot of crap in them that I'm glad is gone. Spamming general chat for a group while you sit on the fleet station is SWTOR's crap that needs to be purged.






What was I just saying? This is how people who tell us we need to save the "community" seem to act. It's ironic that this rhetoric is spouted so often by people who would no doubt be in my /ignore list for a sheer LACK of manners and I wouldn't want them in my "community".


Thankfully, Bioware is aware that nostalgia is poison in the MMO business. It specifically makes people remember past games as having better communities than they really did, and makes those players try to turn back the features clock on new games in order to recapture something that only exists in their minds. Their memories aren't memories. They're fantasies. That's what nostalgia does.



Cant put it in better words.

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There's no reason why this shouldn't be in game. If you don't want to use it then don't. I don't understand half the arguments against having this tool in game. You put yourself in the LFG que then go about your business. You can explore, quest, pvp, craft & chat all you want.
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Community is such a tossed around term , there is no such thing really. There is no reason an mmo should take steps backwards over the previous ones. Nobody sits around and chats, also if you wanted that just join facebook and search for random people. I am here to play a game an progress and have fun doing it. Its not fun to sit on the fleet station and spam LFG, or click looking for group box that has yet to get me one invite so far.


But you find it fun to sit in any major city and just wait for a queue to pop like in WoW? I mean it takes so much time to type 'LFM <insert random flashpoint here>' and then continue questing or doing your crewskills? And as far as summoning everyone...All of the flashpoints are accessible from one central point, which takes a very short time to get too.


Community is what builds MMO's. Take the community away you have a glorified RPG that might as well be on a system that you can just use 3 to 7 npcs to go and do your content with. If the mix of playing with a community and getting that progression isnt fun for you, then maybe MMO's arent for you. If someone wants that 'hardcore' progression, then you shouldn't be doing it in a pug anyway. That'sw what guilds are for.


Just my .02 credits.

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This is the main issue that i hope never come to this game, it killed the community of servers, gave power to *** that just want their gear and wheres the social in that thing? Seriously i hope they never add a dungeon finder copy to the game, maybe adding categories and other option to the current lfg tool would be enough.


And shouting LFG Hoth Heroic 4+ on a planet with 15 players is so great for community building? Yeah, right.

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I would love LOVE a world LFG channel that only people with the LFG flag can see/use and has enough monitoring that it will keep from becoming a new world wide /1.


I do not want want a dungeon finder like they had in WoW. I do not want to be instantly teleported to the start of a dungeon and the dropped back into the spot where I was at the end. I think this makes it much to easy for people to rage quit and be general ***** to everyone they meet, which does ruin the community. I think it should be a bit easier to get a group then it is now, but I don't want it to go the dungeon finder route and decimate a growing community

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There's no reason why this shouldn't be in game. If you don't want to use it then don't. I don't understand half the arguments against having this tool in game. You put yourself in the LFG que then go about your business. You can explore, quest, pvp, craft & chat all you want.


If everyone uses the LFG system, then what you say works. But the best tool in the world is worthless if people don't use it. The Dev Team created a clunky and not user-friendly LFG tab (under the social page), and they wonder why it isn't popular. The mighty Dev Team forget the golden rule in a free market industry: people woulnd't use services they don't like.

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I have had no issues finding a group without a LFD tool...that being said i dont see a problem with a SERVER only LFG but no CROSS Server..that is what kills community. And on a game like this Community matters.


*** "community" are you talking about? People that want to band together are already joining guilds and communning. Using that as the reason to kill a LFD system is just an excuse by players that don't like LFDs for whatever reasons.

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go back to wow.


Dungeon Finder is the worst thing ever to be implemented in a mmorpg.


I can Agree with a finder that gets the menbers in your party together, from your server, but moving there, and so on, should be your responsibility.


MMORPG's need timesinks.


Edit: why people want to implement WoW mechanics in SW: Tor is beyond me. This types of requests, allready ruined an otherwise good mmorpg (yeah wow). Players managed to destroy that game, and now, are starting to want to destroy this one. :mad: , All in favor of FAST, GOOD AND EASY.


Let's be rational for a second. Just because YOU can'r famthom something doesn't mean it isn't valuable to a great many players.

Edited by Lowenblade
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This is the main issue that i hope never come to this game, it killed the community of servers, gave power to *** that just want their gear and wheres the social in that thing? Seriously i hope they never add a dungeon finder copy to the game, maybe adding categories and other option to the current lfg tool would be enough.

because sitting around on the fleet for +2 hours and NOT find a grp or a healer/tank when trying to make one yourself is fun and being social ?

this game needs a beter tool to find groups , doesn't need to be a copy of wow but just something that is beter as putting a comment behind your name and spamming general, because what we have now is just crap and a waste of my time.

Edited by Bubalous
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Actually it's the nostalgic long-time gamers who call anyone who doesn't want to be controlled "kids", like you did.


There IS a generation gap here, no doubt, and I find myself on the side of the younger generation despite being almost 40 and having been around since Ultima Online. The older generation confuses timesinks with challenge. They can't tell the difference. The younger generation doesn't.


My apparent immunity to the phenomenon of nostalgia gives me a clearer view than most older gamers. Vanilla WoW, EQ and DAOC all had a whole lot of crap in them that I'm glad is gone. Spamming general chat for a group while you sit on the fleet station is SWTOR's crap that needs to be purged.






What was I just saying? This is how people who tell us we need to save the "community" seem to act. It's ironic that this rhetoric is spouted so often by people who would no doubt be in my /ignore list for a sheer LACK of manners and I wouldn't want them in my "community".


Thankfully, Bioware is aware that nostalgia is poison in the MMO business. It specifically makes people remember past games as having better communities than they really did, and makes those players try to turn back the features clock on new games in order to recapture something that only exists in their minds. Their memories aren't memories. They're fantasies. That's what nostalgia does.


Perfect post, just what I was thinking. Having no LFG tool will kill this game fast as questing + queued for a group is far more progress for your character then just sitting there rotting away getting abused because your classed as spamming.


Yea great community.

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Just a small, and I do mean really small, sample of what the Fleet has become without a LFG tool.




It was a ton of fun spending 30 minutes today just to get a HM BT group going! It was even more fun spending 2 hours trying -- and failing -- to get any other HM going!

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Adding a group finder without causing the consequences that WoW's dungeon finder came with could perhaps be done in some way. If it could be done without causing those problems, I wouldn't mind it at all.


These are the consequences that I would like to be avoided:

1. "Heroic" dungeons being too easy.

In order to make the dungeons doable for a uncoordinated groups of strangers, blizz made them extremely easy. And there was no alternative for those that wanted 5-man content to be challenging.


2. Lack of variety in terms of difficulty, length, amount of trash, nr of bosses etc.

All the new dungeons in wow are equally easy, roughly equally long, roughly the same amount of bosses and trash. To randomly be assigned a very hard dungeon, or a very long one would probably just be a pain. But the "solution" to simply not make such dungeons isn't very good. I'd prefer to have variety. Short ones, long ones, easy ones, hard ones.


Just so you understand where I'm comming from: I don't like to spam trade for groups, nor do I like to queue up for zergable content. I play with my friends, some of which I found in the game, some of which I brought to the game and some which brought me to the game. The argument "if you don't like dungeon finder, you can still form groups by spamming trade or play with friends" works for how groups are formed, but it doens't apply to the variety, difficulty and sense of progression. And THAT is what I care about.


I'm perfectly alright with having a bunch of equally long, easy zergable dungeons in a PUG-finder system. As long as I get a few that are fun and challenging, worthwhile the time just for the gameplay itself for a well coordinated group using voice-chat, knowing eachother etc.

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As a player who lives on the other side of the world, Japan. When I get off work it's about 10PM and I can play till about 3AM (central) if I wanted too. During that time for the life of me I can't find a group. As a way to help waylay some of the wait times to find a group I rolled a healer, even still I can't get a group together with the times that I play. I understand that people dislike a tool that will match them with people they have never met. That is kind of scary in a real world setting, I understand. But it's not so much fun for people like me who live around the world or people who simply have the night shift at there job, it's a headache.


You can make a system work, perhaps setting for this tool. Some being have it either look for other on the server or were it searches for people on and off server. Set blocks so as a Agent I can't roll on your heavy armor. Fails safes such as that could help players save so much time and stop a lot of stress and frustration from not being able to find a group.


Just my thoughts as a player who plays late at night server time.


Also: I don't understand the people who say this will kill a servers community. How? People will still post in general about the big giant robot they just killed. You will still have your guild, your trade will be unaffected.


Warcraft's community isn't something to compare too, it's a different game with it's own play style, when I play I still see people posting stupid things in trade/general/localdefense. The LFR/G only allowed me to find a group faster, quicker, and get to enjoying the game not flooding the channels with my rage thoughts about how I can't find a group for Atthiss.

Edited by Bealskar
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I'd support a Dungeon Finder. As of this moment, it's nearly impossible to get a group for Flashpoints unless you're a Tank or a Healer. Of course, being DPS in itself means taking the risk of not getting any groups, but I'd gladly exchange that for a queue while I'm questing - Even if it means that it will take hours, it's better then nothing.


In fact, I see no reason why there shouldn't be one. I mean, the sole and only difference is the amount of time you waste spamming the General Chat trying to get a group!


And for those who think that having no Dungeon Finder will prevent people from complaining dungeons are too hard... Do you seriously think that this has anything to do with the Dungeon Finder whatsoever? If they have enough time, these terrible players will get into the dungeons anyway, and still whine about the difficulty on the forums, along with how long it takes to get a group. So basically, having no Dungeon Finder means more whining. Not less.

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It has always surprised me these past couple of years that when a new MMO is released with a queue system for PvP they neglect to implement a decent LFG queue for PvE.


Getting groups together for flashpoints and heroic quests is rather painful compared to the simplicity of WoW's Dungeon Finder. We have to struggle with shouting over a congested chat channel and try to flag ourself as LFG that I'm certain 80% of the player population is unaware of.


It'd ease my heart if I new something was in the works...


im sure you remmeber WoW dint always have the LFG System they have now, even befor it came to WoW i never had issues finding groups for instances,


Even in SWTOR i dont have issues, Join a guild and do isntances with guild members, or even try the /1 LFG, iv spent an hour maybe looking for a group but i found one, people just need to get into a guild and start doing guild runs or just try harder, the only people i think who have a hard time of finding groups are DPS, becouse lets face it... everyone prefers to be DPS...


All i can say is NO to LFG System, if i wanted easy mode games i would play WoW again

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Okay, see, I read this a lot.


Exactly what aspect of wasting less time means that the game will be easier?


I don't understand how this makes something easy, i'll still get my **** kicked in during that boss fight, just an hour or two sooner. And an hour or two longer to work on it.

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Okay, see, I read this a lot.


Exactly what aspect of wasting less time means that the game will be easier?


the whole point of MMO is to actualy interact with people, by talking and not push button -> enter flashpoint -> kill boss = DONE !!!! :D:D:D .... WTB old gameplay back.. no easy button mode to get loot.. do some work in the game and the rewards are better...

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