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Sitting here watching Episode 3....


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Revenge of the Sith, large ship crashing on Coruscant. 3 powerful Force users onboard and they are having to rely on Anakin piloting. Yoda levitated an X-Wing yet two Jedi and a Sith couldn't halt or ease the ship onto the planet's surface? What's more, of all the places they could land, they land on a runway. Lucky! Even more so when you consider that seemingly all the spaceships in the Star Wars Universe take off vertically, thus negating the need for a runway...


Thank You. That was by far one of the stupidest scenes in all of moviedom, not just Star Wars. That was a capital ship, not designed for re-entry at all. It had ZERO aerodynamic appendages, and yes, the sudden appearance of a runway, complete with tower, oh, the horror, as Brando once uttered. They are falling from orbit into the atmosphere like they are riding the subway, no seat pinning, face contorting g-forces in Star Wars land apparently. I can't express how much that scene just makes me gag.

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They are falling from orbit into the atmosphere like they are riding the subway, no seat pinning, face contorting g-forces in Star Wars land apparently. I can't express how much that scene just makes me gag.


It's called Inertial Dampeners. How do you think people can fly around on interstellar ships in SciFi and not go splat against a bulkhead the moment the ship accelerates?

Edited by billyboyjennings
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Cant decide if this is my fav or empire.


Id have to go Empire/Episode 3 tied

Episode 2


New Hope

Clone Wars

Family Guy tie ins

Robot Chicken tie in

Star Wars Christmas Special(look it up it exsisted!!)

Phantom Menace



You put the Christmas Special above TPM? Have you SEEN the Christmas Special? I'd rather be castrated with a dull rusty butterknife than watch that again. It's something reserved for the worst of humanity in hell to have to watch over and over again.

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1. Empire

2. New Hope

3 Return of the Jedi

4. Revenge of the Sith

5. Holiday special :D

6. If "The Glove of Darth Vader" had been made into a movie

7. Attack of the Clones

8. Phantom Menace


And yes, i have seen the holiday specal. It is so bad its funny. AotC and tPM don't even have that redeeming quality.

Edited by TheBentOne
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You put the Christmas Special above TPM? Have you SEEN the Christmas Special? I'd rather be castrated with a dull rusty butterknife than watch that again. It's something reserved for the worst of humanity in hell to have to watch over and over again.


Yes i believe Phantom is that bad

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OMG people episode 1 is by far the best of all. Jar Jar Binks is the important figure in the entire saga. Without him there would be no story. It is clear Lucas spent a lot of time developing this deep and intriguing character. Jar jar alone is why the Star Wars saga is so great.
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