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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How Will SWTOR BE Remembered 10 Years From Now?


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SWTOR will probably be remembered for full voice acting and bringing the dialog wheel into an MMO. It's also the first game to do multiplayer dialog choices, I'm pretty sure, and IMO it's a fun twist.


It might also be remembered for bolster (allowing a fresh player only Lv15 to PvP alongside a friend who may be Lv40) and for the mod system / orange gear.

Bolster is in Guild Wars 2 as well, and seems to be done better.


I think SWTOR will be remember as an MMO that offered a singleplayer twist to a demanding multiplayer genre. However they failed miserably on a lot of things and thus burnt out the last flicker of creativity in Bioware.

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That Star Wars: The Old Republic has no original ideas?


I figured it was rather obvious.. I mean, how much further can I spell it out?


Oh I agree with you, and it is obvious, I was just baiting the MMO newbies that think that WOW originated anything at all

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in 10 years the 10000 people that still play will be getting patch 6.9 THE RISE OF THE EWOKS! and pvp will still be broke. and all the people on the fourms who rage at how great the game is will be on mass doses of prozac.
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This is what will happen only us old farts will rember and well mainly rember how they stuffed it doing events for kids and not doing what the reall gamers wanted starwars will die and most wont cear they will just move to the next game and trash that i will rember what could have been and what it was speeking in past tence ofcouse


Do tell, what do us "real gamers" want?


I'm not a kid, not by many, many decades and this event is great fun.


Unclench. :)

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Does it really matter? The world is suppose to end this year anyways, so nothing will be remembered in 10 years. lol


Maybe but ive been in training and can run faster than John Cusack, so personaly, i should be fine :p

Edited by DarthKaine
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