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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How Will SWTOR BE Remembered 10 Years From Now?


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The problem is, the QQ kids know their "cancel subscription"-button.


I cancelled my sub. Never playing again even though I have 89 days left on my sub.


And yes I am bitter about making a terrible decision to sub for so long. That is why I am here moaning. I hope others will not make the same mistake I have.


I unsubbed wow too because cataclysm ruined the levelling process and its just a boring grind at end game for no lifers. Swtor decided to copy this rather than innovating.


I laugh at the fools who want people like me to unsub. There is a reason that all but 1 english eu server is utterly dead. I had to reroll off a "standard" server because I was often one of 3-4 people on an entire planet. That is what BW call "standard" population apparently. What a complete joke.


People are quitting ALOT. Tor status shows how the overall population is down alot in the last few weeks. You cant play an mmorg without a thriving community. It will die. So you fanboys can keep wishing people like me quit. In the end those of us who quit will cause the game to die completely.

Edited by Rosickyownsbale
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Thats provided any one even remembers mmo's 10 years from now, i have my doubts that genre as we know it today will be around in ten years. One thing I see allot of in these forums and other mmo forums, is general mmo burn out, the current mmo model is getting old to allot of people.


as far as TOR goes to early to tell, all the older games did not gain thier legendary status overnight, (after many patches and upgraded and huge bugs squashed) it took them years, since this mmo is still an infant in the mmo world, will have to see what happens in a couple of years or so.

Edited by kevlarto
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Unless things change, the one which is perpetually promising the most yet feeling constantly empty and least innovative.


VO acting might be ground-breaking, and between now and 10 years having an MMO and VO might be feasible, but if it doesn't become that way it will remain pretty much as a levelling grind where you play after expansion launches to level then unsub, as all character progression ceases.


Groundbreaking for outsourcing a debugging team unrelated to the rest of the dev team in Romania. Innovative for outsourcing the artwork central to the game. I don't think history could forget that easily. And maybe between now and 10 years time it could turn out to be a good idea. If not then...


As a lesson to other wanna-be MMO devs to never, ever cheap out on an MMO. Spend the money that's needed on making the game, instead of having a dev team in several different countries and trying to co-ordinate said team, instead of probably spending more money to try to cut corners and keep the development in-house.


But for me personally? The one that delivers a lazer show to indicate there's loot on a corpse. Pretty sure that's how I'll remember it.



'The game WoW copied AE looting from'

Actually, that would be Diablo.

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... So you fanboys can keep wishing people like me quit. In the end those of us who quit will cause the game to die completely.


This^. I cancelled my sub as well and even tho I have those 30 "free" days to play, I won't be logging in. I have missed about 1/3rd of the games content due to lack of groups and a non-existent LFG system. Also lack of server transfers, poor search function on the AH, amoungst a host of other issues, makes this game unfun to play for me. So the fans can keep telling us to leave, it doesnt matter to me. The only thing that will end up hurting is your beloved game.


Back to the original point: I think SWTOR will be remembered as a mediacore game that brought very little to the MMO genre other then expensive voice acting. Sorry, but IMO voice-acting is over rated and frankly brings alot of expense to developers. MMOs cost enough money to make without adding additional costs, so I do not see the voice-acting as something alot of other devs will copy. And being that voice acted storytelling and individual options (if you call Dark and Light "Choices") is the ONLY thing SWTOR brings to the table that is new, it wont make much of an impression in the long run.

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Thing is, there are plenty of gamers around these days who have seen all the dirty tricks and know the ins and outs of mmos that have just hit the market. alot stay away until about the 6 month mark before even hitting a new mmo. some even wait a year.


But the biggest trend between my mates and peeps i know from other games like bf3 right back to golden days of vietkong and red alert, they wait for the trolls to kick off get bored and bugger off, then they get into the game.


So once the trolls go back under there bridge or back to wow ( which ever is closest) this game will have major less negativity, and there are way more then enough left over if 50% of the playerbase leave right now to make a solid base for the game and from there it shall grow no matter how much the haters hope it aint soo.


so who knows, in ten years it could be the best or just another one of the top AAA mmos. But it will be profitable, the starwars name kept swg profitable even though it was trashed three times by soe.

Edited by Shingara
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So once the trolls go back under there bridge or back to wow ( which ever is closest) this game will have major less negativity, and there are way more then enough left over if 50% of the playerbase leave right now to make a solid base for the game and from there it shall grow no matter how much the haters hope it aint soo.


I have been playing MMOs for 15 years. I have NEVER seen a game lose 50 percent of its player base and then begin to "grow". But you can keep dreaming :D

Edited by Brundhila
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I have been playing MMOs for 15 years. I have NEVER seen a game lose 50 percent of its player base and then begin to "grow". But you can keep dreaming :D


if you have been playing mmos for so long you have, as wow did exactly that.

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errr, No.


well as i used to work for blizzard in cork i think i know better then you, in vannila it lost 50% of its playerbase of active players. some had there subs on for longer but never logged in. When china was blocked it lost 62% of its playerbase so carry on dreaming that it never did.

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well as i used to work for blizzard in cork i think i know better then you, in vannila it lost 50% of its playerbase of active players. some had there subs on for longer but never logged in. When china was blocked it lost 62% of its playerbase so carry on dreaming that it never did.


Ah your using the ole "I used to work for..." line. Lol! Dream on!

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For me, what I will remember is SWG pre CU. I say that b/c its what I will remember when I think of a great SW mmo, for this game certainly was not. It was overhyped and didn't deliver, a big shame really as I was looking forward to it. I waited until 1.2 came out before I left to give it one last chance, but its just not hooking me. SWG might not have been perfect either, but it was a whole hell of a lot better imo.
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if you have been playing mmos for so long you have, as wow did exactly that.


Think EQ2 did as well...maybe not quite 50% but then again, I doubt this game has lost 50% (we'll see soon though). EQ2 staggered badly out of the gate and yet...there it is, still chugging along.

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Ah your using the ole "I used to work for..." line. Lol! Dream on!


Personally i dont care if you believe me or not, i worked for them for 3 years before my illness got to bad and put me out of work for good. But the fact that you even dispute china fact never mind vannila which was named as such because it was bland just speaks volumes.

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So once the trolls go back under there bridge or back to wow ( which ever is closest) this game will have major less negativity, and there are way more then enough left over if 50% of the playerbase leave right now to make a solid base for the game and from there it shall grow no matter how much the haters hope it aint soo.


so who knows, in ten years it could be the best or just another one of the top AAA mmos. But it will be profitable, the starwars name kept swg profitable even though it was trashed three times by soe.


I like optimistic people, because they are so easily entertained.

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I like optimistic people, because they are so easily entertained.


Indeed! I'd far rather be an optimist than the opposite. Worst that will happen is that I'll be wrong.


And that isn't the end of the world and in the meantime...I'm having fun!



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I cancelled my sub. Never playing again even though I have 89 days left on my sub.


And yes I am bitter about making a terrible decision to sub for so long. That is why I am here moaning. I hope others will not make the same mistake I have.


I unsubbed wow too because cataclysm ruined the levelling process and its just a boring grind at end game for no lifers. Swtor decided to copy this rather than innovating.


I laugh at the fools who want people like me to unsub. There is a reason that all but 1 english eu server is utterly dead. I had to reroll off a "standard" server because I was often one of 3-4 people on an entire planet. That is what BW call "standard" population apparently. What a complete joke.


People are quitting ALOT. Tor status shows how the overall population is down alot in the last few weeks. You cant play an mmorg without a thriving community. It will die. So you fanboys can keep wishing people like me quit. In the end those of us who quit will cause the game to die completely.


THis type of post above is what I will remember unfortunately. I play on a EU server not one of the busiest but I can always find people to do and always do the stuff I want.. geenrally about 130 on in fleet which has never been a problem to me. TBH I wouldn't care if there was 0 on in fleet as long as I am playing the game how I want to play it and am able to raid, run instances and PvP without a problem I don't need a trillion people around me.



you were one of the 3 or 4 people of your faction in a zone not planet. Don't say planet to make it sound worse say zone because that's what it is. That's not too bd once the levelling is out of the way tbh. I would expect corellia to house that many before 1.2 once people have done the quests there once. And standard population means the entire server not just one zone.


The heroics were designed for groups of friends to play if they wanted to. Nothing forcing them you to play them. I am sorry you didn't have a friend who wanted to level with you.


And you brought 6 months.. lol.. I brought standard version and never do more than a one month sub or time card and that was after trying the beta and deciding I liked it because you can never tell a few months down the line.


As it happens I like it.


I will remember whining posts like the above and I will also remember my guild and the fun we are currently having raiding. About half of us fly through nightmare but we also run normal on other nights to help the socials. I just love raiding with fun people.


There's this bit before minesweeper boss in the new instance where you tell people who don't know to get up on to the top which results in instance death for them. They get a mark on their head suddenly and about 5 seconds left to live.. lol.. priceless.. That I am going to remember.


Managed to solo the new heroic 4 daily but goddam I don't expect everyone to be soloing it that's for sure I remember stuff like that.

Edited by corbanite
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well as i used to work for blizzard in cork i think i know better then you, in vannila it lost 50% of its playerbase of active players. some had there subs on for longer but never logged in. When china was blocked it lost 62% of its playerbase so carry on dreaming that it never did.


Sure you did buddy, sure you did.

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UO is known by most as the first modern mmo. EQ for huge groups and challenge. WoW, the biggest mmo.


How will the mmo community remember swtor?


You are making a huge leap in assuming you speak for everyone.


First, I'm hoping in 10 years we are not remembering it, but still playing it. ;p


UO- worst MMORPG ever.


EQ- The start and end of the hard core MMO


Wow- EQ done right.


SW- Revolutionary return to what MMORPGs should be.

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