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Jedi Exile? - The Old Republic


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The Exile was just that, an exile. It was a far better plot point than "Lolamnesia". Yes, finding out YOU are Darth Revan was a decent twist purely for the shock factor, but that is all it was, a shock. The Exile never had that.


Revan was also a turning point--for the worse, in my opinion--in how Bioware started telling stories. The whole concept of a character you owned taking part in epic events was trashed in favor of you being told just what sort of epic character you are.


Old-school Bioware games made you feel like you were influencing a world. New Bioware games feel like reading a comic book.

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Lest we forget, it was KOTOR2 that began the Revan fan craziness by introducing the idea that Revan was trying to save the Republic, and retconning the Jedi Civil War into Revan's grand plan to stop the oncoming dark mysterious threat, and Revan's fall to the Dark Side as somehow heroic and intentional. That wasn't in KOTOR1. Edited by smartalectwo
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KOTOR2 was, simply, a more complex game from a moral standpoint. The notion that decisions -- sometimes even when they're so well intentioned -- can have dire consequences is something that I have long thought was missing in the Star Wars universe. Add into that the notion that from a certain perspective everyone was both right and wrong. The Jedi were wrong because they were passive and dogmatically conservative when assessing the Mandalorian threat, and, later, in dealing with Surik. They were right because there were consequences for going to war. The Revanchists were right because their actions saved the Republic, but they were unable to see the consequences of their decisions -- except, of course, just one.


I honestly think Surik is my favorite character because she's the most human. Her decisions cost her so much in life, and though it took her time and anguish, she learned from them and came to accept the consequences they brought. Like she told Mira, she learned to accept the echoes her decisions created, and that is why she not only refounded the Order, but was able to outlast everyone around her in every meaningful way.


Just my opinion, anyway. :D

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  • 6 months later...

suriks a better character than revan. revan is more powerful though, which contributes to his popularity. but as someone else pointed out, in kotor 1 all we knew was that revan was hero, then he was evil, then he was forced to be hero again. kotor 2, the novel, and swtor introduced that he was mind controlled and fighting the emperors control the whole time. then swtor came out and they made revan go evil again, this time on his own(ofc, he was just about complete ds at the end of the mando wars before being mind f***ed by the emperor.) least meetra got to die a hero, rather than crzy evil wiping out 97% of the empire after falling to the darkside yet again...


kotor 1 has the big twist, but the darkside/ls decisions in it is kick the puppy or pet the puppy...kotor 2 does have a darker and more mature story, and would have been a great game were it to be finished and some more bugs worked out.

Edited by Jedikillar
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  • 8 months later...
I have to agree with KOTOR 2 being the better story in and of itself. I'm mixed emotion when it comes to the two however. KOTOR 1 has some of the better companions (Such as Mission and her wookie, and the Cathar and Bastilla, I also like Canderous better here) but I like Mira and Visas and the Handmaiden from KOTOR 2. HK is better in the first game as well. But something KOTOR 1 does that annoys me is makes you start as a non jedi and then multiclass, I always hated that. I did hate that in Kotor 1 the ls/ds choice was so absolute, but at the same time when you get the jedi masters together in KOTOR 2 the game does what I condider to be an rpg sin and muddles the two endings, in that LS/DS suddenly stop mattering and Treia chastises you regardless and you have the same ending. I always felt in an rpg that if you have two different "alighnment" choices then they shpuld have different endings. (Granted I hear that the ending of the game was cut and thats why but still)
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I have to agree with KOTOR 2 being the better story in and of itself. I'm mixed emotion when it comes to the two however. KOTOR 1 has some of the better companions (Such as Mission and her wookie, and the Cathar and Bastilla, I also like Canderous better here) but I like Mira and Visas and the Handmaiden from KOTOR 2. HK is better in the first game as well. But something KOTOR 1 does that annoys me is makes you start as a non jedi and then multiclass, I always hated that. I did hate that in Kotor 1 the ls/ds choice was so absolute, but at the same time when you get the jedi masters together in KOTOR 2 the game does what I condider to be an rpg sin and muddles the two endings, in that LS/DS suddenly stop mattering and Treia chastises you regardless and you have the same ending. I always felt in an rpg that if you have two different "alighnment" choices then they shpuld have different endings. (Granted I hear that the ending of the game was cut and thats why but still)


You could get around the multiclassing by saving your levelups after Level 2 and just waiting until you got to Dantooine. Admittedly, Taris is hard as all hell, but your companions can pick up your slack.


The endings to KotOR 2 were pretty choppy, but it was also unfinished, so best not to judge it based on its final plot segments.


]suriks a better character than revan. revan is more powerful though, which contributes to his popularity. [...] least meetra got to die a hero, rather than crzy evil wiping out 97% of the empire after falling to the darkside yet again...

Do you die a hero, or live to see yourself become the very thing you sought to destroy?

kotor 1 has the big twist, but the darkside/ls decisions in it is kick the puppy or pet the puppy...kotor 2 does have a darker and more mature story, and would have been a great game were it to be finished and some more bugs worked out.

KotOR 2 had the same black and white morality system, it was just that Kreia was sitting around to deliver snarky commentary on everything, and the end message was basically: "No matter what you do, there will be consequences".

Being light side still required you to make the "pet the puppy" choices, however. It was just the Jedi mentality that was deconstructed by Kreia.

KotOR is just A New Hope 4,000 years ago, it is incredibly over-rated for a rip-off, it also has an incredibly childish morality system, it's a choice between being the ultimate Jedi saint that saves the orphan or the dumb**** evil 4 Lolz that kills the orphan with lightning for no reason.

KotOR 2 and SWTOR have this same childish morality system, where your choices range between being crippling kind and generous to a sadistic lunatic with no regard for any sense of planning or manipulation, or even making certain choices which are "dark" but may lead to a better future outcome.


And the plot was not "A New Hope" in a new wrapping, the story unfolded interestingly enough the first time you played it. The shock/reveal was played quite well, and it wasn't a "Rescue the princess and blow up the death star plot". It followed a more traditional epic journey, which just happened to be retracing your footsteps. It was a clean heroic quest storyline, which worked fine since the supporting cast was interesting. For its time, KotOR was a great game, it's just that future titles and releases have since raised the storytelling bar.

KotOR II is far more mature, you don't have a silly amount of plot armour on and you aren't the ultimate hero/villain with Jesus level praise, you are just a person, and you have the decision to follow the path of Darth Nihilus which turns you into nothing but a wound or you can try and do whatever you can for the republic and the Jedi you still defend, you won't wage epic wars, you'll just fight your battles, no praise or rewards but being a Jedi, which is exactly the point.

Wait... you don't have a silly amount of plot armor in KotOR 2? You manage to survive your encounter with Nihilus, you wake up just in time to escape the Peragus station, you narrowly avoid getting blown into pieces when the asteroid field explodes, your assassin on Citadel Station releases you from your Force Cage, you miraculously survive a shuttle crash on Telos IV, locate Bao-Dur by accident (who finds your ship for you), you repeatedly escape murder by Darth Sion, HK-50 assassins, and that's like the first third of the game!


At least the excuse for Revan was his power in the Force and latent abilities allowed him to scrape by on Taris. After that, he was literally retracing his steps, so it's not so much plot armor as that he's done it all before.


Revan was hardly the ultimate hero, that was the entire point of his character. He was a complex, fallen character with inscrutable motives. The Exile was a similarly complex character, but hardly "just a person". You had the unique ability to manipulate Force Bonds, and were one of the most powerful Force users left alive in the galaxy during the game. Your actions were just as epic as Revan's, but they took place in a much darker galaxy.

Edited by Ventessel
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This is a VERY impressive Necro.


I think some people like to bring up dead topics just to respark an argument, though apparently at one point someone tried and failed at it.



I wouldn't say that the ghost in the prison when you freed revan

was necessarily Meetra, we know that ghosts can travel long distances (Yoda, Obi-Wan, Odan Urr (Kun's master, i think it was Urr)) so the ghost could be Bastilla Shan, because Meetra wasn't described like what the force ghost looked like, but it could've been Bastilla.


Though looking at the wookieepedia entry, it says its Meetra was the ghost (though I don't believe it).

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