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Why are people calling 1.2 mercenary changes a nerf?


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PvE: Tracer missile was an ability you use quite a bit, and over time your DPS takes a hit. I don't know that the changes to Unload and HSM make up for that. PvP though, the burst change is amazing.


Bodyguards... lol!


Pyro: Changes to powershot pigeon hole pyros into taking muzzle fluting if they're going to use it in PvP. Add to that the complete inferiority of the spec to their tank/DPS cousins, and you have a recipe for a total fail.

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Level 36 Merc Pyro, and I am eating people in PvP.


I'm regularly top three DPS if not first, and I have medals literally laid at my feet by lesser beings, upon whose necks I step so that my unsullied feet shant touch the undeserving ground beneath me. &c. &c.


TL;DR? I'm loving it.


Wait for it... Wait for it...

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I will bite


just wait til you are 50, everything changes


The only thing that will change at 50 is that I'll be undergeared, since I can't buy BM gear till I meet the requirements. Other than that, I doubt that it will change that much at all. After all, I'm playing versus level 49s now, and twice last night, I was top DPS in games with multiple level 40s on either team. I was level 36.


Maybe they were just baddies, but remembering back from when I ding'd 50 on my Sage, there was no difference in level 49 and level 50 PvP. Oh yeah, and that was before level 50s were shorn off the top of the PvP bracket.



Can someone specifically detail what happens to a Merc between level 49 and 50 that gimps them?

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The only thing that will change at 50 is that I'll be undergeared, since I can't buy BM gear till I meet the requirements. Other than that, I doubt that it will change that much at all. After all, I'm playing versus level 49s now, and twice last night, I was top DPS in games with multiple level 40s on either team. I was level 36.


Maybe they were just baddies, but remembering back from when I ding'd 50 on my Sage, there was no difference in level 49 and level 50 PvP. Oh yeah, and that was before level 50s were shorn off the top of the PvP bracket.



Can someone specifically detail what happens to a Merc between level 49 and 50 that gimps them?


it isnt specifically 49 to 50... it is a lot of things as people get their "definining" skills at higher levels you will get less and less and less competitive, then you hit 50 and you are undergeared as well.


someone said it really good "A bad BH will beat a bad any other class (because of easy rotations), but the best of the bounty hunters will never compete with the best of the other classess"


or something like that. Not that I care, 1v1 is for elitist jerks and instanced pvp makes baby jesus cry. This is not a pvp game, I would rather play an FPS at least i get more maps.

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The only thing that will change at 50 is that I'll be undergeared, since I can't buy BM gear till I meet the requirements. Other than that, I doubt that it will change that much at all. After all, I'm playing versus level 49s now, and twice last night, I was top DPS in games with multiple level 40s on either team. I was level 36.


Maybe they were just baddies, but remembering back from when I ding'd 50 on my Sage, there was no difference in level 49 and level 50 PvP. Oh yeah, and that was before level 50s were shorn off the top of the PvP bracket.



Can someone specifically detail what happens to a Merc between level 49 and 50 that gimps them?


So, when you dinged 50 on your sage, you didnt notice a change, and you expect it will be the same now?


You are in for a rude awakening. As I understand it, when you dinged on your sage, ppl did not run around in full BM/WH gear (as you said, it was still 1-50 WZs) but when you ding now on your merc, they will be.


PvPing pre-50 compared to PvPing as a new 50 vs vastly better geared players is two different worlds.

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