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did u bother to read anything i'm in a guild and an alliance? Were already pretty established? I am not purely talking about myself..


Did you read my first line then?


Then deal with it, queues happen at launch, in any MMO. I bet if you didn't get early access you would of made a thread complaining about that.


This is star wars for **** sake, it's going to be the most popular MMO ever made, expect queues. Expect queues in a few months as well.


Even WoW in TBC had queues on lots of servers, the best thing to do is, as soon as u can, log in, start the queue and go do other ****.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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You're perhaps missing my point. For many, myself included, your solution simply isn't viable (and for many others it would be a large inconvenience) - but I'm not debating whether or not it's viable, my point is that it can't really be reasonable for BioWare to expect such things from people. As a service provider, the responsibility is on them in order to provide an appropriate level of service for people. I'd argue that they aren't doing that right now for many people, and those people shouldn't be having to try and connive their way around the problem.


I'm not suggesting that they give out free transfers (which I don't believe would help anything honestly), and whilst the could add new servers that wouldn't really help with the problems on existing ones. My preferred solution would be for the disabling of character creation on the full servers, save for those who have had their guilds assigned there. That may not be feasible though.


With regards to legalese, complaining or threatening BioWare on the basis of "breaches of the law" is just ridiculous anyway really. No-one would have a leg to stand on, and those suggesting it clearly don't know anything about the law.


At the end of the day, I'm not hugely fussed any more. I'm just not going to redeem my retail code until BioWare sort the situation out - be that a week or a month off. I do, however, feel that it's an unacceptable situation that (more importantly) BioWare doesn't seem to be doing anything to address. The responsibility isn't on the players for the most part - it's on BioWare.


I can respect that it's an inconvenience, but this is an MMO sir. This sort of thing happens all the time. It's not like this was going to be a game of 0 ques. That's impossible


This isn't a service like phone/cable/internet. They don't have to provide you with 24/7 access. Because it's an MMO, and that's impossible to promise.


From the TOS:


Edited by emmjay
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On the threatening bioware thing if your on about what i said about them going back on promises and being a pretty serious thing I dont expect anyone to try to pull them up for it but my example was any other business would find someone bringing that up pretty heavy going, i understand MMOs cover themselves rather well but its still the fact they promise things then cant deliver. Trust is a major thing and i think if people stop beliving in bioware this early on its going to be catastrophic.


Wasn't referring to you :)


I've read a lot of posts in the last few days claiming they're somehow breaking the law and should have action taken against them. That's what I meant. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

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The scenarios you listed are not at all similar to access to a video game. Phone companies have contracts, and those can't be arbitrarily changed. If I'm ordering food and they bring me the wrong order, I'm going to return it. If they don't have what I want, I will order something else. I won't complain about it and demand that they get some. If I want to see a movie on opening night, I won't complain about standing in line. If it snows the night before work, I won't cry when I have to clean off my car. If BW changed my class/faction without my permission, I'd be on the forums raging with you. If they deleted my character, and wouldn't restore it, same deal. The things you're talking about are known industry wide as standard. You need to relax and be an adult.


People keep saying about this is standard but i have played 3 game launches in total and never had this problem to such an extent. I played WoW for 7 years and never had a queue once and i only started 2 weeks after launch. So people can bugger off with comparisons I aint interested in comparisons i'm interested in the fact that i'm trying to play a game when i get told of an 1 hour estimate i think fair enaugh. Then 3 hours later i'm still not in game? Give me solid play times an estimate is just that an estimate i understand but u dont tell someone u'll be round their house in like 10 min roughly then show up 2 hours later.

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Wasn't referring to you :)


I've read a lot of posts in the last few days claiming they're somehow breaking the law and should have action taken against them. That's what I meant. Sorry if that wasn't clear.


Meh i think i'm just getting touchy with the amount of grief getting thrown my way about QQing at the awesomeness of this launch :p

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Did you read my first line then?


Then deal with it, queues happen at launch, in any MMO. I bet if you didn't get early access you would of made a thread complaining about that.


This is star wars for **** sake, it's going to be the most popular MMO ever made, expect queues. Expect queues in a few months as well.


Even WoW in TBC had queues on lots of servers, the best thing to do is, as soon as u can, log in, start the queue and go do other ****.


./sigh my point, my main point is queues are acceptable expected and normal, to an extent but when you cannot phsyically play beside on your days off work. That is not a game people can play.

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People keep saying about this is standard but i have played 3 game launches in total and never had this problem to such an extent. I played WoW for 7 years and never had a queue once and i only started 2 weeks after launch. So people can bugger off with comparisons I aint interested in comparisons i'm interested in the fact that i'm trying to play a game when i get told of an 1 hour estimate i think fair enaugh. Then 3 hours later i'm still not in game? Give me solid play times an estimate is just that an estimate i understand but u dont tell someone u'll be round their house in like 10 min roughly then show up 2 hours later.


I'm sorry but you either didn't play on a launch day server, or your romanticizing your reminiscence. I was on blackrock, which was the "unofficial Aussie server" 3 hour ques were the norm for weeks. The server deathwing was down for an entire week


Don't list LOTR,WAR or RIFT. Those games don't have 1/3rd the amount of subs this will get/has

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./sigh my point, my main point is queues are acceptable expected and normal, to an extent but when you cannot phsyically play beside on your days off work. That is not a game people can play.


Set your alarm 3 hours before you get up, sleepily turn your PC on and log on. Go back to bed.


Wake up, have breakfast, play.

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Plenty of servers with no queue, stop playing on a full server with constant queue if you can't handle it for the first 2 weeks!


Argh cant people understand at the amount of people who are playing with large amounts of other people? Sure i could go to another server but id be leaving behind 60+ people and ditching my guild. The only option would be for bioware to offer to transfer full guilds and the members intact you are never going to have 100+ people suddenly decide right u know what we all 100% agree to reroll and start from scratch.

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I can respect that it's an inconvenience, but this is an MMO sir. This sort of thing happens all the time. It's not like this was going to be a game of 0 ques. That's impossible


This isn't a service like phone/cable/internet. They don't have to provide you with 24/7 access. Because it's an MMO, and that's impossible to promise.


This is true. I think, for me at least, the problem with the situation isn't so much that there ARE queues - it's the scale and length of them. At one point yesterday evening, pretty much every EU server was marked as Full and queueing. I'd argue there's a difference between that situation and 'reasonable' queueing that should be expected.


I can only speak for myself, but I'd be happy enough to sit in a queue for half an hour. In fact I did on Wednesday. The problem is that the queues aren't lasting for half an hour, they're lasting for two hours plus - and that's two hours plus of my free time outside of work that I don't really want to be wasting looking at a queue.


Yes, queues are to be expected. I think though that we're beyond what should be expected right now and action therefore needs to be taken.

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I'm sorry but you either didn't play on a launch day server, or your romanticizing your reminiscence. I was on blackrock, which was the "unofficial Aussie server" 3 hour ques were the norm for weeks. The server deathwing was down for an entire week


Don't list LOTR,WAR or RIFT. Those games don't have 1/3rd the amount of subs this will get/has


./shrug like i said someone used them as an example i told him he was talking **** about them having worse than swtor launch problems i never played WoW launch like i said so i cant comment on how bad it was at launch but 2 week l8er when i started there was no problems on my server terenas.

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The only actions that can be taken will negatively effect others. I'm sure they have contingency plans drawn up but they have to be very careful. It's honestly better to do nothing here and let it work it's self out than it is to try and fix it and mess it up.
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./shrug like i said someone used them as an example i told him he was talking **** about them having worse than swtor launch problems i never played WoW launch like i said so i cant comment on how bad it was at launch but 2 week l8er when i started there was no problems on my server terenas.


I've never even heard of that server.








3+ hour ques daily for months.

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I've never even heard of that server.








3+ hour ques daily for months.


Mibbe i was just lucky hey who knows but all i know is out of 4 MMos this i my first game with over a 20 min queue so i might be a tad biased on that basis.

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Ah dont get me wrong i could probally reroll on a low pop server theres 1 or mibbe 2 on standard pops. The fact being is i hit rank 14 before the insane queues hit and my guild is already established with a fair few lvl 30+ chars on it in a pretty solid alliance. how many ppl can afford to reroll everytime the servers rack up players? Its not practical to say reroll on a dif server. A new char every week lmao?


Are Bioware going to give my entire guild which rolled on an EU server a free server transfer? If so, then Ill gladly do it. If not then they should have opened more servers to begin with..

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Well pre-launch I predicted this would happen (not a very good prediction as this happens every major game release!)


So people say move server...... not so easy as your guild is on the server that has the queue!


Option 2 seems the most viable with little info from bioware about how they will address this!


Option 2 is to weather the queues and wait for people to cancel subs thus making the pop go down on the server! so it will be approx 4 weeks wait time (at which time Bioware will announce that they have fixed the queues!).


meanwhile waiting in a queue after I was DC'd , probably due to high server population!


Funniest thing is that after their careful preparation for the pre-release programme it is like this ... same as any other launch really due to poor server management (they should have prevented new characters from being made once server pop was at max).

Edited by greenbook
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While not an option for EVERYONE - a suggestion I can provide if you have a computer based job and your work firewall doesn't block everything.


http://www.logmein.com or



I generally have to pass files back and forth between home and work so I have these tools setup anyways.


So generally, an hour before I leave work, I remote login to my home desktop, queue up the game, come home, have my dinner and bam games ready to play :)


I know it's not going to be a 100% solution for everyone, but perhaps may be an option for some who find they pains of working get in the way of game time ;) (I understand I do lol)

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I know what you mean, i got off work lastnight at 10pm got in the queue at 11pm ish didnt get in the game till gone 1am. Tried to get a few missions done this morning and i was faced with another 700 odd person queue. A friend of mine asked me what the games like, so i took a screen shot for him, sums it up in one image


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We understand that people are eager to play Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ and getting stuck in queues can be frustrating, especially when a full-time job means a limited window of playtime. There is a thread where the discussion of long queues is already in progress, so we are going to close this thread and ask that you continue the conversation here:




Thank you for your cooperation! We appreciate your help in keeping the forums a little better organized.

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