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Pyro PvE Gearing Recommendatin/Suggestion Theory (For those with Credits and Time)


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Just something to throw out there for people who want to maximize everything. At least to my opinion what is the most benefit.


I'm slowly putting aside Ranked Warzone comes to buy a second BM Eliminator set.



On the dummy with current gear I'm finding myself parsing higher with the 15% Crit rather than the 8% damage. Maybe because RS doesn't go off as much a crit is more noticeable, Not sure, but so far it's consistent being higher. (1500 over 5 Minutes is relatively easier, I seem to be around 1400 with the Combat Tech)


So my theory is buying another Eliminator Set and since the set bonus is NOT tied to the armoring, getting all the lovely PvE Mod stats in it and just going to town with a 15% Crit bonus.


I figure this will take me about a week and about 400K to move all mods over but when I do i'll let you know how it turns out.


(Which works out since I've already spent 1, 100k respec so at least that will reset by than also)

Edited by exphryl
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great idea because the pvp set bonus is definitely stronger than the pve one but its not worth the loss of so much aim and other stats, the only problem I see with this is that the campaign gear set bonuses are attached to their armoring and armoring trumps shell set bonuses. This gear set would only be useful till you get campaign gear. Correct me if i am wrong but there are no endgame pve armoring that are comparable to campaign armoring. Edited by Hardened
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More people should do this! Then bioware may realise and say hey! powertechs are wearing mercenary gear??


I hate that we have to dress like tracer spammers to get the best gear!


Has there been any tests vs combattech and eliminators enhancements/mods? As we all know the 4set bonus is better but is the set stats better for us on one or the other. Ie we get a combat tech belt ect now.. Sorry to go off topic as i know this is a pve thread :confused:

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Personally I go the other way and put pvp mods in my Rakata - I love the 2/4 piece bonus's you get (plus th explosive fuel bonus means more crits more often, somewhat negating the BM 15% bonus).


If only we could get augs in them too...

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Personally I go the other way and put pvp mods in my Rakata - I love the 2/4 piece bonus's you get (plus th explosive fuel bonus means more crits more often, somewhat negating the BM 15% bonus).


If only we could get augs in them too...


I find 2 PC Combat Tech pretty terrible to be honest. I never use Fuel without a Relic so it is kind of a "meh" bonus for me

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Yeah I've been gathering a set of Eliminator PvP gear to do this exact same thing.


Also worth noting - you can continue to use the Eliminator 4-piece bonus if you simply use Black Hole armoring mods and mix and match your Campaign/Black Hole mods and enhancements. Black Hole armoring mods have no set bonus!

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And what about putting PvE Combat Tech armoring into WH set for PvP, for having the +8% on pvp like you did pre-1.2 Exphryl ?


So you have your PvE gear with the +15% crit chance that is better in sustain dmg, but in your PvP gear you have the +8% dmg and insane Railshots :p

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Just something to throw out there for people who want to maximize everything. At least to my opinion what is the most benefit.


I'm slowly putting aside Ranked Warzone comes to buy a second BM Eliminator set.



On the dummy with current gear I'm finding myself parsing higher with the 15% Crit rather than the 8% damage. Maybe because RS doesn't go off as much a crit is more noticeable, Not sure, but so far it's consistent being higher. (1500 over 5 Minutes is relatively easier, I seem to be around 1400 with the Combat Tech)


So my theory is buying another Eliminator Set and since the set bonus is NOT tied to the armoring, getting all the lovely PvE Mod stats in it and just going to town with a 15% Crit bonus.


I figure this will take me about a week and about 400K to move all mods over but when I do i'll let you know how it turns out.


(Which works out since I've already spent 1, 100k respec so at least that will reset by than also)


Ranked Commendations? So you're getting the WH Eliminator set for PvE? Then you will loose the Setbonus because it is tied to the armor mod. You need to get a BM set so you can keep the bonus, and make sure you dont put Campaing gear armor mod or else it will overide it.

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Ranked Commendations? So you're getting the WH Eliminator set for PvE? Then you will loose the Setbonus because it is tied to the armor mod. You need to get a BM set so you can keep the bonus, and make sure you dont put Campaing gear armor mod or else it will overide it.


Yeah, slight typo there. Meant to say "I'm putting aside Ranked Warzone comms, to focus on regular comms for a second bm set"



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If I wasn't so busy messing around with my Tanking set I'd have tried this out already. Hopefully someone can try it and post parses with the Combat Tech vs Eliminator set bonuses.


By the way, I really have to bring up this question that bothers the hell out of me:

Why don't more people spec into Prototype Cylinders??? On every simulation and parse I have run, 3% Tech Crit FAR outweighs 6% Aim.


http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301bMZMsZfhrbzGhrs.1 is the highest DPS PvE Pyro spec by every metric I know how to measure it.

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If I wasn't so busy messing around with my Tanking set I'd have tried this out already. Hopefully someone can try it and post parses with the Combat Tech vs Eliminator set bonuses.


By the way, I really have to bring up this question that bothers the hell out of me:

Why don't more people spec into Prototype Cylinders??? On every simulation and parse I have run, 3% Tech Crit FAR outweighs 6% Aim.


http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301bMZMsZfhrbzGhrs.1 is the highest DPS PvE Pyro spec by every metric I know how to measure it.


and http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMhZMsZfhrbzGhMM.1 is somehow less than the one you posted??


How so? have you noticed how much aim you can achieve with high level gear?

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Pyro spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301bMZMsZfhbbdGhrs.1


Rotation: Explosive Fuel + IM > RS > RP (PPA proc) > TD > RS

If PPA doesn't proc, spam FB until it does then vent heat. Try to TD only after a RS, try to save RP for when PPA is off cooldown.


With 4pc Combat Tech: http://www.torparse.com/a/25853


With 4pc Eliminator (pvp): http://www.torparse.com/a/26065


Same buffs used for both, Rakata stim, Vent heat and TSO used mostly on cooldown, Explosive fuel on cd.


The Eliminator set is not a HUGE boost in DPS but it does parse higher for me. Yes this is just one parse, I'll get a longer one when I dps KP NmM and compare it to my parse in full combat tech.

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Not sure if anyone cares about this anymore, but as promised my DPS of KP NmM parses


With 4 pc Combat Tech (pve) set: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/combatlog/2cfff7b7-4604-4ae7-a498-fd23beb6a0ab#d=0,f=3,b=1


With 4 pc Eliminator (pvp) set: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/combatlog/b758c717-96e6-4142-a3fb-12eebcdbacdb/overview#d=0,f=21,b=1


Unfortunately the run I had with my combat tech gear was only the final 2 bosses, but as you can see I performed noticeably better in the Eliminator pvp set. As I'm a main tank I have not changed my DPS gear at all except to swap mods from Combat Tech to Eliminator pvp set.

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