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Guardians/Sentinels are out of hand in PvP!


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Mercs/Commandos are still more annoying. Leaping into combat and then being able to attack is no worse than just being able to attack from that 30m away without having to close the distance and become more vulnerable to, for example, AOE taunts.
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unstoppable train of lolness they are worse by far more then sorcs and bhs ever where


but it shouldnt matter as you have to be skilled to play them.... oh wait


Skill to play a BH? that takes skill, no skill required to play a sentinel/guardian tho, you just leap and snare and nuke

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Skill to play a BH? that takes skill, no skill required to play a sentinel/guardian tho, you just leap and snare and nuke


it takes a little more skill than that, you need decent movement and alot of keybindings.

and the ability to have field awareness and ability awareness.


equal or more than any other class out there.

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The funny thing is they knew about this during the Test period. A ton of people on the test servers told them that Knight/Warrior DPS was out of control. What did they do instead - nerfed healing and increased Melee DPS. Honestly in full BM gear I can pretty much get taken out by 1 average Marauder in 4 hits, 2 on me it's game over unless another healer is with me.
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Nerf Guardians and Sentinals then buff Juggernaut and Marauder I say :wea_03:









Just shut down rebublic side like they did ilum and force everyone to play imperial. No downside now that they are making all the warzones inter realm playable and they can't seem to mirror classes very well.

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unstoppable train of lolness they are worse by far more then sorcs and bhs ever where


but it shouldnt matter as you have to be skilled to play them.... oh wait


For instance, purchase G15 .... grab a handful of macros from the webz ... profit from mad skillage.

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The funny thing is they knew about this during the Test period. A ton of people on the test servers told them that Knight/Warrior DPS was out of control. What did they do instead - nerfed healing and increased Melee DPS. Honestly in full BM gear I can pretty much get taken out by 1 average Marauder in 4 hits, 2 on me it's game over unless another healer is with me.


Knight/warrior dps too high? So you mean guardian, juggernaut dps too high?? Nerf it??

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The funny thing is they knew about this during the Test period. A ton of people on the test servers told them that Knight/Warrior DPS was out of control. What did they do instead - nerfed healing and increased Melee DPS. Honestly in full BM gear I can pretty much get taken out by 1 average Marauder in 4 hits, 2 on me it's game over unless another healer is with me.


This right here- BW is full of **** when it comes to balance.


Take the sorc 1.5 infusion double proc. They couldn't fix that, so what do they do? Remove the ability entirely- eliminating a sorc's ability to heal with even a single dps on him.



BW hates healers, it's obvious.

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Dude my Focus Guardian is doing the same damage is was before 1.2. Maras/Sents received a buff, NOT Guardians, and Maras/Sents now have an insane amount of bleed self heals with even more DPS making them nearly invincible. If you can't kill a DPS Guardian then you're just not that good in PvP sorry to say because they haven't been buffed and their survivability sucks compared to Maras/Sents. Edited by ELECTRICJUDGMENT
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Dude my Focus Guardian is doing the same damage is was before 1.2. Maras/Sents received a buff, NOT Guardians, and Maras/Sents now have an insane amount of bleed self heals with even more DPS making nearly invincible. If you can't kill a DPS Guardian then you're just not that good in PvP sorry to say because they haven't been buffed.


Lets spread MORE disinformation please...


Annihilation spec (bleed/selfheals) didnt receive any DPS increase.




Maras/sentinels received a +20% on smash (in line with the guard/jugg) and a buff to ravage (like the guard/jugg).


What DPS increase are you talking about?


Go watch the skill trees, or atleast read the patch notes.

Edited by atreyuz
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Seriously they need a nerf , they are too mobile, their interrupts are annoying and they are always on top of you.


Srsly, nerf their charge or leap or whatever their ability to force jump on you its called.


Were not all like that sadly, were not all in high end gear because we have been farming WZ for weeks on end.


Ive been 1 shotted (14.5k health) in a wz by a sorc so were not the only ones with issues. Apparently thats not possible but my brother was there healing me and asked me why i suddenly died to 1 sorc.


Healers ahve almost no point in pvp now as they are getting 2 shotted from sorc.

Also seem a dam speed hacker and someone that seemed to be able to remove all stuns.


Have an issue with pvp in general, LOOSE the dam PVP gear, its not needed never has been.

Edited by Illindorn
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Lets spread MORE disinformation please...


Bleed/self heals DIDNT change one bit.


Yeah it did. I was in several games last night with a Marauder that was healing himself for like 500hp/sec or more with bleed, and he wasn't within range of any healers, no stims or healthpacks. He was just healing away with no effort and continued healing after I was dead until his health was full bar again. Maybe it's a serious bug but I know what I saw and it was persistent throughout several warzones.

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Yeah it did. I was in several games last night with a Marauder that was healing himself for like 500hp/sec with bleed, and he wasn't within range of any healers, no stims or healthpacks. He was just healing away with no effort and continued healing after I was dead until his health was full bar again.


I saw one fly around a warzone, he would fly down and pick people up while they were kicking and screaming. It was terrible.

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This right here- BW is full of **** when it comes to balance.


Take the sorc 1.5 infusion double proc. They couldn't fix that, so what do they do? Remove the ability entirely- eliminating a sorc's ability to heal with even a single dps on him.



BW hates healers, it's obvious.


It makes healing as a Sorc/Sage nonviable. Obviously it was unfair for us to be able to use the proc twice as that wasn't intended but the way they handled it was pointless. I just don't understand how you mess up this bad, they don't listen to the community. We are the ones playing the game. Come on.

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To the last guy that said loose PVP gear it is needed just like any other PVP mmo. As far as sent/maud they need a serious nerf because with me in all but 5 pieces of BM gear and being taken down in 3-4 hits as a sage dps is utterly ridiculous. If Bioware knew about this why did you guys even put this in, doesn't seem very smart in my opinion to tone in down. Also to remove a healing ability because you can't figure out how to fix it is also not the best move. It's something that has crippled most sage healers whether it be PVP or PVE. If you were going to remove it you needed to replace it with something as Force usage for heals can be a huge problem worse than other classes. I don't even know if I'm going to want to PVP until things are fixed which sucks because I was looking forward to finishing up my BM gear and working on War Hero but with how badly unbalanced things are atm it makes me not even want to play it anymore.
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