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Dev's: "We want slower killing" . . . Result = opposite


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I'm comparing PVP to reaction times in other games. People complain in an MMO then turn on an FPS. Anything PVP should be much faster than anything PVE simply because you're dealing with other people. How about I compare it to another MMO? Oh, let's see, in WoW you die really fast if you're facing multiple people, in GW you die really fast when you face multiple people, in Rift, or Warhammer Online, the same thing. Why is it such a big deal that things are fast paced in SWTOR? Oh, you wanted something easy...my bad.


I do mind fast pace when its a retarded BH spamming tracer missiles in the backfield.


This game is not as slow as you make it out to be, not even pre 1.2

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Every game I've played since the patch at level 50 has been highly competitive...and no, they're not all premades, the queue on my server for premades is too long so we run PUGs and hope to get in the same group, and it's the same thing on the IMP side.


FYI it's the same queue. They were looking to make a different queue for rated, but obviously that didn't happen.


The only difference is that for solo queue you can obviously start a match with less than 4 players, which happens very frequently, and you can also be dumped into in progress losing games, which is also frequent.

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Omg the drama.

Pvp is balanced for top of the foodchain.


You are obviously not skilled enough to judge balance. During training times of my pvp team we got all 8 into one voidstar game


The top sorc healer on our server in my premade gets 600k healing done in voidstar if I protect him.

One of the top 20 operater healeron our server gets 720k healing done when he is protected by our 2nd tank.


The 2nd best Dps on our server got only 620k dammage in that warzone.


If you die every few seconds, it is because you play random low level pvp.



This is exactly why the fact they tried to put this update through without a) cross server q-ing, and b) ranked WZ's was such an unforgivable disaster..


With both a and b above, those who q solo get to have a decent experience, and those who go pre-made and are higher ranked have a decent experience.


With the way they did it nobody wins. They would have been better off just holding out all of the PVP updates until they got it sorted out. The PVE 1.2 changes are pretty cool. And Novare Coast is cool. But they could have instituted the new PVP map without the other stuff.


They half-a** it. Someone in management is not thinking very well.

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Faster means faster thinking and quicker reaction times, as well as knowing your skills and making clickers useless...


Why is it that in a First Person Shooter people die in a matter of seconds no one complains, they adapt, yet in an MMO people complain? I don't get it.


Faster makes things MORE competitive because that requires your brain to actually function.


Well in a shooter you are not limited by a GCD. Dying in 4 seconds in a MMO where you have 1.5 second GCD and 2.5 cast time means you were able to push your buttons twice before dying. I'm not sure how faster thinking and quicker reaction times are really going to help you much when you are limited by the game in reacting to a given situation.

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They could before but you had to use tactics to split the healer and tank. Now you just ignore the tank kill the healer then kill the now almost dead tank. It really not even worth guarding a healer as it pretty much just get's the tank killed faster.


You want people to use tactics to do something that should be a steamroll to begin with.


Please teach me to be pro like you :D

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I dunno, maybe I just like the fast paced a lot more then most people. I prefer everything to be fast paced though. :D On Bacca's Blade, the PVP is almost dead during the week then dies out late night on weekends, so I guess it's a kind of give/take scenario.


I think maybe some of my problem is the wait to get back into the game after you die. When you die you get stuck back at the starting point for your team and you have to wait for the barrier to drop before you can get back in the match. I feel like I'm spending more time staring at the barrier than actually playing. I die so fast and then have to wait 15-20 seconds to get back into the match and then have to run over to where my team is to help. Then I die in 5 seconds and go back to waiting again. At least in FPS games you respawn immediately and usually right next to your team and are back into the action right away.


Another problem is that there is way too much CC in this game to make it so fast paced. No way someone should be getting killed in less time than 1 stun lasts. You literally have zero control over your character and then you are dead. I fail to see how this is even remotely fun. I don't want to get stuck playing another twitch game where my trigger finger and ping time dictate victory. I live in Hawaii and I don't get the best ping times in video games :p

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I think maybe some of my problem is the wait to get back into the game after you die. When you die you get stuck back at the starting point for your team and you have to wait for the barrier to drop before you can get back in the match. I feel like I'm spending more time staring at the barrier than actually playing. I die so fast and then have to wait 15-20 seconds to get back into the match and then have to run over to where my team is to help. Then I die in 5 seconds and go back to waiting again. At least in FPS games you respawn immediately and usually right next to your team and are back into the action right away.


Another problem is that there is way too much CC in this game to make it so fast paced. No way someone should be getting killed in less time than 1 stun lasts. You literally have zero control over your character and then you are dead. I fail to see how this is even remotely fun. I don't want to get stuck playing another twitch game where my trigger finger and ping time dictate victory. I live in Hawaii and I don't get the best ping times in video games :p


Well I think one of the issues that is affecting the overall state of PVP is the fact that people forget their roles and things start moving fast and they can't keep up. For instance, a tank should be guarding the healers and spamming their taunts to keep damage lower on everyone else, while DPS should be bashing the hell out of people and sending the other DPS away from the healers.


Just from a tactical standpoint, you can make things slow enough to kill by putting your healers behind ranged DPS, Tanks next to the healers, and melee DPS in the very front, yet people don't understand it and run around like chickens with their heads cut off. You can catch a Melee DPS in the air with a stun, then someone else launches him away.


People are complaining about Marauders/Sentinels but they never mention the fact that a Tank, yes....a TANK, that should be absorbing damage and basically distracting other people, puts out over 500k damage with a ton of protection points, yet people complain about DPS classes.


The way I see it, no matter what Bioware does, people will still complain, so maybe they should include a voting system and let the players vote on changes? That way if things change people have no right to complain.

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OMG you mean three players on one can finally kill a healer,,,the horror.



No you read that wrong, he said a healer with guard which means 2 players.


If 2-3 dps can kill a healer in less than 12 seconds with guard on them and tank mitigation in pvp was nerfed guess what: WHAT'S THE POINT OF TEAMWORK WITH A TANK AND HEALER WHEN YOU CAN DPS AND JUST FACEROLL

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No you read that wrong, he said a healer with guard which means 2 players.


If 2-3 dps can kill a healer in less than 12 seconds with guard on them and tank mitigation in pvp was nerfed guess what: WHAT'S THE POINT OF TEAMWORK WITH A TANK AND HEALER WHEN YOU CAN DPS AND JUST FACEROLL


You have to understand, noobs like him on the board think Healers were difficult to kill before the patch, and that 1 dps should automatically kill 1 healer.

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No you read that wrong, he said a healer with guard which means 2 players.


If 2-3 dps can kill a healer in less than 12 seconds with guard on them and tank mitigation in pvp was nerfed guess what: WHAT'S THE POINT OF TEAMWORK WITH A TANK AND HEALER WHEN YOU CAN DPS AND JUST FACEROLL


Triple ravage FTW. 18 thousands of pure concentrated pain. :D

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Well I think one of the issues that is affecting the overall state of PVP is the fact that people forget their roles and things start moving fast and they can't keep up. For instance, a tank should be guarding the healers and spamming their taunts to keep damage lower on everyone else, while DPS should be bashing the hell out of people and sending the other DPS away from the healers.


Just from a tactical standpoint, you can make things slow enough to kill by putting your healers behind ranged DPS, Tanks next to the healers, and melee DPS in the very front, yet people don't understand it and run around like chickens with their heads cut off. You can catch a Melee DPS in the air with a stun, then someone else launches him away.


People are complaining about Marauders/Sentinels but they never mention the fact that a Tank, yes....a TANK, that should be absorbing damage and basically distracting other people, puts out over 500k damage with a ton of protection points, yet people complain about DPS classes.


The way I see it, no matter what Bioware does, people will still complain, so maybe they should include a voting system and let the players vote on changes? That way if things change people have no right to complain.


You make a sound point in theory. Unfortunately in a game where people can't fully pick their teams and often get stuck with 7 random players, this rarely ever happens. Most people that play warzones do so randomly. There is no voice chat or any kind of coordination because people can't talk to each other and don't know each other. If I had a group of 7 friends on voice chat we could definitely do something like what you mention. Unfortunately that's not how games play out most of the time. It's not coordinated and people just do what they want.


This also assumes that random groups get put together with class balance in mind, which it doesn't seem like they do. You could end up in a game with 8 tanks or a game with 8 healers. There is no guarantee that you get a tank in your game that can guard people, or a healer that can heal people. It seems like PVP has been balanced with a group of 8 coordinated people on a balanced team who play with objectives in mind and talk to each other. Probably just how Bioware does it in their office. However when you hit queue solo this all gets thrown out the window and you end up with a terrible experience.

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What are your team's dps doing? When it takes 3 dps to kill 1 healer, your team dps could have killed all 3 dps that have no healer, plus CC, etc.


Also why should dps require tactics and coordination of dpsers when a healer can just stare at raid panel and spam heal on whoever has low health? The most tactics a healer would deploy is probably to

fake a heal to avoid interrupt his big heal, or a tank swaps guard and taunt.


You know nothing about healing in pvp if thats what you think pvp healing is.

Edited by vsalcedo
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You have to understand, noobs like him on the board think Healers were difficult to kill before the patch, and that 1 dps should automatically kill 1 healer.

I saw some average full BM geared team steamrollers playing exactly like pure newbies and die or forfeit to my understuffed heal merc.


How is it even remotely possible to win 90% of the time when ALL members of the said team just play solo? Having just 1 sent on a heal hitting mostly with base assault, already able to deal more damage than the heal is able to heal himself for is why this happen... and it already happened pre-1.2 with skilled sents.


I'm by far not the best PvP player, but when I look at logs... well, I play my lvl 34 sent better than what I see in-game and in the logs when facing most of the lvl 50 ones.


What's really horrible is to think the day they'll play as a team there will really be no chance for "balanced" groups, leading to dps fest amplification, leading to assist-instant-kills which nor the losers nor the winners will enjoy, unless there is some sort of masochism/sadism involved.

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And the teams that do get steam rolled basically play for nothing. I just played a full length Novare Coast and our team got destroyed 100-0. No one on my team managed to get 3 medals so the ENTIRE team got zero rewards for the game. Who the hell wants to play with that?
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Am I the only one who likes it that the combat is now faster? It took much to long before the patch, sure underequiped folks die now like flies, but against other people in battlemaster it feels about right.


Totally agree. 1.2 seems pretty good. Not perfect but pretty good.

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And the teams that do get steam rolled basically play for nothing. I just played a full length Novare Coast and our team got destroyed 100-0. No one on my team managed to get 3 medals so the ENTIRE team got zero rewards for the game. Who the hell wants to play with that?


Yeah that seems wonky. I'm all for winners getting more something (money, valor) but nothing to the losing team that tried. Yeah not so cool.

Edited by jarethkor
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Totally agree. 1.2 seems pretty good. Not perfect but pretty good.


Maybe you are just lucky and win most of your games. Regardless I fear that you don't see the bigger picture, and you are a ''zerg zerg zerg'' player.


I don't mean to be a jerk, but I honestly cannot see how you can like the changes to pvp unless you are 1 of the above. Or Mara/sent. :)

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