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Carnage specs for 1.2


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Since there are threads both for annihilation and rage specs for 1.2 and no real thread for carnage,except threads comparing it to others, i thought i'd go ahead and make one.


I leveled up as carnage and thought it was a decent spec, but since i hit 50 ive been annihilation and i love that talent tree.

But now after the buffs and changes I thought id give carnage a go again.


I havent really had a chance to play around much since the patch and downtimes and irl interfering. But ive got 2 specs id like to try out and maybe get some feedback on.


First one is what i assume will be pretty much a cookie cutter spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bcZGMrRRrrdGzZM.1

I understand some will prefer having narrow hatred over stagger. I havent had narrow hatred as annihilation spec and i dont think ill have much use for it as carnage either. therefore i went with stagger.


Now the other build im tempted to go with is this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bcZuMrRRRrdGzZMM.1

Now this spec features Decimate. the 20% increase to aoe is really tempting. ecpecially now that sweeping slash is effected by ataru berserk.


I picked this talent with the cost of removing a point in cloak of carnage, which isnt a biggie.


I also chose to remove a point from Enraged assult, which might hurt my uptime. What are your thoughts on this?

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There is no point in using ravage after getting massacre so the points in ravager could be put somewhere else more useful. If your going for pvp the first build is good but put the 2 points from ravager into Malice. If your going for a PvE build then here is what I've made




In what way is there no point in using ravage? It hits like a truck and is a 3 sec immobalize

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I probably should have been more awake when i responded. I was thinking of vicious slash for some reason, so now I'll have to refigure my build... bah.


Edit: Seems I should have payed more attention to the new talent for smash since it doesn't reduce it to only 1 rage now.

Edited by AzraelCales
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Since there are threads both for annihilation and rage specs for 1.2 and no real thread for carnage,except threads comparing it to others, i thought i'd go ahead and make one.


I leveled up as carnage and thought it was a decent spec, but since i hit 50 ive been annihilation and i love that talent tree.

But now after the buffs and changes I thought id give carnage a go again.


I havent really had a chance to play around much since the patch and downtimes and irl interfering. But ive got 2 specs id like to try out and maybe get some feedback on.


First one is what i assume will be pretty much a cookie cutter spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bcZGMrRRrrdGzZM.1

I understand some will prefer having narrow hatred over stagger. I havent had narrow hatred as annihilation spec and i dont think ill have much use for it as carnage either. therefore i went with stagger.


Now the other build im tempted to go with is this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bcZuMrRRRrdGzZMM.1

Now this spec features Decimate. the 20% increase to aoe is really tempting. ecpecially now that sweeping slash is effected by ataru berserk.


I picked this talent with the cost of removing a point in cloak of carnage, which isnt a biggie.


I also chose to remove a point from Enraged assult, which might hurt my uptime. What are your thoughts on this?


your first spec is pretty much what i use, except for stagger


i honestly find it to be an utter waste of 2 talent points, its not long enough to be an effective root, and the base root for charge is long enough to gain position when needed


id put those 2 into narrowed hatred, plus 1 from cloak of carnage, the second point isnt worth nearly as much rage generation as the first point is


with narrowed hatred you can re-mod almost all of the accuracy out of your gear for more crit/power/surge/whatever you are low on


i think the 3 points is really worth the gear flexibility



as for your second spec ...


i really dont see the point in specing into a damage bonus for aoes when our aoes are garbage (unless you are rage spec, of course)


they are basically just for stopping cappers, and the amount of damage isnt important for that, points better spent elsewhere for carnage and annihilation

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there is no point in using ravage after getting massacre so the points in ravager could be put somewhere else more useful. If your going for pvp the first build is good but put the 2 points from ravager into malice. If your going for a pve build then here is what i've made





Edited by beyondkilling
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Massacer > Gore > ravage > scream is what I do.


for bersker: bersker > gore > massacer > scream > massacer x 5



I'm not one of those super OP marauders ppl complain about tho so it could be a little different.

Edited by Dacer
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My personal rotation if everything is off cool down...


Bloodthirst > Force Charge > Gore > Ravage > Force Scream > Deadly Throw > Crippling Slash > Battering Assualt > Massacre as they run.


This is assuming no stun, root, KB, or them force running, etc...


Things may change so you have to be prepared...If you can run up on them without force charge it would be this.


Battering Assualt > Bloodthirst > Gore > Ravage > Force Scream > Massacre at will


sometimes if it looks bad, I save my opening burst for the middle of the fight and then let it all out....


Depends on the class im focused on killing.

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