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For the love of god change tracer missle animation


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I can´t resist:


For the love of god stop effin complaining about cosmetics.


There are more important matters than this.


So you are complaining about a complain ? that clearly makes a lot of sense.

Actually, if you had taken time to read, some people actually know that its not top priority, just that last we know it has been noted.

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Please don't change the animation for Tracer Missile. I'm one of the Mercs who actually like it the way it is. I'm sorry I missed the recent poll on the subject, but I was too busy enjoying the game to come onto the forums to whinge.


The animation makes perfect sense. The BH has to bend over to line up the trajectory of the missile with the target, bracing him/herself for the blast. If you think it looks like anything else you should grow up. Any casted missile should be fired from the back, while instants should be fired from the wrist. If it's casted, it's going to have recoil, and unless the BH wants to sustain compound fractures in his/her arms, that recoil should be more properly absorbed by the legs. Not to mention that a back mounted missile launcher would be far more intimidating for the BH then a piddly little wrist gauntlet.


And quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of this attitude current generation MMO players have that if they whinge on the forums long enough they can have the game changed however they want. Seriously, who do you people think you are? This isn't a balance change or a mechanics change. This is an entirely opinionated cosmetic change suggested by a handful of forum goers that will effect every single Merc player in the game. And some of those Mercs (like myself) actually like the animation, but aren't going to post about it on the forums because they're too busy enjoying the game. And the people out there who don't like the animation, will either tolerate it or reroll, instead of having the conceited belief they can get the developers to change whatever they want if the complain about it enough.

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Please don't change the animation for Tracer Missile. I'm one of the Mercs who actually like it the way it is. I'm sorry I missed the recent poll on the subject, but I was too busy enjoying the game to come onto the forums to whinge.


The animation makes perfect sense. The BH has to bend over to line up the trajectory of the missile with the target, bracing him/herself for the blast. If you think it looks like anything else you should grow up. Any casted missile should be fired from the back, while instants should be fired from the wrist. If it's casted, it's going to have recoil, and unless the BH wants to sustain compound fractures in his/her arms, that recoil should be more properly absorbed by the legs. Not to mention that a back mounted missile launcher would be far more intimidating for the BH then a piddly little wrist gauntlet.


And quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of this attitude current generation MMO players have that if they whinge on the forums long enough they can have the game changed however they want. Seriously, who do you people think you are? This isn't a balance change or a mechanics change. This is an entirely opinionated cosmetic change suggested by a handful of forum goers that will effect every single Merc player in the game. And some of those Mercs (like myself) actually like the animation, but aren't going to post about it on the forums because they're too busy enjoying the game. And the people out there who don't like the animation, will either tolerate it or reroll, instead of having the conceited belief they can get the developers to change whatever they want if the complain about it enough.


So for you it makes prefer sense for a bounty hunter ( or even anyone) to be in that position for X amount of time a boss fight could last ? weird i would say it would give more back problems then anything... not saying with some chest armors that doesnt have backpack/jetback and only a fireball appear on your back while you cast...

What I'm more concern though, is people telling other people that giving feedbacks and suggestion to improve a game is a bad thing. I mean if the devs even said they noted it, it means even them think the suggestion makes sense.

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And quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of this attitude current generation MMO players have that if they whinge on the forums long enough they can have the game changed however they want. Seriously, who do you people think you are? This isn't a balance change or a mechanics change. This is an entirely opinionated cosmetic change suggested by a handful of forum goers that will effect every single Merc player in the game. And some of those Mercs (like myself) actually like the animation, but aren't going to post about it on the forums because they're too busy enjoying the game. And the people out there who don't like the animation, will either tolerate it or reroll, instead of having the conceited belief they can get the developers to change whatever they want if the complain about it enough.


Perhaps because they pay for the game to be persistently changed for the better as decided by the greatest number? The fact that these threads exist to complain about certain animations and not every single little thing in the game should tell you something: this whining is not as ubiquitous as you clearly think it is. There are a few things about every class that are just kinda dumb right now, and the tracer missile animation is one of them. It's not being suggested by a handful of forum goers, it's probably a statistically relevant trend that you can get thousands of people voting that it should be swapped with another, less stupid animation.


Your tune would sound quite different if the shoe was on the other foot. What if the animations WERE reversed? Would you be on the forum complaining that you want the goofy animation on the spammed ability and the simple, practical animation on the situational ability with the CD? Get some perspective please. These complaints are not pulled out of thin air for the purpose of venting frustration. People don't bother to post this kind of stuff if they don't really care.

Edited by krameriffic
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How about they just make the animation like a "Predator" style animation where its a mounted shoulder launcher that fires, bending over to shoot missiles from your back looks Fing :mad: Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - due to age of post no action
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I hardly ever post on these forums, but the tracer animation is horrendous. I re-specced to pyro just because I can't stand that stupid animation. I am also seriously considering re-rolling a trooper, even though my BH is level 42.... Yes this animation is THAT bad.
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What I'm more concern though, is people telling other people that giving feedbacks and suggestion to improve a game is a bad thing. I mean if the devs even said they noted it, it means even them think the suggestion makes sense.


Did you miss the part of my post that says this is en entirely opinionated change? This change is not an improvement, it's zero-sum. Some people will like the change, and others (like myself) will be on the forums doing the only thing people do on the forums, which is complain.


The fact that these threads exist to complain about certain animations and not every single little thing in the game should tell you something: this whining is not as ubiquitous as you clearly think it is.


Let me clue you in on a little fact of life on these forums. The only people who post here are asking for help or complaining about something. Surprise, surprise, the people who actually like the way the game is now don't make 70 page long threads about how awesome it is. The forums are always going to biased towards negativity.


Perhaps because they pay for the game to be persistently changed for the better as decided by the greatest number?


You pay $15 a month to play the game, not demand the redirection of developer time and resources. That would require a far greater investment on your part. And let me tell you something, your piddly subscription fee means jack compared to the time, effort and money put into this game only for you to demand they change it to suit your own ends.


It's not being suggested by a handful of forum goers, it's probably a statistically relevant trend that you can get thousands of people voting that it should be swapped with another, less stupid animation.


And until that happens, you have no proof that his is a relevant statistical trend, and we all know what people say about statistics.


Your tune would sound quite different if the shoe was on the other foot. What if the animations WERE reversed? Would you be on the forum complaining that you want the goofy animation on the spammed ability and the simple, practical animation on the situational ability with the CD?


Because you know me so well. I wouldn't be on the forums complaining because I'm not conceited enough to think I can get the developers to do whatever I want them to do if I just whinge long enough. However, if this change does go through, I will be on the forums raging that a bunch of whingers on the forums ruined the animation for me. And that's what will happen. You'll please all the whingers and piss off the people who like the animation the way it is. Zero-sum. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but I will be fighting this change all the way. Partly because I like the animation, and partly because I don't want you whiners to win.

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Did you miss the part of my post that says this is en entirely opinionated change? This change is not an improvement, it's zero-sum. Some people will like the change, and others (like myself) will be on the forums doing the only thing people do on the forums, which is complain.


Gaming experience is to be improved for a majority.




Let me clue you in on a little fact of life on these forums. The only people who post here are asking for help or complaining about something. Surprise, surprise, the people who actually like the way the game is now don't make 70 page long threads about how awesome it is. The forums are always going to biased towards negativity.


The again, why is there so many topics about how great is the game (and an off-topics section, lol)? and in any case since when did constructive posts went negatives?



You pay $15 a month to play the game, not demand the redirection of developer time and resources. That would require a far greater investment on your part. And let me tell you something, your piddly subscription fee means jack compared to the time, effort and money put into this game only for you to demand they change it to suit your own ends.


Then again, do you think i would be posting about this suggestion since beta if i was an only ''15$/month'' client and that the dev didn't already say they noted it. Lately i'm only looking for their answer and reply to people like you. Anyway, to make a majority of client happy of their new bounty hunter animation and want to continue paying their 15$/month, is that such a bad investment ?




And until that happens, you have no proof that his is a relevant statistical trend, and we all know what people say about statistics.


hum ? got screenshot of last poll if you want.


Because you know me so well. I wouldn't be on the forums complaining because I'm not conceited enough to think I can get the developers to do whatever I want them to do if I just whinge long enough. However, if this change does go through, I will be on the forums raging that a bunch of whingers on the forums ruined the animation for me. And that's what will happen. You'll please all the whingers and piss off the people who like the animation the way it is. Zero-sum. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but I will be fighting this change all the way. Partly because I like the animation, and partly because I don't want you whiners to win.


Cool story bro. whinning about ''whinners'' does make sense to some people nowaday. In any case, still a majority of people would like to see an animation change, but sure fight all you want, that how the whole game can actually improve, but be aware I'll be there to fight back, as I would like the current animation changed for the fusion missile one and vice versa.


just saying, there is such a thing as customer power, and it goes through feedbacks and suggestion.

Edited by NovaTera
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Gaming experience is to be improved for a majority.


Anyway, to make a majority of client happy of their new bounty hunter animation and want to continue paying their 15$/month, is that such a bad investment ?


Cool story bro. whinning about ''whinners'' does make sense to some people nowaday. In any case, still a majority of people would like to see an animation change, but sure fight all you want, that how the whole game can actually improve, but be aware I'll be there to fight back, as I would like the current animation changed for the fusion missile one and vice versa.


Stop using the word "majority". You don't have a majority, you have a sample of forum posters already biased towards negativity. Go and ask people on your server if they like the animation or not. Come back and tell me what they say.

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