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Help Bioware, My Trooper Is No Longer Fun To Play


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Star-ranger, my roommate and I also are not enjoying playing since 1.2 came out. As a dedicated healer, I decided to give it a few weeks to see if there were any changes Bioware would implement to make healing more enjoyable. Since there have been no improvements to the mechanics of Combat Medic, I no longer feel like playing.


I wish all of you the best in your future endeavors, but I am taking my time elsewhere.

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Ya'll can spam L2P all you want, but the fact of the matter is that my Commando, and his companion, are big sissies since 1.2 (and it seems like it has actually gotten worse with the subsequent mini-patches). I was amazed and appalled when I played him the day after 1.2 rolled out. In his first 48 levels, he might have died twice, and that was when I was playing with one eye and watching TV with the other. It's like he is wearing paper armor...his health and the companion's health just crashes in seconds. I died 5 times today at 50 doing my bonus series (aggro radius seems larger, as well, but maybe it just feels that way when you are a super-wuss). Once I finish his class story, he is going on the shelf until some un-nerfs come along. When I started the game, I planned for Trooper to be my main, but those dreams were dashed by 1.2. And btw, both my Commando and his companion have excellent gear and weapons....
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try assault


What if you don't want to play Assault Specialist? I want to play Gunnery and I'm having huge problem taking anything down in PvP. I don't have enough damage to kill anyone coming for me or to take out anything shotting at me. I don't know what to improve, survivability or the damage but this aint working out. I'v tried everything: 2 grav - full auto - high impacto with a sticky bomb which is my regular attack sequence but it aint working out any longer. I'v shuffled around alittle with plasma granade sticky and then hammershot + try to run away, aint working. I'v even tried to stand still and heal myself when my grav or full auto gets interrupted and that didnt work either! The only way for me to acctualy get something down is to hope they never target me or using reactive shield, adrenal rush + kolto overload (the gunnery talent that give 7% health back with reload) all long CDs. But yeah I end up top dps sometimes but did I do anything myself ? no.. I got carried by others, I know team play is importent Bioware but does that mean one class needs to be totally useless if targeted? I havnt always played commando I played powertech bounty hunter before, before the 1.2 nerf and I didnt experience ANY problem facing commandos/mercenaries AT ALL. Of course they were my prio 1 targets same as any other ranged class so I went for them first and it was a good fight. Now I don't play my powertech any longer because I wanted a ranged class and what do I get? I totally useless one... Comm's/merc's are basically free kills now adays and people are aware of it.


And don't tell me to use concussive charge, cryogranade or concussive round because I do, all the time but it aint saving me. bring back gravity and demolition round as they used to be atleast! or increase the charged barrier to 15% or more...


/Unhappy Commando

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I dont see what nerf in the patch notes would make much difference to leveling or survivability for either comms or vans and their respective mirror classes.


I have no issues in either PvE or PvP, neither at low levels or max level with my BHs/Trooper toons. Champions and 2+Heroics are just as easy now as they were before and mobs below that are a joke. All my BHs/Trooper toons are dps specced, all using the pyro tree or its mirror along with the dot cylinder.


There is a 5% mitigation nerf within arsenal/gunnery, this would only means something if you were that close to dying pre patch.


And to answer what someone asked. No PT/van doesnt have more surv than a merc/comm when it comes to dps specs, its the same mitigation CDs for both ACs besides the tank cylinder and heals.


I would like to know what exactly makes you think your merc/comm is more squishy now when it comes to PvE leveling and questing.

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In my case it's like i have a feeling that they somehow tampered with heavy armor on my Commando, i am taking a lot more damage in PvE than i used to all of a sudden and i am at least 3-4 levels above content, so ut's strange to say the least.
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I'm assuming that the big change came in the way that Armor and defense work, since it seems like Heavy Armor users take more damage now than they did before.


But I *heavily* disagree that it's made us less fun to play. I find Trooper far more fun to play since 1.2. Before the patch it was far too easy (in pve *and* pvp) because we could just spam 2-3 things and easily win. Now there's actually some amount of challenge to the class and it's far more on par with the rest of the classes...and now all the kiddies complain.


Notice, it's not the people that actually know how to play or are willing to learn new ways to play that are having problems...it's the kiddies that want an easy game and are now being forced to actually have a challenge. I love how one of the recent replies was "before 1.2 it was easy to stay alive, and that was with one eye on the game and the other watching TV". Do you seriously want the game to be that easy?? Why are you playing a video game if you just want to sit around spamming a few things mindlessly?

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I'm assuming that the big change came in the way that Armor and defense work, since it seems like Heavy Armor users take more damage now than they did before.


But I *heavily* disagree that it's made us less fun to play. I find Trooper far more fun to play since 1.2. Before the patch it was far too easy (in pve *and* pvp) because we could just spam 2-3 things and easily win. Now there's actually some amount of challenge to the class and it's far more on par with the rest of the classes...and now all the kiddies complain.


Notice, it's not the people that actually know how to play or are willing to learn new ways to play that are having problems...it's the kiddies that want an easy game and are now being forced to actually have a challenge. I love how one of the recent replies was "before 1.2 it was easy to stay alive, and that was with one eye on the game and the other watching TV". Do you seriously want the game to be that easy?? Why are you playing a video game if you just want to sit around spamming a few things mindlessly?


I don't....but I have no idea where you think that they really changed anything with this class. Wow! I hit full auto a whole 10% more than I did before...Look at that depth!!!! What a challenge!


Commandos are a simplistic class with no real skill involved. The only thing they had was their effectiveness, which got a pretty massive nerf in 1.2 (and 1.2c). They still have no dot to worry about, no interrupt to manage, and no finisher to utilize.

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I'm assuming that the big change came in the way that Armor and defense work, since it seems like Heavy Armor users take more damage now than they did before.


But I *heavily* disagree that it's made us less fun to play. I find Trooper far more fun to play since 1.2. Before the patch it was far too easy (in pve *and* pvp) because we could just spam 2-3 things and easily win. Now there's actually some amount of challenge to the class and it's far more on par with the rest of the classes...and now all the kiddies complain.


Notice, it's not the people that actually know how to play or are willing to learn new ways to play that are having problems...it's the kiddies that want an easy game and are now being forced to actually have a challenge. I love how one of the recent replies was "before 1.2 it was easy to stay alive, and that was with one eye on the game and the other watching TV". Do you seriously want the game to be that easy?? Why are you playing a video game if you just want to sit around spamming a few things mindlessly?


There are all styles of play.


Some folks just want to come home from work and have a romp. They don't want to have to figure out how to optimize their character's build, armor, and weapons for maximum efficiency. They want their character to work with whatever rotation they currently use, or simply spam hammer shot and experience the STORY... and they're right. Characters should work for casual players just fine without having to figure out the max build, or the 'right' way to play.


See, when you say there is a 'right' way to play, or a skill set is designed to be used only in a certain way, it pidgeon-holes play. Pretty much doing the same thing every time using the same strategy is boring. What made the trooper interesting and fun is that there were a number of ways you could approach any given situation and still win with some life left. After the changes there are less options.


As far as ease of play, get a clue kid. Not everybody wants a hard challenge. That doesn't make them lazy. They just have a different idea of how they want to spend their in-game time. If you like playing your trooper now, good for you. But a lot of people don't. And that's OK that they don't like the changes. They pay their money just like everybody else and have a right to be heard.


I heard the same sorts of faldurcarp coming from the L2P community in COH when Cryptic screwed up the Tank Class three months after start, still Tanks became very much rarer because they were less fun to play. Sure there was a die-hard community of elitists with the usual bragadoccio still playing, but most people moved on to play something else. It was about 3 years utill Cryptic backed off a little and fixed some of the worst problems....mainly because developers have a hard time admitting they screw up designs from time to time, and insist classes are working as intended. However, classes are meant to be played, and if a large percentage of your player base is avoiding playing or leaving a certain build... it's a pretty good sign something's not fun to play. (There will always be those folks who will play a screwed up class for the 'challenge'and try to make themselves sound superior for doing so--bless their hearts--)


Anyway, I've moved on to another class. I'm having fun and will not say what class for as soon as I do, BW will screw that up with some sort of 'balancing'. I mean we really wouldn't want people to to have fun playing would we. You must suffer as you play or you really don't know how to play your character. :rolleyes:

Edited by Star-ranger
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I was looking forward to playing Trooper for years...I had a blast, and lasted quite some time in PvE / PvP.


But then the Nerf Times hit...my Comando is now pathetic and can barely make it through what used to be simple tasks...thanks for the nerfs BW. I really don't want to help the Imperial players on my server, but I'm pretty much going to focus on my new Sith now...seeing that you killed my favorite class. :(

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I was looking forward to playing Trooper for years...I had a blast, and lasted quite some time in PvE / PvP.


But then the Nerf Times hit...my Comando is now pathetic and can barely make it through what used to be simple tasks...thanks for the nerfs BW. I really don't want to help the Imperial players on my server, but I'm pretty much going to focus on my new Sith now...seeing that you killed my favorite class. :(


And what simple tasks would that be? I still blow through people, quests (2+ and the odd 4+ heroic solo), FPs and you name it without any trouble whatsoever. I'm playing pyro/assault with my healer companion out. No trouble on either my PT, merc or vanguard.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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