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I've lost the will to PvP - cancelling my sub until this is fixed


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Blame the players, not the game. I do notice when a healer buys time for my target when I'm trying to finish him off.

It's just people going for the easy route. No different from when everyone rolled a sorc, or when everyone went assassin.


The players are just reacting to changes Bioware have made. Too many people are quick to blame the players without going to the root cause, which is Bioware have turned PvP into a gib-fest. It's no wonder people don't want to play healers in PvP in it's current state - you might as well try and gib someone else before they can gib you, which is the mentality I'm getting from people in this thread. And I don't really blame them if that's what they think they have to do to win, especially if it actually works.


We're all a product of our environment, and that environment is SWTOR. Bioware have lost their edge with PvP in 1.2, it's plain and simple.

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Exactly! That's another excellent example. We KNOW they were trying to make other professions as good as Biochem for endgame raiding / PvP. They have flat out stated as much. With this change, you must go Biochem to be competitive. There is no other way.


That, frankly, is stupid. I say that as someone with 2 50s that have Biochem as a profession. If anything, they should have made the warzone medpacs and adrenals CHEAPER.


All this load of fail cannot possibly have gone through the PTR without comment. Or maybe it did if they cherry picked their testers to such an absurd extent.


It is mind boggling how such incompetence can be behind the scenes of a 200 million dollar venture. This game will not last without a new change in direction and some competent leadership at Bioware. Flat out. Throw the "metrics" away, because Bioware- YOU ARE NOT THE LEVEL WHERE EVALUATING METRICS WILL HELP YOU. That's about 3 steps above the common sense line where you're failing.




I hope they are taking notes ;)

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The players are just reacting to changes Bioware have made. Too many people are quick to blame the players without going to the root cause, which is Bioware have turned PvP into a gib-fest. It's no wonder people don't want to play healers in PvP in it's current state - you might as well try and gib someone else before they can gib you, which is the mentality I'm getting from people in this thread. And I don't really blame them if that's what they think they have to do to win, especially if it actually works.


We're all a product of our environment, and that environment is SWTOR. Bioware have lost their edge with PvP in 1.2, it's plain and simple.


<rolleyes> Just leave already; your POV is lacking any merit or proof. Healing is fine and dps is fine as well. If you are not geared enough to take someone in full BM get the gear or leave.

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<rolleyes> Just leave already; your POV is lacking any merit or proof. Healing is fine and dps is fine as well. If you are not geared enough to take someone in full BM get the gear or leave.


Thanks for your constructive input, I'll ignore it right away.

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You people crack me up. This is a video game not combat. I'm not going to do anything for a game if it isn't good. This mmo isn't good.


You pretend this is important. I'll go play something else.

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I'm in the same boat. My PT is basically useless now, as he gets demolished by anybody with a lightsaber before I get out of one stun.


The only thing companies understand is dollar signs, so I'll be unsubbing as well if this doesn't get fixed or at the very least addressed in the next week.

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Thanks for your constructive input, I'll ignore it right away.


LOL the math has been worked out in MANY threads disproves EVERYTHING you have whined about.


The frequency and quickness of your replies also says you can not cancelling and you are just have a fit and falling down in it.

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LOL the math has been worked out in MANY threads disproves EVERYTHING you have whined about.


The frequency and quickness of your replies also says you can not cancelling and you are just have a fit and falling down in it.


The math does not work just like Bio Ware pointed out recently at Sith Warrior.


Math does not take into account how fun something is. (Put that in your pipe and smoke it.)

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You do know im heal specc'ed and doing fine in 1.2? i think many other healer classes got alittle too used to that bug tbh.


I've always thought Scoudrels/Operatives where fine healers in PvP anyway, and now you guys are even better.


I think you think I'm a Sorc/Sage though given your posts...but I hate to break it to you, I'm not. I'm a Sent. I can blow people up stupidly fast, but at the same time I get blown up just as fast. It's not fun any more as there is no room for tactical game-play, people are dying far too fast for that. That is unless there is actually a healer, but no-one wants to play them any more because they also die just as fast...it's a vicious circle Bioware have gotten us into.

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LOL the math has been worked out in MANY threads disproves EVERYTHING you have whined about.


The frequency and quickness of your replies also says you can not cancelling and you are just have a fit and falling down in it.


Yes and what threads are these? Again nothing constructive to post I see... And the reason I'm able to reply so fast is because I literally cancelled my sub today and am not playing at present, what else have I got to do?


You're clearly very clever though, you managed to discern that I haven't cancelled my sub because I'm replying fast...what are you some kind of psychic?

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agree 110% but hey whiners will be whiners news flash ppl adapt and evolve or get left behind...


Newsflash: Whiners were responsible for the absolute destruction of Sorc/Sage via 1.2 nerfs.



It went way too far. Without the ability to get off a decent heal in a decent amount of time, without force armor (which is next to useless now) to give you more than an extra second to get off that big heal it's next to impossible to do a healers job...and i won't even go into how badly DPS was *****. I agreed with the TK wave nerf...that needed to happen, but knocking down all the other abilities damage? Way overboard.

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Newsflash: Whiners were responsible for the absolute destruction of Sorc/Sage via 1.2 nerfs.



It went way too far. Without the ability to get off a decent heal in a decent amount of time, without force armor (which is next to useless now) to give you more than an extra second to get off that big heal it's next to impossible to do a healers job...and i won't even go into how badly DPS was *****. I agreed with the TK wave nerf...that needed to happen, but knocking down all the other abilities damage? Way overboard.


You're partially correct. It's responsible for the destruction of healers/tanks. DPS still rips stuff apart. If you're specced for healing or tanking, however, you might as well just respec. It's not a lot of fun for tanks/healers at this point.

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1.2 made the Sith Marauder even more of a joke. I can't last more then a few seconds in WZ's and I've tried all 3 skill tree builds.



I canceled last night. I used to have a lot of fun PvPing, now it seems like a chore.


I do understand what the op is saying. I've played quite a few wz's and lost and got basically nothing despite doing great, which is kind of meh, but whatever.


I have a Marauder, and for pvp gear all I have is BM chest and the rest is champ gear and while most of the time I get focused, I can still get out at least 1 kill before I die. In some cases anyway. I know in a way it is luck (because even before 1.2 if I got swarmed and stunned, it was game over). Though thankfully in most cases they look over me and I get to kill many of them and then I get focused.


My main gripe is losing out here and there because I wait 15 mins for a queue, then hop in a basically lost game, then in ends and I get no comms, valor or credits. Then I get to wait 15 more minutes and hope it doesn't happen again.


I would just like to get comms, valor and credits based on how I do plus more if my team wins. If we lose, then it is based on my performance in the wz.


Well, either way, good luck op.

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Adapt to what? Charge choke smash hey im dead because i was also hit by some random aoe. Pvp is a gib fest and anyone that doesnt think so is playing against terrible players. 2 top pvp guilds on the server fought over mid at the start of the novare coast tonight, 6v6 and the fight lasted about 30 secs with 2 of us on my team left standing, me the merc healer and our mara. Tanks dropping in seconds, sage/sorc healers dying through guard like they werent even there. Yes im sure all is fine and dandy in pug wz land where no one focus fires, but in organized games its pretty retarded and a far cry from the tactical battles happening in high rated WSGs over in wow.


6 people with comms focusing someone. How long should they last? If you couldn't burn them instantly, people would snivel that tanks or healers are op. Take your pick. Argument is fail.

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They gave Battlemaster's too much of a gear ADVANTAGE and then nerfed alot of classes, then made it harder to win Vs Premades.


Before I could beat a full BM character if I outskilled him with champion gear, now that is IMPOSSIBLE.


I unsubbed, and I'm not comming back until they make expertise have some kind of Diminishing Returns after 15%.



Its sad when a Fully BM Marauder can tank 5 people, then kill 3 of them.

Edited by Daecollo
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I feel the same here. I think ill ride out this free month go from there. Overall though i see myself going to gw2 and giving it a try.I never really liked gw in general but i dont see this mess bieng fixed anytime soon.Nice thing about gw2 is no monthly fee and 100 times better pvp lol.


If these guys spent 1/2 the time do saying best pvp team and we like to do this and wed like to do that and ACTUALLY fix thier mess things might get better.


This current gear mess really turns me off to and i cant do warzones 24/7 and have that be my main bulk of pvp. Open world is just an "idea" at this point.


When gw2 is out i cant see how people will justify paying a monthly fee for this instanced hackfest when you can go play gw2 for free and be doing rvr and open world. (Yes gw2 will have cash store) In all fairness gw2 could suck as much as this guess wil see.


I still have a hard time believing this is a star wars game and how a burning tire going downhill it is.


Why cant the best pvp team do basic things like tab targeting and no raid assist still is just mindboggling. Oh well least theres glowsticks and lightining eh lolz

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BioWare pretty much killed my endgame content, Ilum was already dead, now they killed warzones. As a PvP player they didn'T left me anything to enjoy in SWTOR, at least the gave me 30 free days, so they have a little time to fix the mess they created, otherwise I'm off... Hopefully GW2 will be released soon, so that I get my PvP entertainment.
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Im playing a bm maurader, after 1.2 i tried carnage talents, for fun. I teared apart 2 17khp sage healers, and some tank ,who tried to protect them. This is completly wrong.

Before 1.2, i needed to play with that sage, waiting for some his mistake, and than use everythink i had to kill him,now, im just pressing 4 buttons and he is dying....

BW, srsly, *** is this? this is not some fps, for 1 bullet 1 kill. You definetly destroyed pvp. Yes, now few kids gonna like this, cuz its easier, but is this what you rly want?

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No you should last long enough to "react", or at least give the healer a chance to try and save you. It was never this bad before 1.2, even with 3 DPS on me I could react after the 4 second stun and save myself. Now I'm dead before the 4 second stun is even over - hence the term being gibbed.


I hardly think it was Biowares intention to have PvP turn into a gib-fest, do you? Do you think it's right people should be dropping like fly's in a 4 second stun?


^ this



PvP used to have a sense of strategy, and keeping people alive to push for that door, or push back people so we can recap a node, now its whoever wears down the other team once, gets the node/ball/door and the win. And with the penalty for losing even greater by the lack of comms, there's absolutely no incentive to see a match through, you'd be better off re-queuing and hoping for a team you can steamroll.

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Cancelled both of my accounts today as well,

last week i would que warzones all day...

this week i que into warzones already losing 3-0 half the time

because people are bailing right away on losses.


I want to que in and play a game, not finish someones failed and bailed attempt at one.

The free month is not enough to entice me to stay for pvp that is not enjoyable.

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<rolleyes> Just leave already; your POV is lacking any merit or proof. Healing is fine and dps is fine as well. If you are not geared enough to take someone in full BM get the gear or leave.


I wonder if Bioware meant to cater to this type of player. If so, pvp is definitely doomed.

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