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Infiltration Parses


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I was doing some tests myself on the OP dummy and on full rakata (with a bit high accuracy 99.20%, meaning that I could probably alter the item budget to parse even better by reducing ACC) and raid buffs (Plus blue resolve consumable) I can keep 1330 dps (This includes adequate uses of Blackout, Force Cloak & Power Relic and ofc BR & CP)...


...I'm using 2/31/8 BUT...


...I DO NOT priorize project... It's basically a mistake on steady fights (Notice that coming from a full bar after an interruption, or when generating bursts, it's the opposite... Project Cycle is your burst). The Cycle 2xCS+Project is the WORSE force-wise. With my tests here are the numbers regarding damage done per point of force:


- FB = 158.05

- SS = 112.26

- 2xCS+Project = 73.5


Notice that on real raids the "cycle" efficiency raises because of armor debuf pressence but never reaches SS efficiency. Also, against Raid Bosses, you will see how some of your Saber hits are dodged/parried (and some missed if you do not have a decent accuracy... This has a direct impact on your energy gains as each missed Saber hit do not trigger the 2 pieces set bonus)


This are the advices I can try to give:


- FB is a no brainer. Use on CD and really be strict about it.


- FW drift control. You can meassure how good an Infil Cycle is by how many FW assisted SS the player launches. The important thing is not when you use SS... But been sure you are doing a Saber or a 2xCS EACH time the 10s Internal CD passes. Another interesting 2nd effect of this is that it's HIGHLY likely you trigger a Shadow Technique proc right before SS... Which in turn will have a decent chance to crit to refresh, again, your "Force Synergy" proc (It's a failsafe just in case your previous FC or Project didn't crit).


- Finnally, you will have to "dump" your extra force using 2xCS+Project (That's why ppl usually recommends "use project when above 50% energy). Once you focus on the 2 previous points you will see naturally how Projects fit into the equation... You simply get too much energy otherwise. When I say 2xCS+Project, obvously, I'm not saying you have to do them in a row, you have to interlace the other powers because they are higher on Prio.


- Synch your Relic with Force Cloak... On those 20s of extra power you want to have as much energy as possible. Also learn to "fill up" (Reach 100% energy) when CD is about to finish so you can launch a high DPS barrage under its effects.


- BR & CP are nice to use on opening with the Relic but in general DO NOT wait for the Relic to synch with them. Activate Combat Potency use a FB and then Project... You don't want to spend the 2nd charge of your CP on the weak Upheaval proc.

Edited by ragamer
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I was doing some tests myself on the OP dummy and on full rakata (with a bit high accuracy 99.20%, meaning that I could probably alter the item budget to parse even better by reducing ACC) and raid buffs (Plus blue resolve consumable) I can keep 1330 dps (This includes adequate uses of Blackout, Force Cloak & Power Relic and ofc BR & CP)...


...I'm using 2/31/8 BUT...


...I DO NOT priorize project... It's basically a mistake on steady fights (Notice that coming from a full bar after an interruption, or when generating bursts, it's the opposite... Project Cycle is your burst). The Cycle 2xCS+Project is the WORSE force-wise. With my tests here are the numbers regarding damage done per point of force:


- FB = 158.05

- SS = 112.26

- 2xCS+Project = 73.5


Notice that on real raids the "cycle" efficiency raises because of armor debuf pressence but never reaches SS efficiency. Also, against Raid Bosses, you will see how some of your Saber hits are dodged/parried (and some missed if you do not have a decent accuracy... This has a direct impact on your energy gains as each missed Saber hit do not trigger the 2 pieces set bonus)


This are the advices I can try to give:


- FB is a no brainer. Use on CD and really be strict about it.


- FW drift control. You can meassure how good an Infil Cycle is by how many FW assisted SS the player launches. The important thing is not when you use SS... But been sure you are doing a Saber or a 2xCS EACH time the 10s Internal CD passes. Another interesting 2nd effect of this is that it's HIGHLY likely you trigger a Shadow Technique proc right before SS... Which in turn will have a decent chance to crit to refresh, again, your "Force Synergy" proc (It's a failsafe just in case your previous FC or Project didn't crit).


- Finnally, you will have to "dump" your extra force using 2xCS+Project (That's why ppl usually recommends "use project when above 50% energy). Once you focus on the 2 previous points you will see naturally how Projects fit into the equation... You simply get too much energy otherwise. When I say 2xCS+Project, obvously, I'm not saying you have to do them in a row, you have to interlace the other powers because they are higher on Prio.


- Synch your Relic with Force Cloak... On those 20s of extra power you want to have as much energy as possible. Also learn to "fill up" (Reach 100% energy) when CD is about to finish so you can launch a high DPS barrage under its effects.


- BR & CP are nice to use on opening with the Relic but in general DO NOT wait for the Relic to synch with them. Activate Combat Potency use a FB and then Project... You don't want to spend the 2nd charge of your CP on the weak Upheaval proc.


^^^ Lots of accurate info here.


A common mistake is a lot of people try to make Infiltration gameplay too linear and sequential. They blindlessly plow into CS-CS-Project sequences regardless of circumstance or force management when really that's their 4th option (behind Breach, Spinning, and Shadow) and also an option that is often best broken up across several GCD's instead of back-to-back-to-back. Project frequency is actually force limited instead of cooldown limited which a lot of people try to force it into being. Also, don't be afraid of Saber Strike (we're force limited anyway) as it's our best generator of Find Weakness procs (when the ICD is up) and Shadow Tech, Profundity, Exit Strategy, and relic procs. We have to use it anyway, so try to use it in advantageous places.

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(vs. Operations boss)


Technique Mastery offers about +0.9% more damage per skill point compared to not having it.


Upheaval offers about +1.8% more damage per skill point.


I agree on Kinetic Field being good stuff for running operations...so many big hitters against dps count as aoe.


My highest parse came from 7/31/3. Averaging ~50dps higher than Upheaval. YMMV, but I'm sticking with something that will boost my sustained as opposed to taking something that MAY give me better damage. - As with all things in Chance, it's always subject to Murphy's Law.

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Last night was our first night running full raid parses, thought some of you might be interested to see them. We use AskMrRobot because it merges logs so you can directly compare yourself to others but the merge process is a bit off.


We ran both KP NM and EV NM last night. We run normal modes to gear new players and to test off-specs so take all values with a pinch of salt.


In KP, the people to compare mostly are myself (Svard) and Bax (Gunslinger) and Mkvenner (Sentinel). Myself and bax are mostly rakata geared and are on our progression team whilst Mkvenner is full columi with one or two pieces of rakata gear.


KP NM 8man Parse


In EV, the people to compare are myself (Svard), Wavie (Sent), Prim (Sent) and Mkvenner (Sent). Wavie's logs seem to be bugged massively though (no way did he do 4k dps!).


EV NM 8man Parse



Haven't analysed them fully, but what it seemed to show was that fights which were primarily stand still and beat them up i was beaten by other classes, but the fights which involved lots of movement (Gharj, Soa etc) I overtook the sentinels as each movement phase gives me a chance to regen force and wait for cooldowns thus helping me do more damage when I could actually hit the boss. EV first boss my DPS seemed seriously low, but looking at damage taken, I took half of what the sentinels took so i'm thinking they were too lazy to avoid the misiles and ground attacks so got more DPS that way.


Doing EV/KP HM on friday where I'll be running with better geared players, will see how I perform then!

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Yeah, getting a bit trashed on raids, even the Tatooine World Boss in Outlaw's Den last night with his silly AoE was doing 6k+ dmg to me. I might have to spec Kinetic Field back just because so many end game bosses do AoE. Since I do both PvE and PvP, I didn't spec Technique Mastery as it doesn't do much in PvP.


I am thinking of putting the two points into Double Bladed Saber Defense as not only do we get force back, but it gives 4% defense increase. Right now, I have 2 pts on Applied Force. Any thoughts?

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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My highest parse came from 7/31/3. Averaging ~50dps higher than Upheaval. YMMV, but I'm sticking with something that will boost my sustained as opposed to taking something that MAY give me better damage. - As with all things in Chance, it's always subject to Murphy's Law.


There's other people getting their highest parses from Upheaval specs, too.


Because there's a lot of variance in both RNG and particularly player performance, it's impossible to accurately compare things with just a few parses. The most probable thing is just that you happened to play better while trying that particular spec. RNG difference is also entirely realistic.


Which is why people use tools like Simcraft to eliminate those issues...which revealed 2/31/8 as max dps. (Note the 2 Kinetic points are in Technique Mastery, not Applied Force.) (Not contending Simcraft is entirely accurate either because it's not, but in this case I believe at least the resulting conclusion is correct.)


An alternate way is to use some simple math to just calculate it using averages. For example, it's easy to calculate how much benefit Technique mastery gives for attacks subject to armor. For 35% armor reduction targets (ops bosses) 9% arp increases damage done by 3.2% compared to damage done without the arp for attacks subject to armor. (I had already made a Mathcad file to easily calculate how good different amounts of arp were against different armored targets.) Roughly 75% of Infiltration's total damage profile is subject to armor reduction, but I generously used 85%... So, (3.2*0.85)/3skillpoints=0.9% per point. Upheaval's even easier except that Project's portion of total damage varies a lot more from player to player depending on how they play the spec, and it impacts the result a lot. However, even using low numbers on purpose, it still comes out pretty far ahead in terms of point-for-point value. The other dps talents in the bottom of Kinetic tree are even lower value per point like Applied Force is about 0.6% and Expertise is about 0.3%. The extra 5 points add up to ~2.7% total compared to ~4.0 to ~4.5% for spending 5 points in Upheaval and Jedi Resistance, which also makes us a tad more durable. (Jedi Resistance is a tad better than 1% per point defensively because its effect is additive with other damage modifiers instead of multiplicative.)

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There's other people getting their highest parses from Upheaval specs, too.


Because there's a lot of variance in both RNG and particularly player performance, it's impossible to accurately compare things with just a few parses. The most probable thing is just that you happened to play better while trying that particular spec. RNG difference is also entirely realistic.


Which is why people use tools like Simcraft to eliminate those issues...which revealed 2/31/8 as max dps. (Note the 2 Kinetic points are in Technique Mastery, not Applied Force.) (Not contending Simcraft is entirely accurate either because it's not, but in this case I believe at least the resulting conclusion is correct.)


An alternate way is to use some simple math to just calculate it using averages. For example, it's easy to calculate how much benefit Technique mastery gives for attacks subject to armor. For 35% armor reduction targets (ops bosses) 9% arp increases damage done by 3.2% compared to damage done without the arp for attacks subject to armor. (I had already made a Mathcad file to easily calculate how good different amounts of arp were against different armored targets.) Roughly 75% of Infiltration's total damage profile is subject to armor reduction, but I generously used 85%... So, (3.2*0.85)/3skillpoints=0.9% per point. Upheaval's even easier except that Project's portion of total damage varies a lot more from player to player depending on how they play the spec, and it impacts the result a lot. However, even using low numbers on purpose, it still comes out pretty far ahead in terms of point-for-point value. The other dps talents in the bottom of Kinetic tree are even lower value per point like Applied Force is about 0.6% and Expertise is about 0.3%. The extra 5 points add up to ~2.7% total compared to ~4.0 to ~4.5% for spending 5 points in Upheaval and Jedi Resistance, which also makes us a tad more durable. (Jedi Resistance is a tad better than 1% per point defensively because its effect is additive with other damage modifiers instead of multiplicative.)


While I value your argument, and I must say it's well supported, I still find myself to perform higher with the Armor Pen than with the Chance at doing a bit more with Upheaval. Whether my testing was flawed, or RNG is truly unkind, I do not know. Maybe I'll try it again, sometime sooner or latter. Truthfully, if they'd just fix "Shadow's Training" it wouldn't even be worth a second thought.

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Yeah, getting a bit trashed on raids, even the Tatooine World Boss in Outlaw's Den last night with his silly AoE was doing 6k+ dmg to me. I might have to spec Kinetic Field back just because so many end game bosses do AoE. Since I do both PvE and PvP, I didn't spec Technique Mastery as it doesn't do much in PvP.


I am thinking of putting the two points into Double Bladed Saber Defense as not only do we get force back, but it gives 4% defense increase. Right now, I have 2 pts on Applied Force. Any thoughts?


For PVE i went for Kinetic Field (a must have, since our class is paper) and Armor penetration + Applied Force instead of Upheaval. Try to do the first boss in the new operation HM without kinetic field and tell me what do you think about it. At the same time i think they should give us something, we can't waste most of our talents in defensive buffs if we are supposed to do dps.. Jesus, to me Sentinels are so OP and we are so weak in PVE. I mean i don't have any problem in pvp (i play infi, coz kinetic IMHO need to be nerfed and it's kinda boring), but in pve shadows dps are so crappy. Nice burst but fail dps in a 5 min fight, i can match the others in my group but it's stressing, you can't miss something (if you do welcome 10/100 energy) or you are gonna fail so bad dps wise...

Edited by vegetji
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Latest Parse: 1137.5 dps


My previous highest parse was 1140ish but realised that I had knight buff on for that. This is purely self-buffed, which means I've gained nearly 60dps in the last few days :D Some of that is definitely rotation but I've also been reducing my crit and gaining power (gained ~100 power this week at the minimal expense of some crit).


Hoping to get some more rakata pieces tonight (still missing helm, boots, bracers). 1200dps is now firmly in my sights, something easily achievable with some better gear.

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Just a friendly reminder for all combatlog analyzers...


...Remember that most bias are easy to check (Anomalous lucky crit streaks, etc...) with 1 exception...


...Upheaval procs are "masked" because the 2nd chunk is reported also as a Project. Meaning you require a custom filter to count how many times the 45% chance happened by checking the damage of each Project hit. The problem is that, if you use the Power relic, there is a potential overlapping between the minimum damage of a normal project and the maximum damage of a "splinter" boosted by the relic (Depending on how much base power you have). So until BW labels the splinter as an independent attack... Analyze Project performance with upheaval average performance to see if you are in a "bad/good" luck steak parser or in an average one (Or use filters that look for combined events... Ie 2 Project hits on the same GCD).


This is what inherently makes Upheaval builds to appear "more random" on parsers. Is not easy to distinguish when you have a decent average parser because it requires extra checking.


It's just one of the many "systematic errors" combatlog parsers come with that makes some "builds" to appear different.

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It's just one of the many "systematic errors" combatlog parsers come with that makes some "builds" to appear different.


I see your point on the upheavel thing. But it's not based on the parser. It's based on combatlog SWTOR is scripted for. I don't know if you actually looked at the log of in game combat, but the way it's written is that U heavel IS project that does half it's primary hit. The only way to seperate it is make upheavel proc something other than project..like example: Project has a 45% chance to trigger Internal breach (name I made up) causing internal damage based on half the initial hit.


This will also help infiltration shadows do a bit more DPS..which we do need. Internal is not affected by armor and is one of the hardest stats to mitigate. When you see shadows parse 5k-6k crit attacks..it's Force breach (internal damage for Inf spec).


Other ideas is adding a dot duration to force slow, increasing damage per point and duration/cool down of effect. But that's for another thread..lol

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I see your point on the upheavel thing. But it's not based on the parser. It's based on combatlog SWTOR is scripted for. I don't know if you actually looked at the log of in game combat, but the way it's written is that U heavel IS project that does half it's primary hit.


You're right, although what he was already saying in his post is that since they are labeled the same, it's possible to use math to filter them back apart in a parse report. Although, there are some issues with that, which he mentioned also, heh.


On a side note, Simcraft is programmed to separately label Upheaval procs in order to clearly and accurately analyze the damage. That's useful for trying to answer spec type questions, but of course has nothing to do with looking at a real world parse and figuring out if RNG biased it one direction or the other.

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This will also help infiltration shadows do a bit more DPS..which we do need.


I'm not convinced we need much, if any, more dps.


Whilst that may sound blasphemous and inf shadows may well be parsing lower than other classes on the dummies, in real world raids it seems to even out. If you check out my logs from EV/KP NM from Tuesday you'll see that the stand-still fights I am indeed beaten on DPS by sentinels, but fights with movement phases and breaks in combat i catch up and beat them as I get to use more cooldowns per minute spent hitting the boss. For example, on Soa in EV (nm), I actually doubled the DPS of two sentinels in my raid, whereas those same sentinels had beaten me on droid.


I'm running EV/KP HM tonight with some more experienced / geared members of the guild and will be parsing that again, hoping I can still hold my own!

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Whilst that may sound blasphemous and inf shadows may well be parsing lower than other classes on the dummies, in real world raids it seems to even out.


It's not blasphemy... It's how Inf works. Real fights have interruptions and, contrary to the typical status of other MMOs, Infil build is better at dealing with them beacuse:


- We are energy starved. And, by design, our highest DPS cycles are the less efficient. Meaning that a Shadow that knows when to swap to high DPS when returning from a brief interruption will enjoy a high peak of DPS. Meanwhile, a Balance can only loose DPS when interrupted and due to the short duration of their DoTs (Compared to other MMOs) is very easy they miss a refresh window even with the slightest interruptions.


- Our DPS boosting buffs are very flexible allowing us to alter on the fly the order of powers to suit particular DPS boosting patterns or to avoid DPS degrading ones (We have to meet some order requirements but the penalties are lesser than for Balance). Balance aren't as flexible again because of the refresh requirements. Related to this we can "save" our DPS boosts while travelling between targets because our "setup time" on a new target is smaller than Balance and with some strategy we can generate Buffs on 1 target and apply them on the next. Meanwhile Balance suffers from the standard drawbacks on multitarget (Notice that I speak about multitarget... Not AOE) as most DoT builds, long setup time and waste of trail DoTs. This happens on ToR and not on other MMOs because, traditionally, DoT builds are very efficient (Most of the time they can ignore their action bars) but on ToR, Balance is more efficient but not to the point of been able to make too much mistakes wasting DoT lifetimes.



So in short... That's why Balance should be the king on steady fights... An infil player has the option to adapt their cycles to deal with Short Interruptions/Weakness windows and thus outperform Balance on those situations.

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Well i respeced infil again to test it with combat log.




This was achieved WITHOUT using vanish - any stim - any adrenal - any raid buff (Except self buff)


So basicly i used only 1 on-use relic and force valor buff. Reason i did not use vanish was that it ****s up the damage done it keeps counting the fights apart from eachother. I also do not have situtational awareness in talents. (I have 30% aoe dmg reduction instead) so how much dps loss that is i dont know.


Full raid buffed with a rakata/exotech adrenal + stim + vanish and + situtational awareness i'd say its easy to pass 1250. So it is not THAT behind... still behind of what i experienced in balance spec so ima spec back now :)


edit: Forgot to say im 2/31/8 just remove 2x in situtational and put into kinetic field.

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I'm not convinced we need much, if any, more dps.


Well, as someone with a jedi shadow in full rakata and a sniper in half rakata half columi, I can tell you that yes, shadows do need more DPS. I'm rocking 1400 DPS on the lethality sniper on HM boss fights. 1100-1200 on the shadow is considerably less than that, and as for burst, the sniper/gunslinger blows the doors of you there as well.

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Well, as someone with a jedi shadow in full rakata and a sniper in half rakata half columi, I can tell you that yes, shadows do need more DPS. I'm rocking 1400 DPS on the lethality sniper on HM boss fights. 1100-1200 on the shadow is considerably less than that, and as for burst, the sniper/gunslinger blows the doors of you there as well.


Show me the parses and I'll conceed the point. Maybe the gunslinger I have in my guild is just rubbish but we're close in DPS on most fights.


Ran EV HM and KP HM last night:


EV Parse


KP Parse


Missing two people from the KP parse (A sent and scoundrel healer) plus our commando is missing from most fights in EV due to merging error. Still, gives a nice breakdown.


Managed to hold my own in EV. On droid melee hide during missile barrage whilst ranged stay out and DPS so thats why there is such a discrepancy on that. On Gharj, was doing well but tank DC'd half way through so I switched to combat tech and tanked half the fight. Soa is only real fight where we all DPS'd equally.


In KP, I was DPS spec for bonethrasher and came out top, then after that switched to tank spec so that I could tank Jarg & Sorno and Fabricator. That meant for foreman and karagga, I was in tank-spec but dps gear and purely DPSing. Now, don't do that often so not too great but was still a long way behind the proper DPS classes (which is a good thing imo, shows that tank-spec dps-gear isn't that overpowered).

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Maybe the gunslinger I have in my guild is just rubbish but we're close in DPS on most fights.

Not saying all your guildmates are rubbish DDs, but I'd rank #3-4 with dps 1248 on Bonethrasher in my ops (and #5 with dps 1060 like I parsed in damage builds).

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Show me the parses and I'll conceed the point. Maybe the gunslinger I have in my guild is just rubbish but we're close in DPS on most fights.



Only one I have saved is engineering spec, and that was to break down DPS/DPCT and DPE, and it's before I got my rakata level sniper rifle. This is nightmare mode Foreman Crusher:


1333 DPS


I'll save next week's parses for both my shadow and my sniper and post 'em up.

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Cool, thanks for the posts folks


It may very well be that my DPS and other DD's in the guild are rubbish! Looking forwards to seeing more combat logs from full raids. I know that not a lot of people use it, but would love to see some merged logs on ask mr robot. I know the breakdown it gives isn't particularly useful but being able to compare against other members of the raid is important to me.

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Here's my shadow's KP this week.




Couple notes. First, currently specced balance because it's parsing higher for me by about 50 DPS. I played like crap first two fights, because I was still tired from work. Foreman Crusher I was doing 1200 DPS, tank died, picked him up then vanished and got healed so DPS dropped. G4-B3 was done on nightmare mode, fully debuffed most of the time, nearly 2k is not typical DPS. Only had a little trouble with a stun droid that wouldn't bounce far enough away. Very pleasantly surprised by the 1310 DPS on Karagga (vanished off the first 20 seconds, which resets the fight as far as the parse is concerned--there were no wipes). I'll have the sniper on Wednesday probably.

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First, currently specced balance because it's parsing higher for me by about 50 DPS.

The funny part is, Shadow Strike sits at #2-#3 in all boss fights (not trash fights, of course). My personal observation was that Balance really misses heavy-hitting skills of Infiltration. DoTs barely compensate for this. Just think about it, Sever Force costs you extra skill points and it always fails to contribute more than Shadow Strike which costs basically nothing.

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The funny part is, Shadow Strike sits at #2-#3 in all boss fights (not trash fights, of course). My personal observation was that Balance really misses heavy-hitting skills of Infiltration. DoTs barely compensate for this. Just think about it, Sever Force costs you extra skill points and it always fails to contribute more than Shadow Strike which costs basically nothing.


Actually, Sever Force hits very, very hard. The average damage over the duration of the DoT is 2700 or so, but it only costs a global cooldown to cast it. At that rate its effective damage per cast time is nearly 1800, far better than double strike or project, and even better than Shadow Strike, which on Karagga averaged 1568 damage per cast time. It's also slightly more efficient in terms of damage per force. The reason it looks like Shadow Strike is such a better ability is that I'm only casting Sever Force every 18-20 seconds while I'm hitting with a shadow strike every 8 or so. Having a quite potent and cheap to use DoT going while hitting Shadow Strike between refreshing it is contributing to much higher overall DPS.

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Having a quite potent and cheap to use DoT going while hitting Shadow Strike between refreshing it is contributing to much higher overall DPS.

Admittedly I am too critical on DoTs as such. You fail to refresh them once - you lose dps. You need a burst - you can't produce it. You want to become a DPS hero, but all you get is wobbling mediocre DPS curve. I just don't like DoTs =)


Obviously it's not your case.

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