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Advanced combat system


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Sooner or later SWTOR will be one of the few MMORPG's that do not employ a combat based (aim and shoot) control system. I have this suggestion for how one could work.


All attack powers are principly aim based. BUT. This is how it would work and be fun.


Powers are split between instant cast (by hitting the attack button) and "composed" powers. players can power up and chose thier instant cast powers. for example.


A Trooper can change the ammo type in thier gun, or even the weapon they are using. add mods such as silencers, larger cannon, scope, grenade launcher . the list is endless.. when they aim and shoot with left mouse they shoot thier primary.. right click could be secondary. all aim and shoot... if they want to activate one of thier "composed" abilities they will need to select it (opening up more options, example, building a force attack, deciding if its aoe, fire, push, healing etc)... and since this means not being able to move (wsad) they select a target as normal using TAB (although not in the same way as the current system, see further down). the list of possible "composed" abilities is also endless.. they could prepare thier weapon for a charged blast for example... chain abilites could be used, first selecting charge, then charge type etc,...


When they fire a "composed" ability they will still need to aim to do max damage, BUT, now they have an area of "Focus" . If they get thier target in this area they hit.. the reason for this is because of the amount of time it takes for composed abilites to activate, it would be frustrating if you had to aim carefully and keep missing... if you do not get the target in the area of focus you still have a small chance to hit (again to make it less frustrating)


for force and non-force user alike this opens up a whole new system of primary and secondary weapons... force users could carry an orb, or special sabre hit which changes thier instant attacks, non-force could carry a massive variety of secondary weapons, grenades, etc. and the most important this is I think it would be a LOT of fun.


this also makes some powers far more suitable in groups.. some even relying on group members to make the power viable.. for example... a force healer could use a power that is aimed at a tank, that channels force rage, or heal.. or a lightening attack that hits his targets.) this would need the massive concentration from the players character and lots of time to prepare, making it far more involving to play.


Thanks for reading.. i have developed my ideas for this system a lot further and would be happy to share more ideas.

Edited by Senjo
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what happened to the last one? just seems that all the new mmo's are employing a more fun combat system..and of all the mmos i have played over the years , aim and shoot has been my most favorite.. simply selecting a target and spamming attacks is one of the reasons i got bored of wow eventually.
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guild wars 2 is going to have a combat system.. and i think it will do pretty well:) i think its more about how its implemented..anyway.. i hope they do something with SWTOR...i hope to play it for many years to come.. we will see.
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Sooner or later SWTOR will be one of the few MMORPG's that do not employ a combat based (aim and shoot) control system. I have this suggestion for how one could work.


All attack powers are principly aim based. BUT. This is how it would work and be fun.


Powers are split between instant cast (by hitting the attack button) and "composed" powers. players can power up and chose thier instant cast powers. for example.


A Trooper can change the ammo type in thier gun, or even the weapon they are using. add mods such as silencers, larger cannon, scope, grenade launcher . the list is endless.. when they aim and shoot with left mouse they shoot thier primary.. right click could be secondary. all aim and shoot... if they want to activate one of thier "composed" abilities they will need to select it (opening up more options, example, building a force attack, deciding if its aoe, fire, push, healing etc)... and since this means not being able to move (wsad) they select a target as normal using TAB (although not in the same way as the current system, see further down). the list of possible "composed" abilities is also endless.. they could prepare thier weapon for a charged blast for example... chain abilites could be used, first selecting charge, then charge type etc,...


When they fire a "composed" ability they will still need to aim to do max damage, BUT, now they have an area of "Focus" . If they get thier target in this area they hit.. the reason for this is because of the amount of time it takes for composed abilites to activate, it would be frustrating if you had to aim carefully and keep missing... if you do not get the target in the area of focus you still have a small chance to hit (again to make it less frustrating)


for force and non-force user alike this opens up a whole new system of primary and secondary weapons... force users could carry an orb, or special sabre hit which changes thier instant attacks, non-force could carry a massive variety of secondary weapons, grenades, etc. and the most important this is I think it would be a LOT of fun.


this also makes some powers far more suitable in groups.. some even relying on group members to make the power viable.. for example... a force healer could use a power that is aimed at a tank, that channels force rage, or heal.. or a lightening attack that hits his targets.) this would need the massive concentration from the players character and lots of time to prepare, making it far more involving to play.


Thanks for reading.. i have developed my ideas for this system a lot further and would be happy to share more ideas.


If you are talking about doing away with hard targeting then i hope swtor never does it.

Most western mmo players prefer to be able to actually target stuff not have to line up a reticule in the center of your screen!


Sounds like your talking about a target system like tera has and that one thing will stop any mmo that tries such a system from ever being main stream.

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  • 1 year later...
Love it. It'd love to see some sort of rework happen. It may be a good idea to have some sort of hybrid, where tradtional AND direct-action players can have their way. The Repopulation is working on a system like this.
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