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HP gone down?


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Logged in today and it seems my hp has dropped by 1k no skills have changed nor has any gear im a full bm mara and for some reason i only now have 15750hp


anyone else seem to lose any or am i missing something

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Did you re-spend your skill points?

If you did, try taking off all of your eqiupment and putting it back on.


Woohoo! Naked time! ;)


No, but seriously, you're right. I'd noticed that my main and my companion had both dropped by quite a few HP's the first time I logged on after 1.2 went live. As soon as I started swapping out gear on both, it seemed to self-correct.


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I suppose it's a known issue but the HP problem of my companion does not self correct simply by swapping the stuff.

It works until I get back on my mount and paf, my companion loses 2k HP again... It's really annoying especially with a tank companion.

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