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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Assault DPS Parse Breakdown


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I decided I wanted to show a break down of a Assault Spec and wanted to share my results.


Here is the spec


Nightvision Scope & Adrenaline Fueled are chosen to get higher in the tree and I know some people will debate picking them but that's what I felt would be best for survival.


The SS / Tactics tree points are hard to decide where to put but I decided this would be the first build that I parse and test myself. I decided that for this test I would take the 3% AIM boost over the 20% additional Armor Penetration from focused Insights. I decided to do this because I can't yet confidently say that this stacks with High Friction Bolts or not.


I am wearing full Rakata Combat Technician gear except for 1 Columi Crit Relic. I am a Biochem so I am using a Power Adrenal in this recording.


With this Spec my skill priority is like so.


Incendiary Round > High Impact Bolt > Stockstrike > Assault Plastique > Ion Pulse > Hammer Shot.


Hammer Shot is being weaved in almost every other ability to keep Ammo Regen always at Fast except for when I do an Ammo Dump to use Recharge Cells, I use Reserve Powercell everytime it comes off CD ONLY with Incendiary Round since it costs 3 ammo.




Below are results of a 3 minute fight versus the Operations Training Target.


Total DPS: 1268



Ability -- Name of Power / Effect causing damage.

Min -- the smallest hit from Power / Effect.

Max -- the largest hit from Power / Effect

Avg -- Average sized hit from Power / Effect

Crit % -- %age of times the ability Crit during test.

Overall % -- %age of overall DPS from Power / Effect.


Ability -------------------------- Min ---------- Max ---------- Avg -------- Crit % ---------- Overall %

Burning (Tech) ------------------282 ---------- 979 --------- 504 --------- 43.70 ---------- 26.98

High Impact Bolt -------------- 1680 -------- 4258 --------- 2603 -------- 44.44 ---------- 21.07

Ion Pulse ---------------------- 1015 --------- 2040 -------- 1302 --------- 33.33 ---------- 14.05

Stockstrike -------------------- 1252 --------- 2541 --------- 1520 -------- 25.00 ---------- 10.94

Assault Plastique -------------- 1420 -------- 2887 --------- 1919 -------- 33.33 ----------- 10.36

Hammer Shot -------------------- 76 --------- 161 ----------- 102 -------- 32.59 ----------- 10.32

Incendiary Round -------------- 487 -------- 1111 ----------- 674 -------- 33.33 ------------ 3.64

Dark Spike --------------------- 168 ---------- 298 ----------- 196 -------- 23.33 ------------ 2.64


FYI: The Dark Spike is from my Dark Energy Surge Relic.


Important Note: The Incendiary Round recorded is only the initial "hit" of the ability, the actual DoT is being recording into Burning (Tech). Also our Plasma Cell is also being recorded as Burning (Tech).


With the above information it's obvious to say that our Plasma Cell & Incendiary Round make up over 30% of our DPS, so that definitely warrants it being up at ALL times on the enemy.


I was surprised to find out that Assault Plastique (AP) only accounted for 10% of the overall damage even though it was used every time it came off CD. Due to it being such a low % of the damage I feel that it could be more valuable to actually skip getting AP and some non-dps filler talents and put them in the other trees. I feel that this will remove 1 more Cool down to track during combat and will allow us to spend more time focusing on HIB procs, Ammo & monitoring Incendiary Round's DoT.


Feel free to let me know what you think.


I plan to tinker more with different Assault Specs as well as try out Tactics too.

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Great analysis!


I was mostly an IronFist(ish) spec up until 1.2 where I found the INCREASED DPS too juicy to pass up combined with my once STONG defense now weakened; I then switched to Full assault and am joying blowing people up. With your analysis I am making the follwoing tweaks to my build so thank you for taking the time to test and post your results.


I PvP mostly and based upon your data am going to try this spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMhZMsbZfhrbzGhM.1


- The Tech Crit Chance is a wash by picking up Blaster Augs and losing Burnout

- Assault Plastique is lost - Looking forward to your data with switching out Sticky Grenade and seeing if the 10% drops to ~5%-7% (my estimate, no empirical data to back this up)

- I took Parallactic Combat Stims as I PvP exclusively and this is just golden

- Focused Impact get a full 3 points; maximizing one of the highest damage abilities we have

- 2 points left, I like power armor for INCREASED survivability, this is key in PvP. For max DPS Frontline Offense would be a better choice


Critics of my choices are invited, I am looking for ways to improve it.



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one suggestion to your build. i would prefer static field over power armor.


the reason is, power armor is better if focused, especially from a range as it is always active. but in such a situation is won't help you anyway.


static field on the other side is stroinger if you have your opponent(s) within 10m which at least your target should be anyway. it helps you more in 1on1 or 2on2 fights and if you are getting focused from more people it doesn't matter that you don't have power armor anyway ;)

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i quit using plastiq long ago. i mostly pvp so sticky bomb has more dmg potential


True, but plastiq can make for some pretty nasty burst, especially if timed along with HiB.


Also I'm suprised you haven't weaved Full Auto into your rotation OP. It hits hard with Rain of Fire, ammo regens while it's active and it has a good chance to proc plasma cell. The new animation for it which is faster is just gravy.

Edited by Nyoro
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Great analysis!


I PvP mostly and based upon your data am going to try this spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMhZMsbZfhrbzGhM.1


- The Tech Crit Chance is a wash by picking up Blaster Augs and losing Burnout

- Assault Plastique is lost - Looking forward to your data with switching out Sticky Grenade and seeing if the 10% drops to ~5%-7% (my estimate, no empirical data to back this up)

- I took Parallactic Combat Stims as I PvP exclusively and this is just golden

- Focused Impact get a full 3 points; maximizing one of the highest damage abilities we have

- 2 points left, I like power armor for INCREASED survivability, this is key in PvP. For max DPS Frontline Offense would be a better choice


Critics of my choices are invited, I am looking for ways to improve it.




I did make 1 major mistake last night and forgot to bring up that this build is not only what I use for PvE but some of the talent choices have purely been for PvP reasons.


- Sweltering Heat's slow affect doesn't work against Operation Bosses but I find it to be amazing in PvP in order to keep your enemies in your Stockstrike range.


- Nightvision Scope - is IMO one of the better (non-dps) talents for PvP. You immediately get 2% defense which I feel washes with the other survival talents. IF you're like me and love to place Stealth Scans on top of your healer or by objectives it's very nice. In additional the ability to see Operatives & Assassins faster is REALLY good. Regardless of all that though I feel that Nightvision Scope is probably 1 of the most "playstyle related" talents.


- Parallactic Combat Stims is something I originally thought was nice but over time I felt that it's just too uncontrollable. If I get stunned for 5 seconds that's 5 seconds I'm going to be recovering Ammo and not using it anyway, along with it's completely wasted if I'm already (near) full.


- Burnout is definitely a must have IMO. It's 3 points to gain 3% Crit in addition when the target gets <30 your DoT's do 30% more damage. This gives our Incendiary Round & Plasma Cell an "execute" like feel to it since we don't get an actual execute like other DPS classes.


The final 2 points to get up to Assault Plastique are again "Playstyle Related".

I feel that Adrenaline Fueled is the best for me and here is why.


- Adrenaline Fueled offers you Survival & DPS. Reserve Powercell = Free Incendiary Round from my OP, if you review my original numbers you're going to be CRIT'ing A LOT which means you're going to be able to use Reserve Powercell very very often, even in PvP which helps increase DPS and helps manage Ammo. In addition it drastically speeds up how often you can use Adrenaline Rush which is an amazing 15% HoT.


- Assault Plastique is amazing in PvP. Asslt Spec is a Semi-Burst spec in PvP and I feel the ability to run in and immediately throw out a 2.5k to 4K hit is a MUST HAVE.


I think the DPS talents you put into SS / Tactics probably end up very close to a wash.. You end up getting Aim, DPS, or Crit regardless, personally I wouldn't go for survival related talents in those trees because the DPS options are there and I only pick survival when there isn't good DPS available.


(If they're dead they can't hurt you - is my reasoning.)


If I was ONLY a PvE player and spec'd purely for Operations than I think I would want to test out a build like this.


Going purely for the highest DPS talents when available or the ones to help make a healers job easier. Skipping AP for the 20% armor reduction for HIB.

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True, but plastiq can make for some pretty nasty burst, especially if timed along with HiB.


Also I'm suprised you haven't weaved Full Auto into your rotation OP. It hits hard with Rain of Fire, ammo regens while it's active and it has a good chance to proc plasma cell. The new animation for it which is faster is just gravy.


This is something I've been WAITING for 1.2 and the Parse logs to come out for to test.


I've always had VERY VERY mixed feelings about Full Auto.


Full Auto


Channeled: 3s

Cooldown: 15s

Range: 30 m

Fires a continuous stream of bolts that deals 833 - 940 weapon damage every second. Weak and standard enemies caught in the blaster fire are stunned for the duration.



- 3 separate hits means 3 chances to Proc Plasma Cell as well as 3 chances to CRIT. (See above for how every crit can increase health & ammo)

- 9% more damage thanks to Rain of Fire.

- Allows you to regen ammo while only spending 2 ammo.



- Weapon damage gets mitigated more than Elemental Damage

- This spec has a lot of increased Elemental Damage which makes Ion Pulse great.


Ion Pulse is the reason I don't use Full Auto in my rotation. Ion Pulse offers a strong hit for the same ammo cost and I can always Hammer Shot if ammo is a concern.

Every time you use Ion Pulse it has the chance to proc Ionic Accelerator (once ever 6 seconds) which is without a doubt your Bread & Butter talent.


I feel that Full Auto makes a good filler in situations where you cannot be within range to use your Ion Pulse (and Stockstrike) but at least in my testing we're assuming you get to focus 100% on melee-range DPS.


For a long time I've seen Full Auto as a great ability for leveling but something that (at least for vanguards) gets dropped into the utility belt for those rare moments you may need it.


With further testing however we may find that keeping Full Auto on CD and placing it somewhere in the Priority / Rotation may be good.

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To keep things similar, in a 3 Min Fight:




(I use MOX Eesktop Parser, don't see any way to export data nicely with it so just took a screenshot of the popout window)


Using 5/5/31.


DPS: 1423.4


The other aspect is, i'm in entire PVP Gear. (Or in the chest piece case, remodded PvP Gear). I also fumbled a bit as I tried to fit unload in at times. Not really sold on it, channeling abilities feel way to clunky right now.


I'm tempted to purchase a second BM Set and throw nothing but PvE Mods in to it. I feel teh 15% Crit raised in value a bit with RS being on a "longer" cooldown


Overall though I'm wondering if going back to an 8/5/28 Build might be best for PvE. TD /AP is negligble as the burst isn't THAT important in that environment. (I hardly used it in that short little parse)

Edited by exphryl
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i quit using plastiq long ago. i mostly pvp so sticky bomb has more dmg potential


Stop posting about PVP, for the good of the republic.


AP is a PVP skill, and it's Single Target damage "potential" is double that of sticky bomb. Assault Plastique is why people think we do 9k damage in 3 seconds.


As for the parse:


I would try to squeeze in some pulse cannon, and full auto, they allow for decent DPS, while waiting on HIB cooldown-reset cooldown. Pulse cannon ignores armor and full auto damage is increased by the burning effect.

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I'd like to request a parse from a geared 50. What does Assault's 30m damage look like? I'd think the rotation priority would be something like:




  1. High-Impact Bolt: On burning target.
  2. Incendiary Round: On expiration.
  3. Full Auto
  4. Assault Plastique
  5. Explosive Round: 10+ Ammo
  6. Hammer Shot



I'm curious how well we'll actually do at 30m. Obviously we won't be able to match Gunslingers, Commandos, or Sages, but we should be able to pull a decent amount of DPS from range. I'm hoping for 1k or more, and frankly, I'll be surprised if we can't break 1k.


If you could include your melee DPS with the same spec and gear (so we can get an accurate comparison of 30m v melee), that would be great. If you're really interested, a 10m parse (so no stockstrike) would also be awesome. I'm betting we can hit a good 80-90% of melee damage from 10m range, as long as we can use Ion Pulse.

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I'd like to request a parse from a geared 50. What does Assault's 30m damage look like? I'd think the rotation priority would be something like:



  1. High-Impact Bolt: On burning target.
  2. Incendiary Round: On expiration.
  3. Full Auto
  4. Assault Plastique
  5. Explosive Round: 10+ Ammo
  6. Hammer Shot


I'm curious how well we'll actually do at 30m. Obviously we won't be able to match Gunslingers, Commandos, or Sages, but we should be able to pull a decent amount of DPS from range. I'm hoping for 1k or more, and frankly, I'll be surprised if we can't break 1k.


If you could include your melee DPS with the same spec and gear (so we can get an accurate comparison of 30m v melee), that would be great. If you're really interested, a 10m parse (so no stockstrike) would also be awesome. I'm betting we can hit a good 80-90% of melee damage from 10m range, as long as we can use Ion Pulse.


We can do reasonable damage from 30m, however it is not sustainable due to ammo and 15 second cooldowns on all abilities involved.


If my target is at 30m and I'm not initially ready to close on it, I like to open with IR followed by AP. I then cast Full Auto while the AP ticks down, and finish with HIB. The result is that the last tick of Full Auto happens around the same time as the AP explosion, and is immediately followed by the HIB. The combination can do upwards of 12k with a string of crits. It's all Hammer Shot after this for a good 8 seconds unless you close in. However, right around this time I harpoon the target if they still have not exited LOS, and Stock Strike them in the face. I do not recommend running this rotation on anything above medium armor or against tanks or tank-hybrids. The abilities being used are all impacted by armor with the exception of IR and HIB, which along with Full Auto is impacted by shield, dodge, cover, and deflect mechanics.


Explosive Round is bad all around. It's bad AE, bad ammo management, and deals barely any more damage over Hammer Shot unless you're firing on a shield tank (I question my targeting options when I see small print white numbers, you should too). It's also kinetic damage making it very much affected by armor.


Your 80-90% guestimate on 10m range without SS is probably close to true. IP automatically procs a fresh plasma DoT application and is elemental damage. Compared to the harder hitting SS which is kinetic, and does not proc a fresh DoT. DPS against heavier armor is close to the same when removing SS, but goes down quite a bit when you're on a light armor target.

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We can do reasonable damage from 30m, however it is not sustainable due to ammo and 15 second cooldowns on all abilities involved.


If my target is at 30m and I'm not initially ready to close on it, I like to open with IR followed by AP. I then cast Full Auto while the AP ticks down, and finish with HIB. The result is that the last tick of Full Auto happens around the same time as the AP explosion, and is immediately followed by the HIB. The combination can do upwards of 12k with a string of crits. It's all Hammer Shot after this for a good 8 seconds unless you close in. However, right around this time I harpoon the target if they still have not exited LOS, and Stock Strike them in the face. I do not recommend running this rotation on anything above medium armor or against tanks or tank-hybrids. The abilities being used are all impacted by armor with the exception of IR and HIB, which along with Full Auto is impacted by shield, dodge, cover, and deflect mechanics.


Oh, yeah, our damage isn't going to be great, but I'm just curious how high it is. And there are times when a crucial kill target is out of reach (like Huttball), but Harpoon is on CD, that it would be good to be able to DPS from 30m. Other than rare occasions like that, though, I doubt I'd ever try to sustain damage at 30m. Still interesting to know how good we'd be, though.




Explosive Round is bad all around. It's bad AE, bad ammo management, and deals barely any more damage over Hammer Shot unless you're firing on a shield tank (I question my targeting options when I see small print white numbers, you should too). It's also kinetic damage making it very much affected by armor.


You'll notice I specified using it only to avoid wasting ammo by sitting at full. As you mention earlier, most of our 30m ranged attacks are on a 15s cooldown, which means there's plenty of time to fit an Explosive Round or two in without hurting your ammo. But it's definitely a bottom-priority skill in essentially any situation.

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Oh, yeah, our damage isn't going to be great, but I'm just curious how high it is. And there are times when a crucial kill target is out of reach (like Huttball), but Harpoon is on CD, that it would be good to be able to DPS from 30m. Other than rare occasions like that, though, I doubt I'd ever try to sustain damage at 30m. Still interesting to know how good we'd be, though.

I was actually trying to say that our long range damage is above what one would expect for a class that burns you down in the manner that we do in melee range, just not against heavier targets. For the heavies you need to be within 10m to use pulse, HIB, and SS.

You'll notice I specified using it only to avoid wasting ammo by sitting at full. As you mention earlier, most of our 30m ranged attacks are on a 15s cooldown, which means there's plenty of time to fit an Explosive Round or two in without hurting your ammo. But it's definitely a bottom-priority skill in essentially any situation.
Generally speaking, I avoid being in the prolonged out of range situation, and never use Explosive Round for anything other than "ranged AE cap interrupts" while on the move.
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Interesting thread. I've been running with an 8/6/27 build since before 1.2 that has worked out pretty well for me. My current spec can be found here: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMhZMsZfGMbzGhMM.1 Originally, the rationale for that spec was to maximize IA procs while keeping ammo management reasonable (e.g. not having to worry about AP). Basically the idea was to get IR on the target, HIB, and then spam SS and Ion Pulse to force procs while weaving in Hammer Shots to keep ammo up. Post-patch I find myself doing mostly the same thing, if only to keep Plasma Cell on the target from frequent Ion Pulses.


My question is, should my rotation stay the same, or is it worth it to try and use Pulse Cannon and/or Full Auto as filler when IA can't proc? I haven't had a chance to run tests, and I likely won't in the next few days. Anyone with more free time than me want to give it a go?


PS: Some notes on the spec:

*Sweltering Heat is taken for utility (having a snare is better than not having a snare) and for the off-chance that I decide to PvP for a while.

*Adrenaline Fueled is less necessary because AP is scrapped from the rotation. Faster self-heal would be nice, but not a huge priority if you have good healers.

*Blaster Augs is taken for slightly more bang for talent buck. +2% net tech crit (5% vs 3%) seems worth 10% less DoT damage during execute phase. This is debatable.

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I'd like to request a parse from a geared 50. What does Assault's 30m damage look like? I'd think the rotation priority would be something like:



  1. High-Impact Bolt: On burning target.
  2. Incendiary Round: On expiration.
  3. Full Auto
  4. Assault Plastique
  5. Explosive Round: 10+ Ammo
  6. Hammer Shot


I'm curious how well we'll actually do at 30m. Obviously we won't be able to match Gunslingers, Commandos, or Sages, but we should be able to pull a decent amount of DPS from range. I'm hoping for 1k or more, and frankly, I'll be surprised if we can't break 1k.


If you could include your melee DPS with the same spec and gear (so we can get an accurate comparison of 30m v melee), that would be great. If you're really interested, a 10m parse (so no stockstrike) would also be awesome. I'm betting we can hit a good 80-90% of melee damage from 10m range, as long as we can use Ion Pulse.


I was curious about this as well so I tried it out.

My gear is all Rakata and my spec is somewhat standard 4/6/31

On the operations dummy with just reflex stim and fortification I get these results:

about 900 dps sustained from 30m range

about 1100 dps sustained from 10m range

1200+ dps sustained at melee range


but I never sustain dps at range so I compared my ranged burst to my melee burst.

For about 15 seconds my ranged dps was around 1400 with still full ammo after hitting recharge cells

compared to the 2000+ i get at melee range for the same amount of time


imo explosive round is very underrated for both vanguards and commandos. it's pretty much the only instant cast, instant damage 30m range ability with no cooldown in the game. Of course you should always use ion pulse or grav round/charged bolts instead if you can help it but those abilities have the limitations of range/cast time.

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about 900 dps sustained from 30m range

about 1100 dps sustained from 10m range

1200+ dps sustained at melee range


Wow, so we can get 75% of our full DPS from 30m away. I knew we'd be able to do decent damage, but I didn't suspect it'd be that high. This is why I'm leveling as Assault spec. Thanks for testing it! I'm not going to be going after ranged classes on their own terms, but this is still great to know.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I'd be curious to see this parse redone now that Plasma Cell is fixed. I suspect that it would push the 10m DPS even closer to melee damage. My reasoning is that Ion Pulse's damage contribution has been significantly boosted. Before the PC fix, Ion Pulse would actually deprive you of a tick of PC by resetting the DoT. Now, every Ion Pulse has a tick of PC, so it does significantly more damage.


I'd be willing to bet Ion Pulse's damage is extremely close to Stockstrike now, if you count the first tick of PC as part of Ion Pulse's damage. This means that the only advantage to being in melee range would be getting IA procs slightly more often. I wouldn't be surprised if we can pull 95% or more from 10m away.


Would anyone be willing to parse their DPS from melee (4m) and from mid-range (10m) to see how they compare? I'd do it myself, but I don't have all my talents yet and that would skew the numbers. When I hit 50, I'll parse it no one else wants to.

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Before the PC fix, Ion Pulse would actually deprive you of a tick of PC by resetting the DoT. Now, every Ion Pulse has a tick of PC, so it does significantly more damage.



The only bugged ticks were the first one when applying plasma to a target that didn't already have it, and high impact refreshing it. Ion pulse has always immediately ticked plasma when refreshing it.

The fix for high impact refreshing the dot has substantially boosted dps at all ranges.

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Running 7/3/31. From what I've gathered so far, full assault is the best way to go for PVE dps right now but I'm not sure where to put the rest of the points. Gear is 4/5 BM eliminator set with rakata mods in it save for pants which are columni, rest is full raka. Swapped enhancements for surge/crit or surge/power (screw accuracy). Also all class buffs but no stim.


Rotation is the standard one with a few tweaks:

AP only after an IA proc, preferably before firing the HiB to get AP on cd faster (only if ammo allows it tho)

SS only when my spider senses tell me the internal cd on IA is done


All of them done for ¬180 secs. I didn't pop cooldowns on the 30m one because you'll never be stuck at 30m range for 3 mins lol no point in popping cds when you're that far away

1020 - 30m

1450 - 10m

1570 - melee


Can definately feel the pain of not being able to use stockstrike to proc IA/PPA.

10m parse looks like this:

Burning(Tech) 85906 --- 35.44%

Ion Pulse 62536 --------- 25.8%

HiB 46553 ----------------- 19.2%

Hammer Shot 18446 --- 7.61%

AP 15032 ------------------- 6.2%

Incendiary Round 7362 - 3.04%

Plasma Burst 6575 ------ 2.71%


While the melee parse looks like this:

Burning(Tech) 88547 --- 31.83%

HiB 62178 ----------------- 22.35%

Ion Pulse 49726 --------- 17.88%

SS 28916 ------------------ 10.39%

AP 19733 ------------------ 7.09%

Hammer Shot 15111 -- 5.43%

Incendiary Round 7522 - 2.7%

Plasma Burst 6444 ------ 2.32%


Notice the increase in HiB dmg of about 16k which is about 5-6 extra procs more or less. Interestingly Stockstrike seems to be Assaults worse filler, doing about 1.1k dmg per non crit whereas Ion Pulse deals 900+ 400 from Plasma cell = 1.3k and AP just barely inching ahead with 1.35k. Ofc AP pulls ahead even more when it crits but it still takes the back seat when IA internal cd is down (these numbers are from my ships' operation training dummy, I'm guessing that on other mobs like trash Stockstrike might pull ahead of Ion Pulse and AP would be even stronger tho still not worth it when you can proc IA)

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Running 7/3/31. From what I've gathered so far, full assault is the best way to go for PVE dps right now but I'm not sure where to put the rest of the points. Gear is 4/5 BM eliminator set with rakata mods in it save for pants which are columni, rest is full raka. Swapped enhancements for surge/crit or surge/power (screw accuracy). Also all class buffs but no stim.


Rotation is the standard one with a few tweaks:

AP only after an IA proc, preferably before firing the HiB to get AP on cd faster (only if ammo allows it tho)

SS only when my spider senses tell me the internal cd on IA is done


All of them done for ¬180 secs. I didn't pop cooldowns on the 30m one because you'll never be stuck at 30m range for 3 mins lol no point in popping cds when you're that far away

1020 - 30m

1450 - 10m

1570 - melee


Can definately feel the pain of not being able to use stockstrike to proc IA/PPA.

10m parse looks like this:

Burning(Tech) 85906 --- 35.44%

Ion Pulse 62536 --------- 25.8%

HiB 46553 ----------------- 19.2%

Hammer Shot 18446 --- 7.61%

AP 15032 ------------------- 6.2%

Incendiary Round 7362 - 3.04%

Plasma Burst 6575 ------ 2.71%


While the melee parse looks like this:

Burning(Tech) 88547 --- 31.83%

HiB 62178 ----------------- 22.35%

Ion Pulse 49726 --------- 17.88%

SS 28916 ------------------ 10.39%

AP 19733 ------------------ 7.09%

Hammer Shot 15111 -- 5.43%

Incendiary Round 7522 - 2.7%

Plasma Burst 6444 ------ 2.32%


Notice the increase in HiB dmg of about 16k which is about 5-6 extra procs more or less. Interestingly Stockstrike seems to be Assaults worse filler, doing about 1.1k dmg per non crit whereas Ion Pulse deals 900+ 400 from Plasma cell = 1.3k and AP just barely inching ahead with 1.35k. Ofc AP pulls ahead even more when it crits but it still takes the back seat when IA internal cd is down (these numbers are from my ships' operation training dummy, I'm guessing that on other mobs like trash Stockstrike might pull ahead of Ion Pulse and AP would be even stronger tho still not worth it when you can proc IA)


Thank you for this data.


Given what you have learned about Ion Pulse and Plasma Cell and their proportions of our damage would you consider re-running the 10m and melee range parses as 4/6/31 ?

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Thank you for this data.


Given what you have learned about Ion Pulse and Plasma Cell and their proportions of our damage would you consider re-running the 10m and melee range parses as 4/6/31 ?


You'd actually want to move one point from Brutal Impact over to Intimidation. Elemental damage makes up 50-60% of his damage, but HiB is 22% or less. So 2% Elemental damage would be better than 3% HiB damage.


Also, this makes me really curious how Tactics does at 10m. Obviously, they'd be really bad at 30m, but they have strong Ion/Fire Pulse and they'd be able to use Pulse Cannon from 10m.

Edited by Philosomanic
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You'd actually want to move one point from Brutal Impact over to Intimidation. Elemental damage makes up 50-60% of his damage, but HiB is 22% or less. So 2% Elemental damage would be better than 3% HiB damage.


This is a PVP burst damage spec, so I don't want to lose too much HIB damage as this is where the burst lives. High hits on HIB also provide bragging right on the warzone summary screen review.

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