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PvP Healing


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In my experience, yes the way healing is done itself could really improve. But looking at the rest of the game and how they have picked up and learned from great things from other mmo's and combined that really really well, I have confidence the healing will become smoother. Don't worry, its OK.


The healing in pvp is not as valuable as in wow for example if you have any idea how that was. You could basicly heal for way too much imo and keep people up for ages and create a stalemate in some patches where healing was rediculous.. So far healing seems to play a perfect role imo. Not too strong, not too weak.


Hope this helped a bit.

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In my experience, healing sucks. Your weak and your heals get interrupted 9 ways to Sunday. Melee eats your sack lunch.


Most people who says healing "seems about right!" are the ones swinging those lightsabers around and busting heads with ease.

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Healing now is awful because the raid frames are buggy and it's hard to click every ally. Just like in beta.


This right here is the biggest issue with healing at the moment. Until this is fixed everything else is speculation.

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In my experience, healing sucks. Your weak and your heals get interrupted 9 ways to Sunday. Melee eats your sack lunch.


Most people who says healing "seems about right!" are the ones swinging those lightsabers around and busting heads with ease.


Basically this. I feel like a PvE god and a PvP failure as a healer right now. My cast times and nonstop being trained and interupted trying to get any kind of heal off.

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So from people's experiences so far, how does healing affect PvP and what are the best/worst healers for each faction?


healing is pointless as the raid frames dont show anyting like accurate health (someone can be on 5% and the frames show 100%) and there are no mouseover macros to make nameplate healing easier.


Also, heals are really small compared to dmg, stupidly so, you cant even out heal 1 dps on you, so you may aswell just go dps.

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In my experience. Inq Sorc.


Worthless / No point in healing.


other classes out heal us without even trying.


I am mainly a healer. If I can not have a viable healing spec in pvp. I simply Do not want to play that game.


It is ridiculous how they have nerfed pvp healing.



I am a Good player and healer. Yet from what Bioware has done. I can't even outheal and average dps's damage. ***....



What point is it to heal if you cant OUT-HEAL THE DAMAGE. WHY NOT NERF FORCE POWER NOT HEALS....

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Lol no its not.


How is Being a HEALER and not being able to out heal 1DPS fine..... clearly you are mistaken.


Why would a healer want to heal people if it doesn't count for keeping the player ALIVE. If you cant out heal 1 dps then whats the point of healing and how in hell would you see it as viable at all.

Edited by lebenharvest
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In my experience, yes the way healing is done itself could really improve. But looking at the rest of the game and how they have picked up and learned from great things from other mmo's and combined that really really well, I have confidence the healing will become smoother. Don't worry, its OK.


The healing in pvp is not as valuable as in wow for example if you have any idea how that was. You could basicly heal for way too much imo and keep people up for ages and create a stalemate in some patches where healing was rediculous.. So far healing seems to play a perfect role imo. Not too strong, not too weak.


Hope this helped a bit.


Healing in wow is OP and terrible. that you even compare it with swtor i cant even understand. Blizzard lost the right to compete in wow arenas becouse they cant balance the classes and they doing a freaking extremly terrible work with healing balance.



swtor has a nice system for healing i cant see any obsticles ecept your level atm.

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I have two healers. I run the Jedi Sage Trooper Commando healing specs, I'm 20 with the trooper and 23 with my sage. I find healing in PVP to be just fine outside of the UI problems. Its not hard for me to click targets because I'm used to it but I agree that it would simplify things quite a bit.


As I said, I think its fine. I don't know what class your healing with and how many talents you have gotten so far, so maybe its a class problem. That being said, I think maybe you should just look at yourself. Healing in other games is considerably easier. I play a Priest and Pally healer in WoW at 2337 in Arena and while it takes some skill, its not that hard.


I think that this game requires you, in pvp, to play at a higher level. I can out heal one DPS, I can usually keep a single target from dying to two via a combination of good CC useage and judicious use of healing. Also, do not forget that as a healer in this game you can do good damage still. Sometimes its better to just attack someone.


Healing will become better with talents and experience. Expecting to heal like a boss at these levels is a little absurd, sometimes your fighting people with ten or more levels than you. While the warzone equalizes things, a level 30 player just has more tools at his or her disposal than you at level 15 with your one or two heals.

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Interesting posts. The biggest point I agree with is the UI problems. It can be tough clicking a small object while getting surrounded and blasted from all angles. I need to be able to see where my target is. I find they can be behind me and in order for your skill to work you need to be facing the target.


The thing that I have noticed is I am a balanced sage. Healing is very useful and needed in a lot of the game which is helpful. In PVP I find that Im using my DPS side more often. I found 1 or 2 groups from Republic and Empire side that seemed to be pretty good at using their healers.


Any group that has mastered or has some grasp on the healing/targetting in pvp can get the group far.

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I am playing a BH healer, and plan on going full heal spec. I am having a blast, and feel like I make a significant difference in PvP matches. Plus being able to do a little damage is nice too.


I would agree that the UI is a little cumbersome, and I also have witnessed a glitch where it shows full health but really isnt. Several pets have died on me in PvE because of this glitch.


I really think people are just way to use to the addons from WoW making healing so easy a monkey can do it. You actually have to have some skill and make good decisions to heal in this game. This is how healing should be.


Its is not perfect and I am sure they will make some adjustments, but it is not anywhere near as bad as some posters are making it out to be. I can most definitely heal through 1 dpser unlike some people are claiming.

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Sage Healer here.


I´m only at lvl 15-16 now and so far i'ver picked up 2 heals and one bubble.


Just like some ppl already have said the only issue I see so far is the buggy UI.

Without a doubt it will be fixed and until that we all just have to cope.

Both sides have this problem so it's not an advantage for anyone.




As to not being able to outheal 1 dps.


My way of playing rarely puts me in that possition, and if I do I have no trouble getting back to my group with the use of CC, force speed and what not.

To just stand there and try to outheal another opponents dmg is not very good thinking in the first place. As a healer I want to be with as many allies as possible since that´s when I do the most good in the group.


It´s been pointed out in many places Sage/Sorc are/might be a bit OP at lower levels, and from what I´ve seen so far I have to agree.

It´s not the amount of healing or dmg they do, but rather all the gadgets we get at early levels.




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I play juggernaught but I have to agree the buggy raid frames is a problem. Reports full health when they are almost dead. That aside, in huttball if I have a merc who can move and heal followin me its fantastic and we can score over and over, I always guard my healer its a good combo and hard to stop.
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you guys seems too much used to games where the healer had basically a "tanking" role in PvP with his ability to outheal easily one dpser. Im happy the way it is now, if it keeps going like this even at 50. Edited by atreyuz
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lvl21 BH Merc here and I enjoy healing when my ops window is working. When it is not working I wanna hurt somebody.


I generally position myself correctly and just call out for peels.


As for the power of the heals; I think they could use a bump. Not a huge one, but a little boost would be nice. I also thing the AOE range of my AOE heal should be a little bigger with all the movement in both pvp and pve, it is very hard to utilize it.

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In my experience. Inq Sorc.


Worthless / No point in healing.


other classes out heal us without even trying.


I am mainly a healer. If I can not have a viable healing spec in pvp. I simply Do not want to play that game.


It is ridiculous how they have nerfed pvp healing.



I am a Good player and healer. Yet from what Bioware has done. I can't even outheal and average dps's damage. ***....



What point is it to heal if you cant OUT-HEAL THE DAMAGE. WHY NOT NERF FORCE POWER NOT HEALS....

Game hasnt even been officially released yet. You internet MMO freaks really do throw tantrums at the drop of a hat. Just effing wait a second, it'll all be balanced/figured out

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