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Was the balancing pass a success? Yes or No


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Do you think that the balancing pass was a good 1? Did it do a good thing for your class? Yes or No.


State your class, say if you like the changes made to your class, Yes or No.


Then State why you feel that way. Don't be afraid to go into detail.


My main is a Merc/Pyro. No I do not like the changes to my class at all.


Dps is down so far low I can't even make it a challenging fight to other classes 1 vs 1 with similar gear then my own.


I can't even hurt a warrior after unloading all my highest dps moves on that class.


Consular's, forget about it. I don't even play in the same park as they do. DFA nerf, I really hate the change there, an aoe that is no longer an aoe.


The changes made to my class I just run up to other players and die! I don't ever expect to win all fights, but I do expect them to at least be a challenge.


New patch in pvp in my opinion is a fail for me. I am not having fun at all.

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se this is the problem, you are sayig your dps is way down but there are others saying holy crap they are hitting like trucks now their dps has gone up. the bottom line is this question just cannot be answered right now, people have to re gear play for few weeks and then things get bit clearer.


then you have to factor in class changes so some ppl will have to re learn their class and develop/refine new builds,

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I personally hate it,


I'm not having nearly as much fun as prior to patch 1.2 even though the game runs a lot better.


But that's mainly because by favorite spec was nerfed into the ground to the point of non-viability. I don't like the changes to Expertise either as the extra mitigation was actually quite necessary to off-set the offensive stat inflation.


But Bioware wanted to fix something that wasn't broke....and now it's broken.

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se this is the problem, you are sayig your dps is way down but there are others saying holy crap they are hitting like trucks now their dps has gone up. the bottom line is this question just cannot be answered right now, people have to re gear play for few weeks and then things get bit clearer.


then you have to factor in class changes so some ppl will have to re learn their class and develop/refine new builds,



There really isn´t any route for Pyromerc to go the little tweaks you can do are so miniscule to you end of the line dps that it doesn´t matter. Arsenal isn´t an option to any pyromerc i would rather reroll than go there.


The nerfs for merc were uncalled for class was in good balance in dps specs (healing wasn´t but i don´t get into that) with the amount of mobility our class has and the gimp defensive cds and careful resoursemanagement called for good dps output it wasn´t the best in game but made us a good class to hold middle in Huttball or smash enemies with DFA in VS doors or harass healers in ACW. And no i don´t like the changes to my class.

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There really isn´t any route for Pyromerc to go the little tweaks you can do are so miniscule to you end of the line dps that it doesn´t matter. Arsenal isn´t an option to any pyromerc i would rather reroll than go there.


The nerfs for merc were uncalled for class was in good balance in dps specs (healing wasn´t but i don´t get into that) with the amount of mobility our class has and the gimp defensive cds and careful resoursemanagement called for good dps output it wasn´t the best in game but made us a good class to hold middle in Huttball or smash enemies with DFA in VS doors or harass healers in ACW. And no i don´t like the changes to my class.


well i honestly cant speak with any authority about mercs, i lvled a merc to about 20 ages ago and i dont know much about the changes. But at the very least in this game gear makes a big difference and they have just made some significant changes to gear and until that levels out it is hard ot tell exactly how dps has changed

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The balancing in 1.2 was a success.




Best Class Balance Ever nerf to the ground every other classes make mara's FOTM class.

Im guessing every class will have their patch,launch had Sorc/Sages cause ppl had no clue how to counter em next patch who knows.


Im playing a sage and most of the changes was un needed on a mediocore dmg class that excelled sooo much cause of the double dipping bug which still happens and combined with Biochem ppl was crying about it.

The Infamous Hybrid was the only spec Sages/Sorcs was competitive Both PVE/PVP and really whoever thinks they shouldnt have had soo much utillity and support he is fooling himself.


Healing needed a nerf even for PVE pov since every other healer was useless 3 sages/sorcs could cover a whole 16man raid by themselfs without loosing any force.

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