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When can we expect the things the game actually needs?


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I fully plan to unsub as soon as I finish my SW class story due to the amount of content I can't access without a cross server LFG tool. My server simply doesn't have the population to enable grouping for heroics or FP's without spending hours and hours spamming gen chat. Why should I pay for content I can't even enjoy? I might resub when it's added, but BW really dropped the ball by not implementing either a LFG tool or server merges.
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Addons: Don't get me wrong, I love addons but they have just recently provided alot of cusotmization for the UI so I doubt it's high on their list.


If youre talking dps addons, no one is stopping you from developing a parser now that they do combat logging.



Was talking non combat stuff + heals (im a healer) and yeah I have a live parser that works pretty well.

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The 1.2 patch was a pretty face lift and they added in a lot of stuff that should have been there at release but that's fine. I am wondering when we can expect the things the game actually needs to make it more accessible.


FP/OP Finder:


I know its a top priority and supposed to be 1.3 but when?




UI stuff was nice but add-ons can do so much more for the way the game looks and feels. I am not talking about add-ons that people on the forums are afraid of but ones for like crafting interface, UI control, better nameplates, and stuff in those categories.




You added emotes that we have to type out... I am not talking about the macros people are so terrified of but ones for stuff like emotes, mouse over macros for healing, and stuff like that.


These sort of thing make a big difference and would have been a lot more well received than non scale-able legacy gear and pets.

Thanks for 1.2 Bioware so when is 1.3 coming out?

*Months later*

Thanks for 1.3 Bioware so when is 1.4 coming out?


See the merry-go-round of this yet?

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He's afraid that BioWare will then start allowing for the creation and use of raid mods. Apparently, he has no faith in the devs to monitor the mod scene.


Games that have opened them before haven't monitored them enough. I'd prefer BW to develop the mods themselves.

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Why are you telling people to be patient? What was wrong with what he said or what hinted he wasn't patient.


He asked for the Finder tool, add ons and macro stuff.


Two of those things will most likely be released with 1.3.


I.e he needs to be patient. Good smooth patches don't get made in a day.

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Group Finder doesn't have to wait till some abstract 1.3 patch 4 months down the road. The one month free is just there to hold up numbers till Q.2 reports come out.


1.2 should have fixed this MOST BASIC NEED to help players find people of the right class to FP/OP with, not roll 3 additional classes to 50 to "enjoy" this legacy wachamacallit like we had nothing better to do with our RL.

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Sooner than 1.2 and the comment by Ohlen to "roll out content" on a "monthly basis" disagrees with that. In a week, I am expecting to see teasers at least and testing should come the week after. A mid-April to Mid-may release sounds fair with proper testing.


This should really have ended the thread. If you pay attention to the panel they held at pax their goal was to have 1.3 out within a month from the release of 1.2. That's their goal and while I'm not exactly sure they'll make their target I don't think it will be to far off from that.

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