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Legacy Promotion now expanded


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I will never get to any of those level any time soon. I believe this level stuff with the legacy should have been out the window. It should have been all the players with a level 50 toon and also those with the Founder title that are active should be the only ones to get the free 30 days. This would show all the players that they mean some thing In stead of a bump on a log. All in all i say congrats to all of you that get your free time but as for me been playing like forever and still no legacy unlock and I have a level 30 a 23 And 2 toons at 16 and thats where i stand on this issue.
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I will never get to any of those level any time soon. I believe this level stuff with the legacy should have been out the window. It should have been all the players with a level 50 toon and also those with the Founder title that are active should be the only ones to get the free 30 days. This would show all the players that they mean some thing In stead of a bump on a log. All in all i say congrats to all of you that get your free time but as for me been playing like forever and still no legacy unlock and I have a level 30 a 23 And 2 toons at 16 and thats where i stand on this issue.


I have been trying, but I doubt I will make it unless I so an all nighter. Last nights 5 hour shut down never helps because I work 11am-10pm and only play at night and these nightly shutoffs truly disable my ability to play the game, especially with the 3 or 4 of them since the introduction of Legacy and this damnable promotion, and level my character, I am at 38 right now, and I doubt I can get to 50 in time now.


I mean, I work full time and my demographic (single parent, employed people, etc) would be the ones who needed that extended time in the first place and BioWare has done everything possible to get more play time from us, but prevent us from getting our one month free.


Did I take a short break from SWTOR? Yup. To play Mass Effect 3.:p But again, a week off in March shouldn't negate the fact I have multiple characters across servers that should hit the Legacy 6 if they were combined. (38, 35, 22, 15, 10, 10, 4 and 3)

Edited by jhartel
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The new requirements still suck. I have been an active subscriber since before day1 - I have characters on a number of servers but none at L50. I try to level them all at roughly the same pace. consequently despite being loyal player I get squat, instead I get to see a whole bunch of other player given rewards.


It would have been better for Bioware not to have done this at all in the first place. All they ahve done is alienate a substantial number of players.

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There is time until April 22 to get to level 50 or Legacy 6.



Had I the time, I wouldn't alter the way I play - it would make the game less enjoyable to me - more like a second job. Instead, I'll just go enjoy another game.



The time spent on this Forum could be spent ingame, for another Legacy level, for instance.



Of course, accessing this page from work for 5-10 minutes does not reallly mean I can jump into the game, does it? But then, thinking about that might mean jumping into someone else's shoes and making some attempt to see the issue from another perspective. But all you can do is interject your own situation into it, coming up with excuse after excuse. I think you need to open your eyes as to why this is wrong in the first place, regardless of your own status.

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The question that begs to be asked is.....


What the hell are you going to do with 30 days free?


I didn't unsubscribe from the game because I didn't receive 30 days free but due to the following:


I eventually came to this conclusion as well. This promotion made me realize that if I'm not motivated to get to 50 in 4 months, then I should probably be playing something else. Seems like that was the intent to begin with--they really don't want casuals because it messes up their server populations.

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The new requirements still suck. I have been an active subscriber since before day1 - I have characters on a number of servers but none at L50. I try to level them all at roughly the same pace. consequently despite being loyal player I get squat, instead I get to see a whole bunch of other player given rewards.


It would have been better for Bioware not to have done this at all in the first place. All they ahve done is alienate a substantial number of players.


I wish they would just combine what we have done across servers. Or at least allow server transfers.

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The new requirements still suck. I have been an active subscriber since before day1 - I have characters on a number of servers but none at L50. I try to level them all at roughly the same pace. consequently despite being loyal player I get squat, instead I get to see a whole bunch of other player given rewards.


It would have been better for Bioware not to have done this at all in the first place. All they ahve done is alienate a substantial number of players.

I agree, if I had all my characters on 1 server, then I would easily have made it... But I have all my friends that decided to pick different servers, so I spaced my characters out. This sucks...

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And that's completely the wrong mentality. That makes it sound like people really ought to be lvl 50 or legacy lvl 6, and if they're not it's because they've not been doing their job, been lazy, etc.


It's a GAME. There's no "ought to be" anything. As long as your play style isn't against the rules and doesn't make the game bad for other people, you ought to play exactly how you wish. As such, those things listed aren't excuses because no one NEEDS an excuse for not having hit 50 or legacy 6 yet. Bioware is the one who needs to come up with some damn good excuses here, for doing so poorly at implementing this promotion.


The ONLY reasonable metric to use for a promotion like this is months paid for. That's it.


Nicely Expressed

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Whinge, whinge, whinge, ******, ******, ******....


Please. Bioware is giving some goodies away based on their idea of what constitutes an active subscriber. I believe they consider an active subsciber isnt just one who pays their $15 a month. It's also someone who has been in game and made up the Multiplayer part of MMO. They get the biggest goodies - a free month of game time. Everyone else at least gets something too. A pet just for having an active account, A free week if you had unsubscribed, and if you resubscribe you get the pet too. This is BioWare's call, and it's them giving something to the community as a "thank you" for being active - not a "reward" for paying a subscription. No-one is having anything taken away from them as all the complaining in this thread seems to indicate.


We all subscribed to the game prepared to pay our $15 a month to play the game which we have all been doing as much as we like or are able according our own lives. We have all been happy to do so or have left the game, irrelavant of any expectation of reward from BioWare.


If some people get a free month bonus in Bioware's judgement - fine! No-one else has lost anything. If you didnt get a free month you still get a pet. None of this was an expectation in your mind before this promotion and you have no reason to feel "entitled" to it now. You have lost nothing, and you are still doing what you would have been doing anyway. It is a bonus like any other bonus given by any other organisation anywhere - not everyone will get it, not everyone will qualify for it, and you have no cause to complain like a spoiled child if you didnt get it and someone else did.

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Whinge, whinge, whinge, ******, ******, ******....


Please. Bioware is giving some goodies away based on their idea of what constitutes an active subscriber. I believe they consider an active subsciber isnt just one who pays their $15 a month. It's also someone who has been in game and made up the Multiplayer part of MMO. They get the biggest goodies - a free month of game time. Everyone else at least gets something too. A pet just for having an active account, A free week if you had unsubscribed, and if you resubscribe you get the pet too. This is BioWare's call, and it's them giving something to the community as a "thank you" for being active - not a "reward" for paying a subscription. No-one is having anything taken away from them as all the complaining in this thread seems to indicate.


We all subscribed to the game prepared to pay our $15 a month to play the game which we have all been doing as much as we like or are able according our own lives. We have all been happy to do so or have left the game, irrelavant of any expectation of reward from BioWare.


If some people get a free month bonus in Bioware's judgement - fine! No-one else has lost anything. If you didnt get a free month you still get a pet. None of this was an expectation in your mind before this promotion and you have no reason to feel "entitled" to it now. You have lost nothing, and you are still doing what you would have been doing anyway. It is a bonus like any other bonus given by any other organisation anywhere - not everyone will get it, not everyone will qualify for it, and you have no cause to complain like a spoiled child if you didnt get it and someone else did.


You don't quite understand anything about this. Leveling to 50 doesn't take long, and people can be 50 in a week and stop playing, not active players. Yet, those who continue to pay them don't see any reward for their active gameplay (yes, most of the people complaining actually dedicate at least an hour or two a day to the game). Another thing, many of the people have a very similar issue. They have the ability to be Legacy Level 6, if all their characters were on one server. However, because of how an MMO is and causes people to play with friends across multiple servers, these people are having their active gameplay ignored due to a technicality that should not exist in the first place. The unlock should be account wide, not server wide.

Edited by jhartel
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I eventually came to this conclusion as well. This promotion made me realize that if I'm not motivated to get to 50 in 4 months, then I should probably be playing something else. Seems like that was the intent to begin with--they really don't want casuals because it messes up their server populations.


It's a good gimmick you know, a free digital pet here, a free week there, people get all riled up.


And then you sit on the fleet, as a tank, for 2 hours to do one Flashpoint. At 50..you might be lucky enough to find a HM BT group, but that's it.


Or you go to Ilium with 20 people in a PVP raid and are unable to cast one spell or move due to the lag(./end sarcasm)..not that ilium is even alive anymore.


Regardless, as big as a fan I was of this game when I initially played my first toon, I never thought that I'd give up this soon.


1.2 was further discouraging. The Legacy system was touted as being bloody AMAZING. What you got was a couple of buffs from your own toons, and a lvl 16 weapon?

Apparently a lot of people were extremely happy that they got to arrange the portraits of their toons in a certain manner and use a spell from the other characters once every 20 minutes(The MMORPG genre will never be the same again, a revolutionary concept really(./sarcasm again)).

Regardless, for the people that are happy with all this, I say bravo...I hope you enjoy it.

For people people who are on the forums supporting EA/BW, i simply say, I hope you enjoy the MMORPG with 50-60 player on a server per faction soon...I'm sure you are one of those people who dawn a cape and a mask and meet in that field and fight with fake light-sabers. There is not much that doesn't make these players happy. EA/BW will put an extra gash on your face during the character creating process and these people will rejoice.

For people like me, looking for a bit more in-depth/interesting/challenging game..we'll find others.


And challenging != let's make classes squishier and healers heal less at the expense of the players and call it "challenging"....because that's what a lot of faboy's will scream about.


Regardless, 2 more days.

Edited by teacherjapan
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So just to be sure, Does our account have to be active on the 25 or the 22nd? curious because my time runs out on the 22nd


If you go to your account page it will state your subscription as active It must be active in order to recieve your free 30 days.



•OR have an active subscription with a Legacy Level 6 account by April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT.

Your account must not be banned.

To be an active subscriber:

•You must have purchased the game and redeemed an official Game Product Registration Code at the Code Redemption Center.

•You must have signed up for a recurring subscription using a valid payment method OR redeemed a Game Time Code

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From what I've seen, these LVL 50's almost always have Biochem or Slicing as their craft and the ones that don't, don't have any pink in their list. Showing that they too are just blowing through the game.

This also tells me that they have only focused on making these "in game steroid like enhancers" for PvP. Slicing is for people to make as many creds as fast as possible and shows it's only for themselves. Nothing wrong with either... for a single player game. It does nothing to support the in game community, economy and doesn't make the game enjoyable for everyone that takes their time to enjoy what this game had to offer.



...Slicing gives purple crafting missions, that reward purple mats and purple things, in general. Those nice Underworld Trading purples on the GTN? Or the Treasure Hunting? Or lately, augment schematics? They come from Slicing. ... Also, the more slicers, the better competition on the market. Have you noticed how nice prices spike during off peak hours? It is because not many are on to drop the price and you can end up buying for 50% more that it`s average cost. Now, imagine being only ONE slicer on your server and paying 500k for a lousy purple 340. Fun, huh?


You have just proven you have no idea what you are talking about...


Crafting more than one skill contributes to the in-game economy and makes fun for all. It gives the other players what they might not be able to craft themselves. Win/win for everyone.


It contributes to the seller`s wallet, not to anyone else. If the said seller wants to "contribute" and make fun.. give the stuff for free. Although it`ll go bankrupt really quick. Win/win for the seller, since she/he is the one receiving the cash.


Any more excuses?

Edited by Styxx
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BS the point is I've payed you since launch regardless of how many and what level they are I still deserve a free month for putting up with all your since the beginning. Good job EA and I say that cuz I've worked for you and know this is how you treat ppl, stupid bioware you just had to let them buy you. Edited by joshmob
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When this message came out, I was sitting with a few characters spread over a few different servers.

The knee-jerk reaction was to go to my highest level character (a lvl40 inquisitor) and power-level to 50.


the other morning (at about 4am) I stopped. I asked myself a simple question.

Am I enjoying this?


Then I asked myself another question.

Was it worth it?


The answer to both was no. Bioware didn't make this game for me to spacebar spam my way to level 50. Each quest is a story unto itself. I tried to imagine how I would feel as a writer, watching a player spacebar their way through all my work. It would be a depressing scene.


Although I can understand why alot of people are annoyed (to say the least), but alot of the comments, not only on this thread, but on the forum as a whole sound like kids throwing their toys out of their prams.


This game is an achievement. A world record breaking behemoth of a game. Yet is is VERY young.


I don't think I'll get to 50 before Sunday but to be honest I don't care. £9 a month for something I love is nothing.


If you are feeling that this game isn't giving you what you want then leave. SImple as that. Wait until it IS the game you want. It will be. Bioware has one of the best track records in the industry. I have complete trust in them.


I am a game developer myself and a StarWars fan since it first hit the cinema (yes I am THAT old). I have waited a lifetime for this game and I am (unjustifiably) protective of the IP.

Bioware have delivered a StarWars experience second to none. It is simply THAT good.


Nuff said.

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lol people seriously don't see this for what it is? They shouldn't have even changed it to legacy level 6 in the first place. It (originally) was LITERALLY an APOLOGY to the higher-end gamers that actually put time into the game to find out there was absolutely nothing to do. gg casuals, again.
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lol people seriously don't see this for what it is? They shouldn't have even changed it to legacy level 6 in the first place. It (originally) was LITERALLY an APOLOGY to the higher-end gamers that actually put time into the game to find out there was absolutely nothing to do. gg casuals, again.


If it annoys you so much then why play?

It seems the case is that you played through the body of content to get to the end game. There's nothing wrong with that at all.

Are you saying that when I get to the end that there is nothing to do? I haven't got there yet but I wouldn't mind getting the lowdown on how you view that Bioware have failed in this matter.

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If it annoys you so much then why play?

It seems the case is that you played through the body of content to get to the end game. There's nothing wrong with that at all.

Are you saying that when I get to the end that there is nothing to do? I haven't got there yet but I wouldn't mind getting the lowdown on how you view that Bioware have failed in this matter.


well first, go ahead and re-read my post, carefully this time. try to pinpoint exactly where you thought I said I was annoyed by this, and hopefully by now you'll realize that I didn't mention being annoyed in the slightest. In fact, I don't think I included my own feelings about this at all. Wow! When you actually read posts, you can actually comprehend what is being said! I hope you practice this in the future.

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When this message came out, I was sitting with a few characters spread over a few different servers.

The knee-jerk reaction was to go to my highest level character (a lvl40 inquisitor) and power-level to 50.


the other morning (at about 4am) I stopped. I asked myself a simple question.

Am I enjoying this?


Then I asked myself another question.

Was it worth it?


The answer to both was no. Bioware didn't make this game for me to spacebar spam my way to level 50. Each quest is a story unto itself. I tried to imagine how I would feel as a writer, watching a player spacebar their way through all my work. It would be a depressing scene.


Although I can understand why alot of people are annoyed (to say the least), but alot of the comments, not only on this thread, but on the forum as a whole sound like kids throwing their toys out of their prams.


This game is an achievement. A world record breaking behemoth of a game. Yet is is VERY young.


I don't think I'll get to 50 before Sunday but to be honest I don't care. £9 a month for something I love is nothing.


If you are feeling that this game isn't giving you what you want then leave. SImple as that. Wait until it IS the game you want. It will be. Bioware has one of the best track records in the industry. I have complete trust in them.


I am a game developer myself and a StarWars fan since it first hit the cinema (yes I am THAT old). I have waited a lifetime for this game and I am (unjustifiably) protective of the IP.

Bioware have delivered a StarWars experience second to none. It is simply THAT good.


Nuff said.


I think this is a reasonable post that describes a playstyle that appreciates writers, graphic artists,and all the hard work involved.

I've seen those that play like they have ADHD (as another poster described them).

They may as well being rushing the content on their own because they act as if you dont exist.


My other take was "First play through take your time there will be patches,fixes (yeah I wanted antiailising my 1st time through).

So as I progressed things would be fixed ,content added and my 1st play through would be more enjoyable.

There are level 50s at this point that played and appreciated the game,story,art work ect Its fortunate that they recieved the free 30 days,But some are in a position as you described, shifted to into high gear and ran into this issue:


the other morning (at about 4am) I stopped. I asked myself a simple question.

Am I enjoying this?


Then I asked myself another question.

Was it worth it?


The answer to both was no. Bioware didn't make this game for me to spacebar spam my way to level 50. Each quest is a story unto itself. I tried to imagine how I would feel as a writer, watching a player spacebar their way through all my work. It would be a depressing scene.

Edited by CygnusMX
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This is the dumbest promotion ever. I still don't qualify. To give away free time to some players while other players don't get the free time is just propoganda. You should have just given everyone free time.


I've been playing since release and thought that this game was for players that didn't feel like they had to rush through to get to 50. Sadly I was mistaken. You really want people to just speed through your game to get to 50 where there is very little left to do.

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