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***Post here if you would like your own "SERVER Forum!!***


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Bioware / EA/ Lord Malgus / Satele or whoever else has the power to fix this:


For Force's sake PLEASE give us OUR OWN SINGLE server FORUMS!!


I'm currently on "the constant" and getting frustrated trying to navigate thru the "group" forums for 6 other servers while trying to find relevant things to my own.


I understand there is vritually no cost in setting up a few "additional" forums and understand it may be harder for the community managers to patrol, but this would make the gaming community very, very, very happy.


Please post/sign below if you agree ... and Keep the trolls off this post, and my server!


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Thoroughly agree with the OP. Though I can understand why BW wont do it till the pops settle down.


Oh and I agree with everyone else too. I woke up at 3 am and was hoping to get some quality 1.2 time in.


Stupid body clocks are stupid :(

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Who cares about server forums I want the game servers up NOW!!!


Game isn't up, and won't be up until they fix and reload the broken pieces.

I would rather they take the game down when they find issues, instead of leaving it up and rolling back a day, or two, or a week (other mmo's have done this.)


The idea was to get the community to voice their opinion on something that should be a very easy fix.


So again, unless you think single server forums are a bad idea (I can't imagine you would think this) Please troll elsewhere.

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The whole 'server cousins' thing is really irritating. I don't even visit that section of the forums because it is too much of a hassle to sit there and sift through like 4-6 servers worth of threads to find one with my server name in the title. Truly awful.


On another note, they need an actual bug report forum instead of mashing CS and bug reports into the same forum. Maybe make it a sub-forum of CS..

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I agree 100% My server is a really small one.. and I share server forums with "Tomb of Freedon Nadd" which sucks cause theat server is the EU equvivalent of the US "The Fatman". There's like 15 threads for that server and two for ours.. and the ones that we have are hardly posted in since they get like 2-3 pages back because of the Frrdon Nadd spammers..


It's not that hard Bio (or is it? I ahve no clue but I reckon it can't be?), it would make it soooo much easier to organize things and stuff.

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So, if someone doesn't post, then we can assume they don't want their own server forums?


(game population) - (number of unique posters in thread) = (number against their own server forum)


No, but if you don't ask, you won't receive.

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Back when they stood the server group forums up BW explained that there were too many servers to give each one its own forums so they grouped them. It was not a hard ware issue but a wet ware one. They don't have enough people to police all the forums individually.


With that said if they do merge some of the "dead" servers together and reduce the over all number maybe it is possible to have individual forums for each server.

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A separate forum for the many, many Ghost Servers?

Combine them! Then talk community when there actually IS one.


I love how people whine, over little things.


My server may have a few hundred people total, as opposed to 200 on fleet like fatman... but we would still like our own forum section to chat where we do not need to ignore and weed thru other sever posts.

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