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Overhead Slash Costs 1 Focus with Zen Strike.


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Now that I have your attention. Yeah, as the title implies Overhead Slash in the Vigilance tree only uses 1 focus from your focus pool when you use it if you have spec'ed a certain way. It requires 4 focus to activate but Shien form refunds 1 focus when you use it. Additionally, when you proc Zen Strike, which resets the cool down on Master Strike, you also get 2 Focus refunded to you. So yeah, in certain situations Overhead Slash only costs 1 focus to activate. Pretty interesting stuff. Similarly Plasma Brand only costs 2 Focus when you're in Shien form and you Proc Zen Strike. It's super helpful for those times when I haven't force leaped and I need to use my critical hit blade storm and actually pay focus for it. Also, it really helps for when I need to Dispatch because if you proc zen strike and you use either Overhead Slash or Plasma Brand then it will leave you with exactly enough Focus left so that you can immediately use your critical hit dispatch. So Zen Strike is an extremely synergistic ability.


I was actually wondering why I was spending so much time running around with a full focus bar in War Zones. Between the extra Focus from Zen Strike, spec'ing into Defiance, the reduced cool down on Saber Throw AND force kick no longer actually costs focus I find myself with A LOT of Focus in war zones. Very interesting to think about.

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Yeah the new Zen Strike is really a must have ability imo. Not only that, but its worth looking into for Soresu hybrids, considering the major issue there is focus generation.


For Vigilance, the extra focus wasn't necessarily needed pre 1.2, but definitely helps with the addition of Focused Defense.


One other point to make, proccing extra Master Strikes is in itself a way of reducing Focus consumption, as the move itself is now more than usable in PvP situations, and nets you great DPS for a focus cost of 0.

Edited by wadecounty
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Oh my GOD the DPS from master strike is amazing now! I'm running my Guardian in Shien and I also took the ability at the bottom of the Focus tree that makes Master Strike do an additiona 8% damage. I actually hit someone for 7k damage on Master Strike yesterday! It did 1.5k on each one of the first two hits and then the last hit did 4k damage when it Crit. Absolutely insane! If you're a Vigilance Guardian and you're NOT using Master Strike in PvP then you're just plain doing it wrong. hehe...



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Yeah Master Strike is hitting like 5 trains. We did try and tell people this when some of us tested it on the PTS it's insane damage right now, we just got "omg it won't r be that good it's just 15%". Zen Strike sits nicely in my hybrid build.


Main worry is that it'll be nerf'd.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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