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Roll back DPS Mercenary 1.2 changes


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nope, was going against mostly other BM geared players.


amazing what you can do when you understand how to play your class



Calling bull on you. You're just a flat our liar if you're saying you are taking down full BM geared players in 4-5 globals as an arsenal merc. Going to go so far as to wager you never actually even went arsenal to test it out.

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I take back my previous statement.


The damage of Tracer missile seemed much less (like 40% less) on the first day of patch. But over the weekend, I noticed it is better. Either there was a bug issue and got fixed with the hotpatch after 1.2, or I had a very unlucky streak on the first day.


The total damage output over the entire WZ is less, but then, the damage output of the rest of the classes also seem less. And this weekend I had some balanced 1v1s. I even survived some of them.


One of the things is that those defensive bubbles (like the ones sorcerers cast) are much more powerful. If you see someone wearing those, don't waste your heatseeker missile. I saw heatseeker doing as low as 50 damage on those bubbles.


The highest heatseeker crit I had is 5.8k. Once or twice in a WZ, I can land a 4.k+ crit with heatseeker. So it is not much, but it is not too bad either.

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I REALLY gave this patch a shot. Did about 50 wz's as arsenal, getting facerolled by melee constantly. Tried to stay at range at all times (when possible) and finally just gave up. As of a few hours ago I have respec'd to Pyro for the first time ever and won't look back until we get a fix. Sooooo frustrating i almost quit the game all together. Damn shame, I really loved the arsenal spec.


(edit: btw - full BM gear and can report up to 7k crits on HSM also. full debuffs and then popping CD's for HSM. Problem is, it's very rare to get off enough TM's without getting interrupted. Melee singles you out nowadays and just pummels you in 3-4 hits)

Edited by Switterz
adding gear/dps
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I'm done with my Merc and play my Powertech exclusively.


There is no reason to play a Mercenary right now.


The range mechanic of the DPS Merc is marginal compared to how absolutely weak their survivability is when a Melee is attacking you.



Mercs and Commandos need a dramatic boost in survivability vs. Melee.


TM / GR needs a modest increase in damage. 45% damage decrease was way out of line especially when you add in the fact nothing was increased except a 3 second channel proc rate and a 15 sec CD ability.


If you want to mix up the rotation more allow the Arsenal buffs / debuffs to proc from other abilities as well.



I really wouldn't mind giving the Developers a chance to correct their mistake but it's their whole design flaw of 1.2 that makes be doubt their ability to correct the issue.


I cancelled my sub even though I enjoy playing other classes because of that fact.


I have a Marauder and I can tell you no class in any MMO I've ever played is easier then the Marauder in PvP.



You want to play a hard class? Play a Mercenary when a Melee player is attacking you.


The design flaw is not only obvious it's idiotic.



There is such a huge difference in playing my PT vs. my Merc that there is no reason for the Merc to even be in the game.


PT is such a face roll of destruction and ezmode it's ridiculous as is ANY Melee class at the moment.

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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Mercenary and Commando have melee weaknesses? well, kill the enemy before they get to you and please take into consideration that the sith juggernaut and Jedi Guardian have survivability problems against both melee and ranged and they have yet to be fixed.


So please quit complaining.

Edited by JamieKirby
Need to make some spelling mistake fixes
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Mercenary and Commando have melee weaknesses? well, kill the enemy before they get to you and please take into consideration that the sith juggernaut and Jedi Guardian have survivability problems against both melee and ranged and they have yet to be fixed.


So please quit complaining.


There's one issue with that - It's IMPOSSIBLE now 1.2.


Pick any Melee class and it's /faceroll ezmode. - I know I made one.


Sith Warrior / Jedi Knight is the easiest class in the game to play now.


TankAsins are equally as bad.



Melee classes at the moment require no skill, no effort, and should never EVER lose to a Merc.


The Merc can do "everything right" and the Melee can make 1,000 poor decisions.


Guess what? The Merc still dies.


The game is dying.



There's a reason why SWTOR lost 700,000 subs since launch.


All you're going to have left in a few more months are Melee players and PvErs.


As it stands now the crows are circling almost all the PvP servers except Fatman.

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There's one issue with that - It's IMPOSSIBLE now 1.2.


Pick any Melee class and it's /faceroll ezmode. - I know I made one.


Sith Warrior / Jedi Knight is the easiest class in the game to play now.


TankAsins are equally as bad.



Melee classes at the moment require no skill, no effort, and should never EVER lose to a Merc.


The Merc can do "everything right" and the Melee can make 1,000 poor decisions.


Guess what? The Merc still dies.


The game is dying.



There's a reason why SWTOR lost 700,000 subs since launch.


All you're going to have left in a few more months are Melee players and PvErs.


As it stands now the crows are circling almost all the PvP servers except Fatman.


Well i know i have 1 v 1 a couple of sentinels and guardians with my pyro Merc

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Actually now ... if they fix HSW, which they broke with 1.2c we're fine.


However Marauders have to be nerfed. Pre-1.2 there were 3 classes ~16% ahead, now it's only one. :rolleyes:


1200-1300 is the dps that Bioware wants a full Rakata geared player to do ... so much is obvious to me now. How they overlooked the fact that Annahilation Marauders did pull 1500-1600 before and after the patch is beyond me.


Other than this one - rather terrible - mistake class balance is quite good, especially considering other games.

Edited by Hxxr
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I have noticed a trend which I have seen in many others games and is used by the devs to keep people interested and playing :


The buff / nerf method - when applied to one class at a time you will get a lot of people stopping playing their current class (either due to lack of patience, skill or foresight) and move to the current flavor of the month class (atm marauders). And so spend another month or so leveling their new toon.


The problem here is that it has been taken to such an extreme that it is causing people to quit the game (last straw etc).

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Sounds like people are just whinging because they no longer feel powerful. Bioware is trying to balance classes and prevent spammable mechanics being to opped. Roll with the punches people thats just the way mmos are.
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I think TM needed a LITTLE nerf but not like that...these nerfs were excessive.


The nerf itself was alright ... after all it's a spamable ability.


The compensation we got however was almost not even worth it ... and that's why Mercs suck right now.


And god knows why they nerfed Pyrotech for Mercs ... Power Shot nerf without any compensation? Tyvm.

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Sounds like people are just whinging because they no longer feel powerful. Bioware is trying to balance classes and prevent spammable mechanics being to opped. Roll with the punches people thats just the way mmos are.


what? if anything this nerf pushed us to spam it even more as it's now our main dmg ability, and must be spammed for barrage proc.

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I'm a Gunnery Commando and I'm fine with the changes. The buff to Demo Round and the increased chance to proc Curtain of Fire make up for the reduction to Grav Round. And sure, I wish Mortar Volley still had its ridonkulous 8m radius, but I'll readily admit it was mad overpowered before.

The only change I'd ask to have rolled back would be the halving of Charged Barrier's damage mitigation. I could understand making it 1.5% per stack instead of 2%, but a bare 1% is a bit low. My survivability wasn't overpowered before that nerf, you know; we don't have the temporary invulnerability of the Sentinel or the Smuggler or the absorption bubble of the Sage.

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I'm a Gunnery Commando and I'm fine with the changes. The buff to Demo Round and the increased chance to proc Curtain of Fire make up for the reduction to Grav Round. And sure, I wish Mortar Volley still had its ridonkulous 8m radius, but I'll readily admit it was mad overpowered before.

The only change I'd ask to have rolled back would be the halving of Charged Barrier's damage mitigation. I could understand making it 1.5% per stack instead of 2%, but a bare 1% is a bit low. My survivability wasn't overpowered before that nerf, you know; we don't have the temporary invulnerability of the Sentinel or the Smuggler or the absorption bubble of the Sage.


i'm a slightly mirrored class with abilities that have different coding. the hsm change is not working properly, thats the problem.

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Mercenaries / Commando DPS players are broken in PvP.


I mean that's all that really needs to be said as none of the facts pointing to that conclusion have been factually countered.


Example - If you want a ranged DPS class there is no reason to play a Mercenary over a Sorc - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=437462



Horrible Melee players teared up at the prospect of losing to a Merc 1 out of 10 times pre 1.2.


Bioware has some of the worst PvP developers in the business so they decided to take it one step further in 1.2 and make sure that it's 0 out of 10 times.


Just because a class has more abilities doesn't make it more difficult to use.


Marauder is a good example of this.....


It just means a Marauder can beat your *** 10 different ways (or defend himself) instead of ONE like the Mercenary.


I'm sure Mercenaries would like 3 or 4 more defensive abilities or ways to stack the Arsenal buffs / debuffs.



This game will be another F2P if the ship doesn't sink before they get that opportunity.

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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1.2 Mercenary DPS patch changes -






3% global crit nerf


Death from Above - LOL take it off your bar. 5m radius AoE? Really?


Tracer Missle - LOL take it off your bar, oh wait you can't you still need it since the ENTIRE tree is connected to spamming TM. 50% per hit damage nerf. Great mechanic btw. Tracer missle hits for 1k in 1.2 and used to hit for 2k non-crit. 1.5 second cast, effortless to interrupt or disrupt except by only the worst players in the game.


+5 Sec to Jetboost - Great now there are no "clutch" KBs that occur. You just die. It doesn't even matter if the Marauder is terrible and wastes their leap. Oh did I use the Marauder as an example? That must have slipped.....


-5% Damage reduction - Just in case the Marauder is REALLY REALLY REALLY bad the 5% is the little "extra" that make sure he doesn't lose.





Unload procs more often - Gee thanks. 3 second channel. I'll remember to use this when I'm not interrupted, stunned, rooted from behind, interrupted via sleep, knockback, knockdown, etc. etc.


Heatseeker Missile - 15%-20% extra damage with the fix. 15 second cooldown.



Roll back 1.2 ?


This build is a total joke in pvp, completely unplayable. If tracer/grav isnt interrupted (and it will be by good players that know its the root of all damage) you're still unlikely to get full auto off. The only viable build is assualt, but its laughably low dps and you might as well reroll a vanguard/powertech for better synergies.


bigger problem is a rollback wont solve you're problem. its just too simple of a skill set to be viable in pvp.

Edited by Bluetickone
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Let me sum up this thread for you guys:


"WAH! I can't get tops in dps in warzones anymore! WAH! I can't get 500k damage with 50+ kills and 100k healing anymore! WAH! Undo the changes so I can feel special again! WWWWAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!"


Seriously folks, mercs needed the nerfs they got. But don't worry, you can still get tops in dps, just adjust your rotation a bit and you'll be fine. You'll still do great damage as long as you use your brains and adapt to the new environment. It's. Not. That. Hard.

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Coming from a person who obviously does not play a Merc as a main & hence has no viable knowledge why waste the time "contributing" to thread?


Because none of you are taking into consideration other classes and other people that go up against you mercs. Before 1.2 mercs slaughtered everything, after 1.2 it's a more even fight, and that's the way it should be.

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Because none of you are taking into consideration other classes and other people that go up against you mercs. Before 1.2 mercs slaughtered everything, after 1.2 it's a more even fight, and that's the way it should be.


That is hilarious , so with this last nerf Merc's went from gods to "even fight" quess if I played a glow stick I would love the free kills in PVP also.

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