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This is why I am NOT quitting SW


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As frustrating as downtime is, it does happen, people make mistakes, no amount of testing on a test server will ever make up for real world testing when you have over a million people testing live, more bugs will be found, its just a fact, anyone that has done basic programming will know this.


In the mean time, I have beers in my hand and a life to pass the time.

Edited by jemcleod
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I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.



With you on all that.


And, btw, during downtime you could play on test server. It's up and running. Consider PTS as another server which a bit ahead of others in changes, roll a character there and enjoy your game.

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I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.


Because you are a no life fanboi who is level 50. Yeah, we know. BW got rid of us casuals so have fun with the 10 people on your server now.

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I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.


Trollthread, Bye Bye, noone will miss you either

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Because you are a no life fanboi who is level 50. Yeah, we know. BW got rid of us casuals so have fun with the 10 people on your server now.


So much hate


I work 50+ hours a week, have a wife and 3 year old, my total playtime is approx 2 hours a day. I have 2 Level 50s and a Lvl 40, my server is a Heavy server. Anything else you want cleared up?


Btw, I made this thread to counter the "This is why I am QUITTING SW" thread :p

Edited by Majirayan
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So much hate


I work 50+ hours a week, have a wife and 3 year old, my total playtime is approx 2 hours a day. I have 2 Level 50s and a Lvl 40, my server is a Heavy server. Anything else you want cleared up?


Btw, I made this thread to counter the "This is why I am QUITTING SW" thread :p


Yeah, we've heard this story before. You have a life but lvl 50. Grats on not having a "real" life.

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I love how people not here since release have a lot to say in the forums... we see your date noobs.

Asinine presumption.


For instance, my original account was called Ritherdon. There are hundreds of posts made by him (me) before and during beta, but you see Blistrich posting now because Origin locked up my pre-order account, and I don't even want to begin getting into what I went through with them without receiving a single thing for my trouble.


Doesn't mean I hate Origin, BW or the game. Origin just screwed me that one time. ;)

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I have fun...simple as that. Downtime? So what, its happens to the best of companies. Patch not living up to expectations? To each their own, I'm just excited they are actually trying to cure the problems. Feel like trolling? Bye, no one will miss you.


Seriously, this.


I enjoy the game greatly, and I have with each character I've taken to 50 (which is, counting beta characters..... 8 or 9 at this point). Game's down for a day or two? It's not as if its the end of the world, or even a serious problem in my book. Bioware is still figuring it all out, and besides I have more to do than sit and whine on forums about it.


Also, lightsabers are awesome. This cannot be stated enough.

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I love the game. I love BioWare. I will play for a very long time. They have done more for the game, and their customers than any other company I have ever seen. They have my loyalty and support.


Same. Nice job bringing the servers back from the rebuild.

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To be perfectly honest, if people want to quit, they'll quit. Ok, you like the game, thats great. But they're paying money for a service, if they don't like it, they'll leave. Its as simple as that. I'm sticking around on TOR and if people want to leave, I wish them the best and move on. I don't say 'haha, you're such a whiner, no ones gonna miss you, laters'. Someone choosing not to renew their subscription is their choice and their choice alone for whatever reason they like, not a personal insult to anyone who chooses to continue playing. Why the hostility?


The hostility comes from the constant barrage of "you're not really having fun playing this game, you're just a fanboi/bw employee/paid shill, etc... that happens everytime someone says they like this game. It comes from being constantly inundated by the negativity of people seeking to have their own dis-satisfaction validated. And it comes from the frustration of watching the generation of "me first, now, and always" feeling the need to drag everyone else around them down to their own level of misery.

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So.... all it takes is an unscheduled SIX hours of maintenance down time after a major patch for a bunch of people to **** their pants and start howling like they've slammed their hand in a car door.


I'm looking forward to where SWTOR can go. I am still having fun and am still going to be playing.

Edited by Ztanley
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In the case that anybody looked it up or not. The guy saying EA was voted the worst company wasnt lying.




So a poll on the internet shows that EA is the worst company in America. That's like saying a poll in Texas shows the Republicans to be beating the Democrats.

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New player here, long time MMO vet though. I am always amazed and saddened by the amount of venom that comes out of the keys of so many people on a forum when a patch goes bad, or when there is unexpected down time. I'm sure there are many issues with TOR that I have no clue about (yet) but you know what? I have seen my fair share of cr@p in other games, and I am in awe of how this game is running, being so new. I love what they did with the concept, I love the care with which they put in the details (emails from people you ran across while doing a quest for instance) and I am having a great time with it. So, yeah... it's going to take a lot more than a few hours of down time to make me quit TOR. :)

Thanks for starting this thread, it's a breath of fresh air!

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