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Too late to short EA stocks?


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They topped out on 25$ around november in anticipation of SWTOR but have declined steadily since then, it got a slight boost from 18$ to 19$ in february in response to the announcement of 1,7 million paying subscribers. There have not been any investor announcement since then.


Stock is now hovering around 16$. I would suspect after the complete fail of patch 1.2, and with diablo 3 coming next month, and GW2 in the horizon the customer base is certain to fall dramatically. The stockprice however have fallen alot in an otherwise strong market, and is now on the same level as before the SWTOR hype.


You believe the stock will fall even further or will it even out in anticipation of new titles?

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The overall status of a company can't be contrived from just looking at a small/current sample size of Stock. You have to look at the waxing and waining of the company over several years. also it should be noted that the Markets have/are experiencing the most fall all year. So you can expect losses across the board.


Im not defending EA/Bioware, but all this talk of Stocks is just silly.

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Wow, not only is everyone on this forum an expert video game developer, office manager, and personal consultant, but now we have expert stock brokers tossing free stock advice?


What a perfect community this game has. I'm in absolute awe that such people share their vast world knowledge with us all!


Thank you kind sir!

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The overall status of a company can't be contrived from just looking at a small/current sample size of Stock. You have to look at the waxing and waining of the company over several years. also it should be noted that the Markets have/are experiencing the most fall all year. So you can expect losses across the board.


Im not defending EA/Bioware, but all this talk of Stocks is just silly.




My shares in 'Game' say otherwise

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And this is a problem? Buy low, sell high; right? In other words, let them drop some more then buy; they'll go up eventually.


...or they go to 0....or they stay the same.


However with 2 new huge games coming out in the next 2 months (d3, GW2)...I would imagine all the haters are going to leave swtor.


Which imo wont be a bad thing...cuz in the end the only ppl left are the ones that like the game...not ones who are waiting for something to come out...aka d3 fanbois.

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D3 is not an MMO.


It really has no bearing on the MMO market, and having played extensively in the beta: NO WAY will I drop a sub to play that. Yes, I'll probably play. But the newness will wear out after 2 weeks of grinding the same crap, it's exactly like D2 in that respect.


GW2 has no sub, tons of people will pick it up and keep playing a sub based game as well. That being said it got some pretty bad press reviews from beta a la: Terrible FPS (mid settings on gaming rigs-no hope for low end systems), one button repetitive PvP with the occasional self-heal tossed in for every class and no raiding/large group activities. I'll pick it up as well, but just to mess around on for good graphics, nothing more.


This is all my opinion. Maybe TERA will draw some, maybe Blizzard's MoP, but not the 2 mentioned. Those will just make this game slow for a week each after launch.

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you don't even understand how shorting works, and i doubt you have a portfolio that will allow you to even have the right to short.


keep watching yahoo finance though. you'll get rich soon i swear!


Well, some of us actually have jobs besides trolling the forums. Although Im not a financial analyst I do have an MBA, working as a controller. Thus I have a basic understanding of how the market works and dabble in shares for the fun of it. Havent been too much in the american market though.


But of course you dont have to participate in this discussion if you dont want to, just thought it could be interesting to hear if there were some other gamers with an interest in shares, and what their thoughts were.


Actually gaming companies can be very lucrative investment objects when you play the game and follow the forums. Chances are you have way more information available to you than the poor financial analysts that are set to analyze the company. Had a payday in Funcom when it fell from 50 to 5 after the fail of AoC.

Edited by Niconogood
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LOL. Strong market. You mean in-game?


There are no strong markets now. There is only behavior such as the title of your post suggests: dishonest, underhanded and ultimately, destructive to the entire globe.

Edited by mrre
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EA stocks reflect EA as a company, which is not only way larger than BioWare, but incorporates far more assets than SWTOR alone. Its stocks are therefore not an accurate reflection on how investors see BioWare or SWTOR.


If you want a better idea of how SWTOR is perceived in the industry, analysts are the way to go, and yet even they are not always reliable and sometimes have conflicting views. The early success of SWTOR, however, has boosted the long-term viability of SWTOR in the eyes of many analysts.



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They topped out on 25$ around november in anticipation of SWTOR but have declined steadily since then, it got a slight boost from 18$ to 19$ in february in response to the announcement of 1,7 million paying subscribers. There have not been any investor announcement since then.


Stock is now hovering around 16$. I would suspect after the complete fail of patch 1.2, and with diablo 3 coming next month, and GW2 in the horizon the customer base is certain to fall dramatically. The stockprice however have fallen alot in an otherwise strong market, and is now on the same level as before the SWTOR hype.


You believe the stock will fall even further or will it even out in anticipation of new titles?


it'll fall, but not because of Diablo 3. It's not half as good as people seem to think it is, from my own testing experience.


Guild Wars 2, that's a different story.

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Wow, not only is everyone on this forum an expert video game developer, office manager, and personal consultant, but now we have expert stock brokers tossing free stock advice?


What a perfect community this game has. I'm in absolute awe that such people share their vast world knowledge with us all!


Thank you kind sir!


my moobs are starting to lactate....hopefully we might have some medical teams also to impart thier knowledge

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They topped out on 25$ around november in anticipation of SWTOR but have declined steadily since then, it got a slight boost from 18$ to 19$ in february in response to the announcement of 1,7 million paying subscribers. There have not been any investor announcement since then.


Stock is now hovering around 16$. I would suspect after the complete fail of patch 1.2, and with diablo 3 coming next month, and GW2 in the horizon the customer base is certain to fall dramatically. The stockprice however have fallen alot in an otherwise strong market, and is now on the same level as before the SWTOR hype.


You believe the stock will fall even further or will it even out in anticipation of new titles?


why dont you put up blizzard activisions share price up, ow i know why cos it aint worth as much as EA's, funny that.


Now back to my pint.

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