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Not Happy. Taugrim From Pro Guides,Pro Gameplay On Patch 1.2


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You seem to have forgotten completely about Solo Ranked Warzone queues. You don't need 7 other people to get RWZ comms. : )


Also, I'm in the same boat you are: I like this game, and I think it still has a lot of potential. I'm going to wait it out too.


Except when they announced that they were going to pull RWZ from the 1.2 patch, that when they actualy do get them fixed. They will be 8 man teams required. They have pulled the plug at this point on the solo or smaller group que options to RWZ for the "preseason"

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Except when they announced that they were going to pull RWZ from the 1.2 patch, that when they actualy do get them fixed. They will be 8 man teams required. They have pulled the plug at this point on the solo or smaller group que options to RWZ for the "preseason"


considering bioware just fubar'd rated warzones, i think it is a bit early for you to assume anything, even based on what theyve said.


the devs here are notorious for saying one thing and doing the opposite. they should be working on getting rated warzones active with the current queue system, just so that the overlying system is there. then they can tackle up to 8 man queues, and once that is solid THEN cross server warzones. if they do it right, there should be several iterations of "pre-season"

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Except when they announced that they were going to pull RWZ from the 1.2 patch, that when they actualy do get them fixed. They will be 8 man teams required. They have pulled the plug at this point on the solo or smaller group que options to RWZ for the "preseason"


No, they pulled the plug on non-ranked WZ queues filling RWZ queues when there weren't enough players to begin a match, and vice-versa.


There wasn't any mention of solo RWZ queues being pulled at all, that I can recall.

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Very good write up and sums what a lot of pvp'ers feel.


Got to love the fact all the $100's of millions spent on the game, the one thing they couldn't afford was common sense.

I agree... the article addresses my issues in part... but I'm also really annoyed that Sorcerers are now forced to use Crushing Darkness and lightning was supposed to be the main flavor/draw for the class... but I digress... short fights = warcraft pvp = no strategy but to zerg = the game I left to come here. BAD move, BW!

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considering bioware just fubar'd rated warzones, i think it is a bit early for you to assume anything, even based on what theyve said.


the devs here are notorious for saying one thing and doing the opposite. they should be working on getting rated warzones active with the current queue system, just so that the overlying system is there. then they can tackle up to 8 man queues, and once that is solid THEN cross server warzones. if they do it right, there should be several iterations of "pre-season"


I was not assuming anything. I was just using the information provided by the people that are designing the game. It would be assuming if I altered what has been said.


The Blog post clearly says that the first phase will be 8 man teams only.






Hey everybody,


It is with great reluctance that I have to announce Ranked Warzones are not going live with Game Update 1.2: Legacy. We had a fantastic run of testing on the Public Test Server and I can’t begin to thank the community enough for their tireless advocacy for this feature and the time people took to file bugs and voice their concerns.


After careful consideration, it is clear that to make Ranked Warzones the feature we all want it to be is going to take a bit more time. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause and ask for your patience as we work to make sure the Ranked Warzone Preseason launch is polished and fun. With Legacy, the new Warzone, Operation, and Flashpoint, as well as many other amazing features of Game Update 1.2 ready to go, we're very excited for tomorrow's additions.


In the future we'll be rolling the Ranked Warzone Preseason out in phases, listening carefully to player feedback and making adjustments as we go. The first phase will be full team, eight-player queuing only and from there we'll look at next steps as Preseason progresses. In the meantime we have provided an alternate purchase route for War Hero gear so you can start building your set while figuring out your teams.


Daniel Erickson

Lead Game Designer

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Couldn't agree more with Taugrim's statements on 1.2. I for one will not be sticking around if there aren't any changes made to pvp within the next month or so. The game feels nothing like it did Pre 1.2.
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I was not assuming anything. I was just using the information provided by the people that are designing the game. It would be assuming if I altered what has been said.


The Blog post clearly says that the first phase will be 8 man teams only.


It doesn't say anything about pulling solo queuing from Ranked WZs though. Nobody said that RWZs were going to be rolled out all at once, so I'm not sure what the dev quote proves.


It makes sense to work on 8 man queues first, since solo-queuing is already a part of the game. <.<


I think you might be confusing "first phase" w/ "this is the only thing that is going to be in the game". It happens.

Edited by Varicite
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That is all. It's not even fun. Getting 100-0'd in a stun is NOT ENTERTAINING.


Being able to stun someone and take them from 100% to dead before they get a chance to react is NOT ENTERTAINING.




Nerf damage (or raise resistance) granted by expertise. Healing needed to be brought down a few notches for sure. See how it is with a lot less damage going out, then if you need to reevaluate healing, do so.


As it is, I won't log in again until I see a change. If I wanted to kill everything in 2-3 attacks I'd be playing an FPS.


This is how WAR started out. Mark Jacobs had no choice but to force the PvP Devs to cut it down. Since those same Devs are driving TOR into the ground, Little Ray Ray doesn't have the balls to reign them in it seems. Guess he has to suffer the consequences of rewarding Devs with jobs just because the had experience failing instead of looking for Devs with a proven track record..

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I was not assuming anything. I was just using the information provided by the people that are designing the game. It would be assuming if I altered what has been said.


The Blog post clearly says that the first phase will be 8 man teams only.






Hey everybody,


It is with great reluctance that I have to announce Ranked Warzones are not going live with Game Update 1.2: Legacy. We had a fantastic run of testing on the Public Test Server and I can’t begin to thank the community enough for their tireless advocacy for this feature and the time people took to file bugs and voice their concerns.


After careful consideration, it is clear that to make Ranked Warzones the feature we all want it to be is going to take a bit more time. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause and ask for your patience as we work to make sure the Ranked Warzone Preseason launch is polished and fun. With Legacy, the new Warzone, Operation, and Flashpoint, as well as many other amazing features of Game Update 1.2 ready to go, we're very excited for tomorrow's additions.


In the future we'll be rolling the Ranked Warzone Preseason out in phases, listening carefully to player feedback and making adjustments as we go. The first phase will be full team, eight-player queuing only and from there we'll look at next steps as Preseason progresses. In the meantime we have provided an alternate purchase route for War Hero gear so you can start building your set while figuring out your teams.


Daniel Erickson

Lead Game Designer


sure. and bioware employees can also be quoted that BM gear will have transferable set bonuses, ranked warzones are coming in 1.2, and that teams of operatives are stun-locking people in warzones. just because its yellow text does not make it the ultimate truth

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Economics was never a factor in PvP.


Either you commit to a fight and see it through, or wimp out. There's PvP for ye. :D


But these PvP-Lite Warzones/Battlegounds that MMOs go with now days aren't about the fight. They're about "Objectives" and earning gear. That isn't PvP. I'll assume you've played some of the games I'll mention since you've been MMOing awhile. Remember in DAoC going out just to kill people? The only objective was to kill the other realm and take their relics. Gear? Everyone can get the same gear without grinding (other than the ToA dark ages) for weeks just for 1 piece. It's even easier now to get a full resist/SC'd suit. You'd log in and go to the Frontiers or Thid or Molv and join a group running around killing people, take the CK, then prepare to defend. You'd earn Realm Points for "progression" over time but they came naturally just for killing people.


UO. Same concept. You kill people just to kill them and loot their corpse. Guild Wars. One of the most successful PvP games of all time. No grinding for gear. No advantages over the other guy. Just you and picking 8 skills out of 150+. You fail it's because you lost to a superior team. Next time pick better skills.


Players these days can't handle that kind of real PvP. They want even sides in a small confined space, give them a gear advantage, frag fest. You see how they whine like backwoods simpletons when they can't get a kill 1vs1 in a "TEAM" Warzone. They don't comprehend the concept of balancing classes for a "team" warzone. They're not mentally tough enough to handle losing so they flock to games like this and WoW where they can have an advantage over another person just by sitting on their *** longer. Then they're dumb enough to call that "Earning It". You'll be able to spot those poseur PvPers soon after I post this. Watch the responses and you'll immediately recognize them ;)

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POINT BLANK this is a nerf to the end result of whoever has the better healers or any healers almost ALWAYS won...


I think the change in expertise was to end the problem with healers being 2 powerful but it had a VERY detrimental effect on the TTK and took away a lot of the tactics a longer time to kill brings.


Judging by your conclusion, 1.2 essentially now totally abandons Healers. Now Good healers or Average healers are both being punished, theres no longer a differentiation, no longer a benefit or a good thing to excel in healing.


So yea, what you're implying is healers no longer have a place in PvP. Healers were always the core in MMOs since the beginning and now you want them out? No offense bro but what you're saying(and most likely what most of the dps are thinking) is to tell all the healers to get the fuk of Swtor.

Edited by ImariKurumi
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I think the only thing thats changed is Healers no longer have an 'I win' button (although Scoundrel/Ops healers have become quite ridiculous to kill now in proper spec), but Marauders/Sentinels playing correctly do. Not only that, but he's right- the balance changes needed for some of these other classes were not even given a second thought.


Sith Assassins, Sorcs, Merc Healers, and Powertechs still rule the day on our server, and its even worse now that all you have to do is pick the 'right' PvP class, and skill goes right out the window. There was a HUGE distance that closed in PvP once 1.2 went live in favor of those less skilled and less coordinated that play on OP classes. Bioware (likely as planned) has made it easier for the 14 year old rage nerds to roll their faces across the keyboard and kill players who are actually good on more complex classes like Guardians, etc. with the push of a few buttons.


It doesn't take someone like Taugrim to see this- the entire community who knows what they're doing have seen this as a negative change for the game, and we've lost subs over it already. We're all wondering when GW2 Beta invites are coming now, as we've pretty much lost patience with a development team that has severely alienated their PvP playerbase from the beginning with Illum, and continued it with crap gear itemization that makes no sense whatsoever, idiotic RNG grind fests for tiered gear that BARELY improves from one set to the next, etc.


Unless they come with some real game changing fixes soon to actually FIX PvP, I see many more un-subbing really quickly. At this point Ranked Warzones would be a sham- its almost GOOD they didn't implement them amidst this mess of class imbalance.

Edited by Valant
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Sadly I see this as well the main reason I choose to sub to the game is the fact that for the " most " part pvp seemed balanced prior to 1.2. and more so then other games, It now seems as if Bio is going backwards.


I thought this game was going to be my future home ... Now it has sadly become a filler untill the next MMO.

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But these PvP-Lite Warzones/Battlegounds that MMOs go with now days aren't about the fight. They're about "Objectives" and earning gear. That isn't PvP. I'll assume you've played some of the games I'll mention since you've been MMOing awhile. Remember in DAoC going out just to kill people? The only objective was to kill the other realm and take their relics. Gear? Everyone can get the same gear without grinding (other than the ToA dark ages) for weeks just for 1 piece. It's even easier now to get a full resist/SC'd suit. You'd log in and go to the Frontiers or Thid or Molv and join a group running around killing people, take the CK, then prepare to defend. You'd earn Realm Points for "progression" over time but they came naturally just for killing people.


UO. Same concept. You kill people just to kill them and loot their corpse. Guild Wars. One of the most successful PvP games of all time. No grinding for gear. No advantages over the other guy. Just you and picking 8 skills out of 150+. You fail it's because you lost to a superior team. Next time pick better skills.


Players these days can't handle that kind of real PvP. They want even sides in a small confined space, give them a gear advantage, frag fest. You see how they whine like backwoods simpletons when they can't get a kill 1vs1 in a "TEAM" Warzone. They don't comprehend the concept of balancing classes for a "team" warzone. They're not mentally tough enough to handle losing so they flock to games like this and WoW where they can have an advantage over another person just by sitting on their *** longer. Then they're dumb enough to call that "Earning It". You'll be able to spot those poseur PvPers soon after I post this. Watch the responses and you'll immediately recognize them ;)


WOW daoc was only about killing poeple? really?


are you sure you played daoc? i remember a few things you did in DAOC... one was relic raids... the other was taking keeps... which both of those were objective based....


in fact that is what made daoc famous.. not the random group running around hoping to find a soloer to kill... which by the way was BORRRRRRRING... and with so many hackers using the radar hack... most would use tactics to their advantage against groups that tried to roam around because they saw them coming before even having sight on them.

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I think the only thing thats changed is Healers no longer have an 'I win' button


LOL i dont remember having an I win button as a healer? if it was a good premade... i was brought down... there was no "I win". One assassin or maurader can keep me locked down and never healing my teammates much less myself if they were really good.


i guess you would never know that unless you actually played one against players who knew what they were doing

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Judging by your conclusion, 1.2 essentially now totally abandons Healers. Now Good healers or Average healers are both being punished, theres no longer a differentiation, no longer a benefit or a good thing to excel in healing.


So yea, what you're implying is healers no longer have a place in PvP. Healers were always the core in MMOs since the beginning and now you want them out? No offense bro but what you're saying(and most likely what most of the dps are thinking) is to tell all the healers to get the fuk of Swtor.


Please don't, I like to win. :c

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Oh sweet Jebus....


I've watched Taugrim's steam. Listen, Taugrim is a very good source for finding the information which would have taken me years scouring the internet to collect myself. He's GREAT for infos. I look at his website any time I have a question about vanguard/powertech stats and stuff.


But I got banned from his twitch steam for stating the absolutely obvious. He is BAD. BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD in PvP. His opinions on which classes require balancing and what powers are unbalanced are absolutely stupid.


I firmly believe some people can be great at some things and really bad at others. Taugrim is an encylopedia of knowledge, yet he is short bus special at applying that knowledge.

Edited by Zintiel
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Oh sweet Jebus....


I've watched Taugrim's steam. Listen, Taugrim is a very good source for finding the information which would have taken me years scouring the internet to collect myself. He's GREAT for infos. I look at his website any time I have a question about vanguard/powertech stats and stuff.


But I got banned from his twitch steam for stating the absolutely obvious. He is BAD. BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD in PvP. His opinions on which classes require balancing and what powers are unbalanced are absolutely stupid.


I firmly believe some people can be great at some things and really bad at others. Taugrim is an encylopedia of knowledge, he is an short bus special at applying that knowledge.


I Credit Taugrim with knowing his stuff. But knowing how to build, and then using it, is completely different.


Only having seen one of his vids, his movement and strategys seemed to be.......sluggish? Not a fair judgement Im sure, however impressed upon me.


In the larger scheme of things, all my classes are performing the same, or better than before 1.2

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But these PvP-Lite Warzones/Battlegounds that MMOs go with now days aren't about the fight. They're about "Objectives" and earning gear. That isn't PvP.


blame the world of warcraft crowd


i played wow for years.met many people,alot of them.probably wouldnt do pve/pvp content if there was no gear to get

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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I've got characters on two different servers, one a low pop server and the other fatman for when my low pop server has no pvp.


On both these servers republic gets curbstomped. I don't know why that is but it happens consistently. The gear gap only widens. Don't know if this adds anything but as a casual pvper it is depressing. I thought about joining the imps to find out what it's like to string together wins but that ain't my style.


I've been playing MMOs since Shadowbane and I too wonder when PVP became "warzones". World war 2 online is the only game I know of right now that doesn't do this.

Edited by wiggs
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But these PvP-Lite Warzones/Battlegounds that MMOs go with now days aren't about the fight. They're about "Objectives" and earning gear. That isn't PvP. I'll assume you've played some of the games I'll mention since you've been MMOing awhile. Remember in DAoC going out just to kill people? The only objective was to kill the other realm and take their relics. Gear? Everyone can get the same gear without grinding (other than the ToA dark ages) for weeks just for 1 piece. It's even easier now to get a full resist/SC'd suit. You'd log in and go to the Frontiers or Thid or Molv and join a group running around killing people, take the CK, then prepare to defend. You'd earn Realm Points for "progression" over time but they came naturally just for killing people.


UO. Same concept. You kill people just to kill them and loot their corpse. Guild Wars. One of the most successful PvP games of all time. No grinding for gear. No advantages over the other guy. Just you and picking 8 skills out of 150+. You fail it's because you lost to a superior team. Next time pick better skills.


Players these days can't handle that kind of real PvP. They want even sides in a small confined space, give them a gear advantage, frag fest. You see how they whine like backwoods simpletons when they can't get a kill 1vs1 in a "TEAM" Warzone. They don't comprehend the concept of balancing classes for a "team" warzone. They're not mentally tough enough to handle losing so they flock to games like this and WoW where they can have an advantage over another person just by sitting on their *** longer. Then they're dumb enough to call that "Earning It". You'll be able to spot those poseur PvPers soon after I post this. Watch the responses and you'll immediately recognize them ;)




As a shadowbane veteran I heartily endorse this.

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