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Your favorite star wars movie/ scene?

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Thought i'd start a thread that doesn't involve people crying about server downtime or rewards.


Whats your favorite star wars movie, and scene?, i have to say, i hate the "I am your farther" and the scene's such as that, as they're a'bit too slow and soppy for me.


Mine would have to be the


Episode II: Attack of the clones i think?


Where a alien attempts to sell deathsticks


Seller: "You looking to buy some deathsticks?"


Jedi: "You dont want to sell me deathsticks"


Seller: "I dont want to sell you deathsticks"


Jedi: " You want to go home and rethink your life"


Seller: "I want to go home and rethink my life"


*Seller walks out of the scene*


*Jedi Looks smug*


Or The awkward farther son moments between Vader and his son, when there walking to the emperor and discussing things e.t.c


So.... Whats yours?



Edited by Starwarsfannnnn
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Luke crying on the floor saying" Daddy do not let the bad man hurt me" , was pretty epic to watch the Demi God Luke cry .......................wait he did do that alot in the OT ............oh well.


What the?? This literally made no sense.

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The Rebel briefing in RotJ, where General Madine talks about sending a small Strike Team down to the planet to deactivate the Shield Gen. Leia mutters under her breath something along the lines of "I wonder what idiot they found to pull that off?". Han looks about as startled as if she had just confessed to giving a blow job to every member of the ship's crew.


Madine then says "General Solo, is your Strike Team assembled?", and then Leia looks at him kind of startled, as if he admitted that he had also given everyone on the crew blow jobs.


Maybe I have been watching too much **** to read so much into a couple of surprised expressions...

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I think he's talking about the climatic moment of RotJ when Darth Sidious felt that Luke was such a danger to his power that he was singleminded in blasting Luke with Force Lightning. Luke, in pain from being electrocuted (almost, he was Force repelling most of it) cried to Darth Vader, invoking his flesh and blood tie.


Darth Vader, who saw his son as a reflection of Padme Amidala Skywalker, attacked the Emperor -- lifted him up and threw him over the side into the main reactor of the Death Star. Sidious, being so single minded the absolutely forgot about Darth Vader. Darth Vader still couldn't control all of his emotions, and couldn't bring himself to to hate Luke Skywalker that he did the best thing he could do.


I think that's the scene he loved best.

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Return of the Jedi, Palpatine is giving Luke the force lightning treatment, and Luke is on the floor saying, "Father, please."


Yes because other people can just lay there, nothing screaming their lungs out in severe pain..anyway for me.


EP 1: Pod Racing scene, Battle of Theed, The Gungan Grand Army(was rather interesting technology they used, especially the shields), Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon vs Maul.


EP 2: Chase through Coruscant, Geonosis Arena battle, Clones arriving, Obi-Wan & Anakin vs Dooku


EP 3: Battle over Coruscant, Obi-Wan & Anakin vs Dooku, Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader.


EP 4: Boarding on the Tantive IV, Death Star Attack


EP 5: Battle of Hoth, Luke vs Vader


EP 6: Sarlacc Battle, Battle of Endor, Luke vs Vader


Fav movie? All of em.

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I think he's talking about the climatic moment of RotJ when Darth Sidious felt that Luke was such a danger to his power that he was singleminded in blasting Luke with Force Lightning. Luke, in pain from being electrocuted (almost, he was Force repelling most of it) cried to Darth Vader, invoking his flesh and blood tie.


Darth Vader, who saw his son as a reflection of Padme Amidala Skywalker, attacked the Emperor -- lifted him up and threw him over the side into the main reactor of the Death Star. Sidious, being so single minded the absolutely forgot about Darth Vader. Darth Vader still couldn't control all of his emotions, and couldn't bring himself to to hate Luke Skywalker that he did the best thing he could do.


I think that's the scene he loved best.


When does Lucas state that or what page is that writen in the book, EU aside and I mean all EU aside . To me it looks like Emperor Palpitine was toying with him and was going to die until Vader sacrificed himself to save Luke who did not fight back that entire time in being shocked to death by Palpitine.


Palpitine : Young fool until now do you fully understand ....

"Palpitine shocks Luke"

Palpitine : Your feble skills are no match for the power of the Darkside.

"Palpitine shocks Luke" " Luke screams"

Palpitine : You will pay the price for your lack of vision !

"Palpitine shocks Luke" "Luke Screams"

Luke :Father please !

"More Shocking and Screaming"

Palpitine : Now young Skywalker ....... You will die ... (At this point the Toying Ends)

"Palpitine Grines" " Begins to unleash **** on Luke "

"Luke Screams"


So where is he repelling ? From the movie point of view Luke was being toyed with most of that scene ................

Edited by mefit
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Favorite scene would have to be from A New Hope when Luke returns home to find his uncle/aunt's charred remains and their farm in ruins.


Luke looks away in disgust and then raises his head and you see the look of determination in his eyes. At that moment you just know that Vader, Palpatine... The Empire, are doomed.

Edited by StrangeDais
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From A New Hope, when Obi Wan, Luke, C3PO and R2 go into the cantina to find a ship off world. That whole scene is awesome. Best character introduction ever too, loved Han ever since. The aliens and the music, everything made that scene great. First use of the lightsaber too.


From The Empire Strikes Back I have two. One is when Luke and R2 are on Dagobah searching for the great Master Yoda and are irritated by a quizzical frog thing. The tiny little guy turns out to be the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy. That flip was wonderful. The whole training montage afterward and through the second act was fun and enlightening. "Do or do not do, there is no try".


The second is undoubtedly the double cross resulting in Han having to sacrifice himself and be frozen in carbonite. Its a wonderful moment where a scoundrel becomes a hero. Not to mention the "I love you" and "I know".


From Return of the Jedi, the whole third act. The three tense scenes all intermingled together was captivating, stole your breath away. Luke fighting his father, searching for the good in him, Darth Vader struggling with his convictions. Han, Leia, C3PO, R2, Chewie and the Ewokes all fight for the lives against a superior force in the Stormtroopers, so many great and touching moments there. Then there is the furious space battle! So many things going on all at once, what a climax.


Not a fan of the new trilogy at all, not cos I feel its horrible or anything, cos its not made for my age bracket and thats okay with me. Nothing wrong with getting the younger generation (at the time) into something as amazing as Star Wars.

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EP.1: The scene where Amidala looks out over Theed getting invaded. All scenes with Twi'leks in them

Ep.2 Chase through Coruscant, Death Sticks Scene, the ending with all the Clone troopers arriving on Coruscant then cutting over to Anakins and Padmés wedding. All scenes with Twi'leks

Ep.3 Battle between Obi-wan and Anakin, Order 66, All scenes with Twi'leks

Ep.4 Cantina, Luke looking at sunset, All scenes with Luke and Han on the death Star, Throne room scene

Ep.5, Can't choose, too many.

Ep.6 Oolas dance (original version with Lapti Nek,

) Oolas dance in the '97 version, because of one more twi'lek (Lyn Me) though I do wish they'd kept Lapti Nek and not replaced it with Jedi rocks. Rest of the film.
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EP.1: The scene where Amidala looks out over Theed getting invaded. All scenes with Twi'leks in them

Ep.2 Chase through Coruscant, Death Sticks Scene, the ending with all the Clone troopers arriving on Coruscant then cutting over to Anakins and Padmés wedding. All scenes with Twi'leks

Ep.3 Battle between Obi-wan and Anakin, Order 66, All scenes with Twi'leks

Ep.4 Cantina, Luke looking at sunset, All scenes with Luke and Han on the death Star, Throne room scene

Ep.5, Can't choose, too many.

Ep.6 Oolas dance (original version with Lapti Nek,

) Oolas dance in the '97 version, because of one more twi'lek (Lyn Me) though I do wish they'd kept Lapti Nek and not replaced it with Jedi rocks. Rest of the film.


I might be terribly mistaken, but aren't you....


...a Twi'lek???

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It's very hard for me to pick a scene I liked. But I can tell you a scene I absolutely did not like!


Flashback to Ep. I, Darth Maul was going toe-to-toe with two Jedi. He kills Qui-Gon* and incapacitates Obi-Wan. HE HAS THE HIGH GROUND**, but instead he stares blankly at Obi-Wan as he leaps up from 50 ft below, force grabs Qui-Gon's lightsaber, flies over Maul's head and lands behind him, and cuts him in half.... I'd say a good 4-5 seconds of Maul just staring instead of defending himself.



*I'll say right here I was slightly disappointed how he died as well, I knew he would die, but not from getting tired and weak.


**The same advantage Obi-Wan had used to defeat Anakin at the end of Ep. III

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It's very hard for me to pick a scene I liked. But I can tell you a scene I absolutely did not like!


Flashback to Ep. I, Darth Maul was going toe-to-toe with two Jedi. He kills Qui-Gon* and incapacitates Obi-Wan. HE HAS THE HIGH GROUND**, but instead he stares blankly at Obi-Wan as he leaps up from 50 ft below, force grabs Qui-Gon's lightsaber, flies over Maul's head and lands behind him, and cuts him in half.... I'd say a good 4-5 seconds of Maul just staring instead of defending himself.



*I'll say right here I was slightly disappointed how he died as well, I knew he would die, but not from getting tired and weak.


**The same advantage Obi-Wan had used to defeat Anakin at the end of Ep. III


To be fair, Obi-Wan took a pretty big gamble on both of those. I mean putting plot aside and all that.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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It's very hard for me to pick a scene I liked. But I can tell you a scene I absolutely did not like!


Flashback to Ep. I, Darth Maul was going toe-to-toe with two Jedi. He kills Qui-Gon* and incapacitates Obi-Wan. HE HAS THE HIGH GROUND**, but instead he stares blankly at Obi-Wan as he leaps up from 50 ft below, force grabs Qui-Gon's lightsaber, flies over Maul's head and lands behind him, and cuts him in half.... I'd say a good 4-5 seconds of Maul just staring instead of defending himself.



*I'll say right here I was slightly disappointed how he died as well, I knew he would die, but not from getting tired and weak.


**The same advantage Obi-Wan had used to defeat Anakin at the end of Ep. III


Honestly if Darth Maul just took a swing and missed as Obi wan jumped over or landed it would have made that scene perfect, but instead he doesn't do anything, and it just makes it look awkwardly choreographed. Good thing the actual fight was awesome.

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