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Thank you for the game


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in my mid 30's , love the movie and the lore.



does the game have problems.... yea a few,


being able to throw my saber across a room, and hear the classic *electric grind* sound as it rips a player down.





thank you for making a game i can actually do that. it was on my bucket list.

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does the game have problems.... yea a few,


being able to throw my saber across a room, and hear the classic *electric grind* sound as it rips a player down.




thank you for making a game i can actually do that. it was on my bucket list.


Amen. I like this game a lot. Been playing since day of release, and I'm still having lots of fun :)


The game has problems, the maintenance is silly for europeans, and it has the current Guiness Book of Record for "loudest group of forum-whiners", but all in all, this game is great, it has huge potential and it will be fun to see where this leads :)


(Now give me my force jump!) :D

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I'm enjoying the game more than I thought I would. No plans on leaving, though I may investigate Secret World.


That being said, my enjoyment with SWTOR has outlasted the time spent on RIFT and on Cataclysm, and when the servers reemerge from their troubled state, I'll be happily enjoying the new content.

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Jedi Knight has Force Leap. Trust me. I use it A LOT.


As a Guardian I can: Force Leap + Force Push + Force Leap again


Add in a Saber Throw to that and you get some fun!




PS I agree. This game is really fun and I am grateful(sp?) to Bioware for making it.

Edited by jafoyi
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Jedi Knight has Force Leap. Trust me. I use it A LOT.


As a Guardian I can: Force Leap + Force Push + Force Leap again


Add in a Saber Throw to that and you get some fun!




PS I agree. This game is really fun and I am grateful(sp?) to Bioware for making it.

he said force jump, which would possibly mean being able to jump insane heights or large distances without an enemy target.

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I love the look at feel of this game, the gameplay, the storylines, even the people I have grouped with. The only thing I really hate is this community on the forum WOW had people that sucked in the game and on the forum, most of the people I have met in this game have been really nice, nothing like the forums.


I usually don't go to the forums because I cannot stand the people here. Everything is QQ this QQ that. It is a game, not life, go outside if you hate it so much.


I am also approaching the big 30, my first child on the way, and this is a way for me to relax and unwind. Have a beer(or 4) and enjoy myself. Some people take these games way to seriously. One guy in a locked thread said, and I quote, "I took the day off from work to customize my UI," :eek: and now he can't because the servers are down. I hope he was joking.

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...being able to throw my saber across a room, and hear the classic *electric grind* sound as it rips a player down.



Well said!


For myself, I'm very fond of the "gak gak gak" sound my opponent makes when I force choke-er-I-mean-stasis him.

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he said force jump, which would possibly mean being able to jump insane heights or large distances without an enemy target.


Correct! Like as in "Oh that datacron up there? No problem!" /forcejump +2 Aim "That was NOT what I wanted!"

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in my mid 30's , love the movie and the lore.



does the game have problems.... yea a few,


being able to throw my saber across a room, and hear the classic *electric grind* sound as it rips a player down.





thank you for making a game i can actually do that. it was on my bucket list.



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Low key trolling... i likes it!


in my mid 30's , love the movie and the lore.



does the game have problems.... yea a few,


being able to throw my saber across a room, and hear the classic *electric grind* sound as it rips a player down.





thank you for making a game i can actually do that. it was on my bucket list.

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I am also approaching the big 30, my first child on the way, and this is a way for me to relax and unwind. Have a beer(or 4) and enjoy myself. Some people take these games way to seriously. One guy in a locked thread said, and I quote, "I took the day off from work to customize my UI," :eek: and now he can't because the servers are down. I hope he was joking.


No he probably wasn't joking. As for myself i'm approaching the big 40 never mind 30(youngster :D), have 3 kids and play for about 3 hours a day on average, my days of hardcore long behind me. So i'm with you, i want to play in a universe i've loved since i was a kid (lets be honest, who after seeing the Luke/Vader fight in ESB didn't run outside into the garden lightsabering moms prize roses) and if there are some problems so be it, i could name 2-3 games that, while promising, ended up being completly unplayable or just so dull you didn't want to play em. So yeh thanks BW and any mistakes that you make learn from em, you'll find the majoraty of the players more forgiving than the QQ's on the forums might suggest

Edited by NinjaSquirral
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I took a week off for launch O_o but it was in timeline with my normal vacation time so that doesn't make much difference.


My job thankfully is laid back enough to allow me to play while on the job. Ok so theres some bregging rights there ... maybe. o_O


So I'm with you guys. Bugs, glitches *cough blech crafting system cough* downed servers and whiners alike I am here for the long run... unless wife aggro grows too sever and she goes all World Boss on me.


I played *** for 8 years and loved it. Would still be there if they didn't pull the plug. I'm not a fan of this rail system style of play and prefer my open sandbox style but I still get to weild a saber and mow down Sith with a CANNON so I can't complain ... too loudly.

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I just got warm fuzzies... TMI?


Yeah, I "like" this game, about the same way I like Star Wars Galaxies when it was first released. I am not upset about losing a day to fix something that is broken, I applaud them for that effort, even if they did break it in the first place.


I do question their Q&A... it is pretty sloppy, but I do not think it is enough to come cry on the forums about. I rather look at the bright side (even if I am a Sith in game) than to dwell on the negative cloud that is hovering over so many people right now.


I do hope they can bounce back from this, but unfortunately many people just have no patients for hiccups.

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I played KOTOR 1 and 2 on the Xbox, too. All three have been fun games but KOTOR 2 was never really finished and it was released in that state. Kind of sad way to do things but that game was not developed by Bioware. KOTOR 1 was and it was a lot of fun. As I recall it had the saber throw as an ability. If you have an Xbox and some free game time (hmmm, the server downtime today could be perfect for that :) ) you might enjoy tracking down a copy of those games and giving them a shot. KOTOR 1 is also available in digital format but I have not seen KOTOR 2 on any digital vendor lists; a friend told me that he recently bought it for under twenty USD at Target but has not installed it yet because some game (The Old Republic) released that has eaten up all of his time.
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in my mid 30's , love the movie and the lore.



does the game have problems.... yea a few,


being able to throw my saber across a room, and hear the classic *electric grind* sound as it rips a player down.





thank you for making a game i can actually do that. it was on my bucket list.



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