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So sick of constant complainers


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I am well aware that I will be accused of trolling for this but here it is. I am so sick and tired of coming in to read these forums and coming across nothing but complain complain complain. Bioware put a lot of work in this game and very few players seem to show any appreciation for the good things about this game and instead focus on the faults and, for lack of a better word, flame Bioware for it.


I am always reading about people unsubscribing, or threatening to do so unless their teeny little demands are met. For crying out loud people, this game was just released only a few months ago, they cant satisfy everybody right off the bat. Relax, make calm, polite suggestions to Bioware, and get on with the game. They are doing their absolute best. Try to remember, this is a company that is still new to the MMO genre. Give them time and things will get better, just don't expect them to be able to give you everything you want immediately.


Finally, I would like to say thank you Bioware for such a thus far excellent game.

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I am well aware that I will be accused of trolling for this but here it is. I am so sick and tired of coming in to read these forums and coming across nothing but complain complain complain. Bioware put a lot of work in this game and very few players seem to show any appreciation for the good things about this game and instead focus on the faults and, for lack of a better word, flame Bioware for it.


I am always reading about people unsubscribing, or threatening to do so unless their teeny little demands are met. For crying out loud people, this game was just released only a few months ago, they cant satisfy everybody right off the bat. Relax, make calm, polite suggestions to Bioware, and get on with the game. They are doing their absolute best. Try to remember, this is a company that is still new to the MMO genre. Give them time and things will get better, just don't expect them to be able to give you everything you want immediately.


Finally, I would like to say thank you Bioware for such a thus far excellent game.


You made the same mistake I did. Come to this forum. I agree with you.

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Bioware has been hit by the unlucky stick, honestly.

Used to be that you played what the game creators gave you, and liked it or didn't. But we seem to be on the cusp of a new type of gaming experience where players become emotionally involved with a game to the extent that they no longer are satisfied to be simply handed content--they want to own it and direct it. Bioware happens to have been the innovator in the field--it's great but they are suffering for being there first :(


I think the game is great--there's so much there and so much room for growth. But it seems that today's gamer wants to find all of the ways it misses their enormous expectations, rather than considering how much they've been given.

Edited by Journeyer
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So you three are complaining about complaints from complainers.......what you mean is that you don't want to hear complaints about your game/developers. You don't want to even hear the complaints when they are valid......



So go enjoy your game and remember not to complain when some aspect of it that you love is broken by way of improvement.

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I especially love when people complain when bioware wants to make them play a certain way. They made the game, they can do what they want. Remember when they nerfed the Operative and Scoundrel? everyone complained about that one. Maybe Bioware wanted people to idk....play a stealth character stealthily? and look how it turned out. Everyone who stuck with it is actually a compitant player, they thinned the herd. Now they are doing the same thing with healers. News flash, a sniper who is not being attacked, who is focusing on a healer who is healing a tank, should always win that fight. If you don't like dying, run away, they gave you a move for that
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It's usually kids that complain because they have been hand-fed everything their entire childhood, and never had to fight for anything. They haven't followed the development of the gaming industry, and they don't have older, and worse, games to compare to.


Their generation can pick and choose between so many options these days. They don't feel connected to a particular game, genre, job or circle of friends, because they can choose whatever they like, and there is always something better just around the corner.


Their need for human contact is gone. They might not realise that real persons sit on the other side of their screens, and that their words might hurt someone unintentionally. Their social needs are satisfied by playing "social" games like MMOs, but they lack social etiquette because there is no penalty for acting like a jerk in a community where you never meet other people.


When you realise this, you take their insults, bad habits and rotten behavior less seriously.


My best advice to you would be to stop reading the forums, or at least stick to reading the official notes from BioWare. Other threads just ends up putting you in a bad mood.

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You made the same mistake I did. Come to this forum. I agree with you.


damn 2 in same thred ") liking this line..............sure i will be disapointd when i read futrher...........


so tired of the entiitlement genration. makes the yuppies seem like hardcore repubs lol

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I am well aware that I will be accused of trolling for this but here it is. I am so sick and tired of coming in to read these forums and coming across nothing but complain complain complain. Bioware put a lot of work in this game and very few players seem to show any appreciation for the good things about this game and instead focus on the faults and, for lack of a better word, flame Bioware for it.


I am always reading about people unsubscribing, or threatening to do so unless their teeny little demands are met. For crying out loud people, this game was just released only a few months ago, they cant satisfy everybody right off the bat. Relax, make calm, polite suggestions to Bioware, and get on with the game. They are doing their absolute best. Try to remember, this is a company that is still new to the MMO genre. Give them time and things will get better, just don't expect them to be able to give you everything you want immediately.


Finally, I would like to say thank you Bioware for such a thus far excellent game.


LMAO wait im pretty sure ur complaining

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It's usually kids that complain because they have been hand-fed everything their entire childhood, and never had to fight for anything. They haven't followed the development of the gaming industry, and they don't have older, and worse, games to compare to.


Their generation can pick and choose between so many options these days. They don't feel connected to a particular game, genre, job or circle of friends, because they can choose whatever they like, and there is always something better just around the corner.


Their need for human contact is gone. They might not realise that real persons sit on the other side of their screens, and that their words might hurt someone unintentionally. Their social needs are satisfied by playing "social" games like MMOs, but they lack social etiquette because there is no penalty for acting like a jerk in a community where you never meet other people.


When you realise this, you take their insults, bad habits and rotten behavior less seriously.


My best advice to you would be to stop reading the forums, or at least stick to reading the official notes from BioWare. Other threads just ends up putting you in a bad mood.



well said,

that said had better part of 2 days of my gmaind time wipwd out almost <almost being > forced to read thes troll lalden forms :p:P

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i guess imma put in on this too i hate all the people on here that are sayin they deserve sumthing for the downtime that occours when we get game update and patches well if you dont want a game that gets better over time go back to your old games and leave the forum you are just cloging it up with all your complaints im being honest here a vast majority of the posts in all the catagoryies are complaints about downtiem or oh i deserve sumthign for playing this game get over your selves people its only a game if you dont like what is goin on with it you dont have to play it

so to reinterate if you are not happy wtih this game

YOU DONT HAVE TO PLAY IT that means dotn tell everyone else y youare quiting just quit we dont needyou to make it fun for the rest of us that acctually like it and enjoy it

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well said,

that said had better part of 2 days of my gmaind time wipwd out almost <almost being > forced to read thes troll lalden forms :p:P


I don't recognise several of the words you use as any Earth language, but I doubt anyone forced you to read the forums. I bet you're not even chained to the keyboard.

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kind of scarit(lol) souther joke ,,,,,,,,,,,,bit again a good over all convor\ersation, last time i said thi trool came out i force lol............so my fault now lol :):(/

forums are for making the game better..... not for making them better for ME!!!! it it was so i would of quit 2o years ago, would of done everthing there was to do cause i A:WAYS got my way :)/ life isnt that whay and even thoht this is a FANTASY mmo .no hero ever got to the top with everyting there way LOL

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I don't recognise several of the words you use as any Earth language, but I doubt anyone forced you to read the forums. I bet you're not even chained to the keyboard.


aye :) i use a special languge . :) makes folks read and try to comprehened before resonding............cuase if they dont the overwhelming " of post readers who are not tro;;s understand :) and thanks for earning your sign :)

< se above post abot reading and comprehending>

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damn 2 in same thred ") liking this line..............sure i will be disapointd when i read futrher...........


so tired of the entiitlement genration. makes the yuppies seem like hardcore repubs lol


case made lolo :(:):)

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aye :) i use a special languge . :) makes folks read and try to comprehened before resonding............cuase if they dont the overwhelming " of post readers who are not tro;;s understand :) and thanks for earning your sign :)

< se above post abot reading and comprehending>


Half past four.

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The people doing the whining and moaning and complaining are the same people that played in those idiotic kiddy-league soccer games...you know...the ones where they never kept score and where every player got a trophy at the end of the year no matter what.


These people firmly believe in the phrase "The customer is always right" and have probably, in their lives, used the line "The money I spend pays your salary". First off, the customer is USUALLY right. In this case, unless the customer has the skills and training to code a video game, and can send in complete detailed instructions on how to fix a problem...the customer is just a complaining ***. As for the 'my money pays your salary' guff, unless the paycheck is drawn on the customers personal check, thats completely and utterly untrue. I severely doubt that the weekly payroll at bioware includes notes that say 'Your paycheck provided by XxJediMasturzXX'.


The game is down for the day because a problem needs to be solved. Its obviously not an issue they can hotfix while the servers are up...this is something that needs time and attention to detail to repair so the game will work properly. Personally, Im glad that Bioware would take the time to fix the problem this thoroughly, rather than just try to hotfix and hotfix and hotfix over the course of a few months.



And for those of you crying 'my day is wrecked because i cant play'...this is all it takes to wreck your day? Seriously? THIS?

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i guess imma put in on this too i hate all the people on here that are sayin they deserve sumthing for the downtime that occours when we get game update and patches well if you dont want a game that gets better over time go back to your old games and leave the forum you are just cloging it up with all your complaints im being honest here a vast majority of the posts in all the catagoryies are complaints about downtiem or oh i deserve sumthign for playing this game get over your selves people its only a game if you dont like what is goin on with it you dont have to play it

so to reinterate if you are not happy wtih this game

YOU DONT HAVE TO PLAY IT that means dotn tell everyone else y youare quiting just quit we dont needyou to make it fun for the rest of us that acctually like it and enjoy it


But bro i do deserve something for all this lost time, you know why? cuz im special

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