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Looking for a good 1.2 Merc Pyro PvP build


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I'm trying a 0/10/31 build where I am using those extra 10 points to increase endurance and healing received.


So I filled all of the bottom tier of arsenal (7) + enviro suit (2) and Cylinders (1) on the 2nd tier.


This was due to the nerf of the Hired Muscle crit bonus, 3% versus 6% for 3 points.


So now I am pushing towards 20K HP and get a bit more healing while in PvE (somewhere between 6-10% more).

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I roll with this:




All the crits, degauss and energy rebouner (great for kiting and LoSing), and automated defenses for TSO on quick cooldown when you need to throw a fusion missile. You need to be careful with heat management but I am barely every over-heated. Weaving rapid shots in to keep your dots up and manage heat is crucial.

Edited by Diddley
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  • 2 weeks later...
You guys really think that 3 seconds off a skill that has a 2 minute CD without it is helpful? I have never tried speccing any points into that skill because I just don't see how there's much difference between 117 seconds and 120 when it's quite possible and frequent to be taken out in under 60 (like when you're alone guarding the only node your team has possession of and suddenly the opposition decides they want a 3-cap win, I seem to find myself in that position a lot...) . Anyway, point is... with heat generation being the biggest issue working against pyro, wouldn't those two points be more helpful in something like gyro? Like I said, I've never tried running w/ any points into Energy Rebounder so I really am asking if you find it useful (I'm not trying to sound insulting and I hope this post doesn't come across that way).
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Why do you have points in alacrity and missile buff damage? Pyro uses one missile attack mainly. Power shot sucks so no benefit there. Put this points in vent and shield timer buff.


Unfortunately, this is because of a lack of an alternative.


Mandalorian Iron Warheads is a better alternative to Integrated systems. MIW gives benefit to both IM and fusion missile. sometimes ill open up with fusion just to get an extra dot on it and avoid using IM immediately as the heat generation of these 2 moves in combination is 58 heat and will not leave your for much resource without having to spam RS to get your heat back down. Also, MIW adds benefit to PS. Although i do agree that power shot sucks (it's not that bad jsut needs either a damage buff or a heat decrease in order to make it spammable) it does have a 45% chance to finish the CD on railshot with PPA. If unload is on CD, you use PS. If you are going to go Integrated systems, then why go pyro? go hybrid BG/arse or full BG. increased heals and heals done has absolutely NO synergy with the rest of the spec.


Your point on the alacrity is almost valid. The problem is that there is no other viable option. What are you going to do, take accuracy? Yeah, that'll help in PvP. The problem is that in the first tier of pyrotech, you take the 3 points in endurance and then waste 2 more points just to get to the next tier of moves. With the option between accuracy and alacrity. For PvP, I'll take the 4% off of my cast times thank you.


The reason you want to take the first 5 points in arse is to get the stabilizers, the 3% tech crit from CGC, and 1 poitn for .5 sec cast time off of PS. Again, your alternatives are to put 10 in the BG which doesn't benefit your "killingsmanship".

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After 1.2 I took all my points out of hired muscle as I couldn't see spending 3 points for 3 crit. I moved those thre points to stabilizers and have been very happy. Both power shot and rapid shot are now much more effective as they aren't knocked back as mush. I might change my mind later but that's how I feel now.
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Yea im still debating on whether I'm running 3% crit or stabilizers, still kinda leaning towards crit since it benefits if your stuck being mobile more where stabilizers is just for the filler between bursts. Edited by Rethban
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After 1.2 I took all my points out of hired muscle as I couldn't see spending 3 points for 3 crit. I moved those thre points to stabilizers and have been very happy. Both power shot and rapid shot are now much more effective as they aren't knocked back as mush. I might change my mind later but that's how I feel now.


For PvP stabilizers is a core talent to max, good marauders and such will instantly notice if you havent specced pushback reduction and proceeed to absolutely **** you if you channel unload/powershot.

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Yea im still debating on whether I'm running 3% crit or stabilizers, still kinda leaning towards crit since it benefits if your stuck being mobile more where stabilizers is just for the filler between bursts.


My thought was that crit is pretty easy to max so I could make up the 3 points in my gear when I get to level 50.

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