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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Operative PvP Nerfs LAWL


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I play my class and I know how to do everything just like you do. I dont know why you think I am a noob. I am just saying our powertech is pumpin 500-600k on voidstar still and I can barely hit 350k....


We are playing against like rated quality teams, with taunts and guards... Not some random pug noobs with 12k health and stuff like that, yes I can still 2v1 baddies, but I could do that on any class!

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I was a WOW Rogue and a VERY good one.


This always happens when a game first comes out, Burst classes get the nerf because underskilled players that don't understand game MECH complain that they get killed. They get it right after a while but it takes time.

Edited by Izola
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Looks like you swapped the wrong mods:


Armor: 2 parts Rakata with PvP mods+Matrix Cube and rest BM.

Weapons: BM Main-&Offhand


Mods:Switch in 4 items the enhancements with the pwer/surge ones from the old champion gear. (you only lose 100 expertise)


Get Power-Adrenaline and Power-Trinket.


Now you got:



-750 Tech-Bonusdmg (with class buffs)

-33% Crit

-75% Critical multiplier


If you use your trinkets now you will hit medium armor about 4.5-5k with BS


Good call man, I'll do that tonight, Thanks a lot



The war hero gear looks more itemized for us, I think we will be much better then... Still do not understand why they put accuracy on our gear... so stupid

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He did vanish and sap me and heal behind a pillar one of the rounds, but he was just nervous it was a long time rivalry and it was mainly just fun, i just wanted people to see that i know what im doing, im not retarded....


He is good, actually very good


Plus 25 of the best pvpers on both pub and emp were watchin that fight, lol

Edited by Psimos
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Not really. It is abusing a bug. It also means the operative / scoundrel will have no real defenses for two minutes.


I never used the double first strike bug so it doesn't affect me.

Bug or not: You didn't refute my point. OPs have had no issues since launch in 1vs1 despite being "nerfed into the ground" over and over. They're now "totally useless" once again.


If the OP is to be believed, he can push out 8k damage in 2-3 GCDs from stealth. That's at or just under half of someone's HP and he didn't even mention Acid Blade ticks. Even if that's all they had (which it isn't, by far), that makes them one Hell of a DPS assist and extremely valuable for picking off wounded targets.


There's a reason I always scanned for and taunted unstealthing Operatives.

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Hidden strike was bugged before patch 1.2, if you would open with AB / Hidden strike and instantly vanish and hidden strike again your hidden strike would hit twice, that's right twice. So you would hit hidden strike a total of 3 times.



I actually never noticed it double hit the second time.


Learn something new everyday.

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I am going to re mod my gear tonight with what that guy said and I'll be fine, I guess I was using 65% surge multiplier I thought I was wearing more surge, I guess all the BM gear I was using was the wrong pieces of BM (the ones that changed during hte patch)...


I was really hitting for like 3200 with HS, that is crazy.. Give me a break.... my opener gets negated and a almost following backstab by a bubble.


If I can get said stats I will be able to murder anyone again, so this whole thread may have been pointless, lol

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i dont get why they nerfed so much ? everything. cooldown, energy costs, damage. everything was really just nerfed so much, while sorcs/sages were crying for a few % damage nerf that came.

this class was already bad and now it's just horrible.

only way to be good now is to be a healer. but i will still play as scrapper, doesnt matter that i suck, i will just keep on playing and pissing off my team lol

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Bug or not: You didn't refute my point. OPs have had no issues since launch in 1vs1 despite being "nerfed into the ground" over and over. They're now "totally useless" once again.


If the OP is to be believed, he can push out 8k damage in 2-3 GCDs from stealth. That's at or just under half of someone's HP and he didn't even mention Acid Blade ticks. Even if that's all they had (which it isn't, by far), that makes them one Hell of a DPS assist and extremely valuable for picking off wounded targets.


There's a reason I always scanned for and taunted unstealthing Operatives.


Yes. Using a BUG. Woh some of you are really slow. Any dps class can burst the same, design to kill low life target ? lmao give me a break anyone can do that AND have better group utility at the same time.


Our burst is nothing special, it is just reverted compared to other dps, our first strikes hit hard then we finish with less powerful one. On say a commando you grind the lesser strikes first then hit strong.


But overall the burst is the same.

Edited by Bocherel
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Ops have been bad since the first round of nerfs. Yeah, some people can make them work, but I'm willing to bet that those people would be better/more useful on other classes. Healing got a needed buff, but damage seems a little nuts right now so I'm not sure that option is viable in pvp. You're better off rolling something else before the inevitable 1.3 nerfs take concealment down even further.
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Bug or not: You didn't refute my point. OPs have had no issues since launch in 1vs1 despite being "nerfed into the ground" over and over. They're now "totally useless" once again.


If the OP is to be believed, he can push out 8k damage in 2-3 GCDs from stealth. That's at or just under half of someone's HP and he didn't even mention Acid Blade ticks. Even if that's all they had (which it isn't, by far), that makes them one Hell of a DPS assist and extremely valuable for picking off wounded targets.


There's a reason I always scanned for and taunted unstealthing Operatives.

Agree, Operatives are AMAZING because they dominate all those 1v1 warzones out there.


Oh wait.


Stop being a bad player and learn that warzones are a team game.

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Ops have been bad since the first round of nerfs. Yeah, some people can make them work, but I'm willing to bet that those people would be better/more useful on other classes. Healing got a needed buff, but damage seems a little nuts right now so I'm not sure that option is viable in pvp. You're better off rolling something else before the inevitable 1.3 nerfs take concealment down even further.


I hear in 1.3 they're removing Scoundrels and Operatives from the game because nobody plays them anymore.




/partial sarcasm

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I hear in 1.3 they're removing Scoundrels and Operatives from the game because nobody plays them anymore.




/partial sarcasm


Sarcasm aside, I think you will see a drop in the number of scoundrels/operatives in the game. Scoundrels were already the least played class and I dont see anyone rolling a scoundrel/ops, unless they want to heal.

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Sarcasm aside, I think you will see a drop in the number of scoundrels/operatives in the game. Scoundrels were already the least played class and I dont see anyone rolling a scoundrel/ops, unless they want to heal.


There aren't any around on my server right now. I can't remember the last time I was jumped by a concealment op. On the bright side, I bring the crit buff on my assassin now so there is that.

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It is nice to see the shoe on the other foot for a change, an IMP complaining about 4 months of easy farming now having to have skill. As I was told before....Learn to play and stop whining.


What are you even talking about? Scoundrels are in exactly the same boat here. It's not an imperial vs. republic issue.

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loving op healer midway,had a couple of bh healers and a sorc low lvl but please a healer with rogue abiltys thats the one for meh,its abit like my old holy palla with a bit of rogue thrown in...goodtimes!,still that said my 391 resto druid would wipe the floor with them all xD
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Thread was interesting, and for those people who are interested in crit, surge, power min/max...










NB: Apparently there is no diminishing return on Power.

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1 vs 1 is a poor measure of how well a class does in PvP. Since the very nature of PvP, especially in war zones, is premised around "a group", it is pretty irrelevant what one class can do against another class in a 1 vs 1. Not to mention, there are to many variables to account for such as player skill, gear etc.


Your ability to sneak around undetected and finish someone off already at half health has not been nerfed, and that is what your class does.


Hey dummy, 1 v 1 will give a better idea of the amount of dps 1 person can do, especially now with the damage parser. It should be actually easier to kill somebody in group since the other person will be focused on something else, compared to a 1 v 1 match where as the opponent is completly aware of his situation.


And Im sure the OP is fighting people in 1 v 1 that know whats going on...


1 v 1 will actually teach you how to play your class so you know the other opponents weakness and your own weakness, when to time your CC's.


In boxing its called sparring...


I also agree with the energy consumption... It's like pre 1.2 when fighting a good merc healer that has guard, you run out of energy but can manage it... Now its you run out of energy you better run away to get out of combat to regain full energy if your probe is down.


Burst damage went down due to the Shiv/lacerate, backstab/AB nerf... Its harder to give that Big hit now that would take somebody from 100 to 60/50 in 1 rotation of HS. If they nerf the damage to Shiv/Lacerate they should remove the CD on Backstab/AB or vice versa...

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I don't play Operatives much, but I did give them a bit of a go like I have for virtually every class in the game at one point. I agree with this guy in his assessment. Playing a concealment operative just feels so cludgy and broken. I finished chapter 2 on my operative today and just doing that was semi-painful - something I only did so I would have access to their buff through the legacy system for my other characters.


It's really quite simple. If your a melee class, you compare it to the marauder. Operative just doesn't measure up. That doesn't mean you can't still manage to kill noobs, but your really doing it playing on the "hard" setting when you could just reroll marauder and play it on "easy".


The nature of the changes themselves reflects the fact that Biowares programmers are a bunch of hackers. The 2nd hidden strike hits twice if you do it fast enough? Fix the bug that causes that? No, just give it a cool down so we get past that window - it's just a quick hack.


Typical of the programming in this game that will turn it to a pile of crud.


Btw, the cooldown on backstab is just stupid. Maul has no cooldown and is basically the same move... even questing that cool down is annoying as I have to sit and wait for it before opening on a mob I've CC'd.... so dumb.

Edited by vermura
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It's really quite simple. If your a melee class, you compare it to the marauder. Operative just doesn't measure up. That doesn't mean you can't still manage to kill noobs, but your really doing it playing on the "hard" setting when you could just reroll marauder and play it on "easy".


^^^ This guy gets it. /cosign

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