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Never thought I'd have to use this term again...


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....but it looks like people got Flagshipped!


Well done Bioware. I've lost pretty much all respect for you as a company and will be avoiding your products in the future. Pretty funny though that I as a cancelled subscriber got 30 free days but friends of mine that are currently subscribed but just are not level 50 get nothing... way to fail!


Bioware... making the term Flagshipped stay alive!

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....but it looks like people got Flagshipped!


Well done Bioware. I've lost pretty much all respect for you as a company and will be avoiding your products in the future. Pretty funny though that I as a cancelled subscriber got 30 free days but friends of mine that are currently subscribed but just are not level 50 get nothing... way to fail!


Bioware... making the term Flagshipped stay alive!


Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya

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....but it looks like people got Flagshipped!


Well done Bioware. I've lost pretty much all respect for you as a company and will be avoiding your products in the future. Pretty funny though that I as a cancelled subscriber got 30 free days but friends of mine that are currently subscribed but just are not level 50 get nothing... way to fail!


Bioware... making the term Flagshipped stay alive!


so.... can i have your stuff?

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Seriously? Your ragequit rant is because you got free play time that others didn't get? Grow up you self-important, self-entitled d-bag. My main is level 49 with only a few bubbles until 50. Guess what. The free game time to level 50s doesn't affect or in any way alter my enjoyment of this game. You are nothing more then a petulant child with a lot more maturing left to do.
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I'd rather people just TOLD me instead of give me a link to a site I've never heard of.


A play on the name of Flagship Studios; the developers behind the critically slammed Hellgate: London series.


It usually references to the fact that many of the game's features are currently broken, or bugs causing the player to be set back after doing a fair bit of work for a meager reward.

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With all that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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