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Multiple companion characters on a mission?


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Quote from the 1.2 Legacy Patch notes



"Players can now send multiple companion characters on a mission granted by a Mission Discovery if the player had more than one of that Mission Discovery."


I found the exact opposite to be true. Now I can't even learn a crafting mission if there is the same mission being run by a companion. It's going to take forever to get through the pile of missions I've saved up for 1.2.

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Yet another time the patch notes say they're fixing something that isn't broken, and actually break it.


like the patch that supposedly fixed companion abilities so once you turn them off they stay turned off when resummoned? Never saw the problem before that patch. After that patch the only ability I ever turned off (Kira Carson's slow) turns right back on every time she got summoned.

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  • 1 month later...
W.T.F. When is this going to be fixed? I just bought five of a particular mission because I read on torhead, "Yeah, it's no problem, you just learn, dispatch, lather, rinse repeat." And now they "fixed" it by making this no longer possible.
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This is unbelievably annoying. The only reason I bothered to buy five missions at GTN prices was so I can get a large quantity of mats farmed up in 2 hours instead of 10. If I knew it was going to take 10 hours anyway, I could just farm the stupid discoveries myself in that time.



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Quote from the 1.2 Legacy Patch notes



"Players can now send multiple companion characters on a mission granted by a Mission Discovery if the player had more than one of that Mission Discovery."


I found the exact opposite to be true. Now I can't even learn a crafting mission if there is the same mission being run by a companion. It's going to take forever to get through the pile of missions I've saved up for 1.2.


Agree. I tried it yesterday with a TH mission and got an error message. I had to wait until the first run was done before running it again.

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It's interesting how this worked before the patch; and they broke it by "fixing" it, and then someone reported it the day after 1.2 came out. And now it's remained broken, with zero comment from BW and no fix, for almost a month since Legacy came out. Seems like a pretty good summary of BW's attitude toward crafting in general.
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  • 2 weeks later...

IIRC there is no specific mention of this problem in the 1.3 pts patch notes. The 1.2 patch notes still say you can send multiple companions out on a specific crew mission as long as you have multiple copies of the mission in your inventory. 1.2 patch notes FFS!!!!! Maybe BW doesn't even know this is still broken?!? I run a lot of 340 missions and it sucks that right now it takes TEN hours to do what should only take two hours ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PATCH NOTES. Please fix this devs!


Just to elaborate and provide a relevant example. Right now everyone is fired up about augments and augment kits. I would love to be able to send 5 companions out on 340 slicing missions AT THE SAME TIME, say, before I go to bed, and wake up to 20 of the purple mats for augments. Instead I have to check back every 2 hours for 10 hours to get the same result. It might be ok if it was intended to work that way, but according to the patch notes, I should be able to do the former. That's what is frustrating.

Edited by Alastasia
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I've suspected for some time that Bioware sticks the bug report directly into the patch notes sometimes, instead of the flipside.


i.e. the "bug" was that you could send multiple companions on the same discovery mission, (since you can't do that with other misions) and they fixed it so that you couldn't. However whomever wrote up the patch notes took the fixed bug report and stuck it directly into the patch notes instead of "flipping" it.


I remember a few other "fixes" where it looks like the same deal. The patch notes describe how it used to work, but not how it worked after the patch. (and, again. In most of those cases the "pre-patch" version was more beneficial to the player)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not only has this STILL not been fixed since the patch that broke it, when it WAS working before. But just recently it has become even more broken.


Today I decided to try again loading two mission discoveries, just to see if an undocumented fix ever went in for this. Well the first one loaded fine and I sent my companion out. No problems. Then I clicked on the second one, and instead of the "You already know that schematic" message, I get a cast bar, and "Learning schematic." Then it took the mission item, gives me NO MISSION, and NO WARNING, and just silently ate my mission discovery with nothing in return. It never told me I already knew the mission, never put an available mission in my crew dispatch window, but did happily destroy a mission discovery I had just paid good credits to buy.


If you were trying to make crafting feel like an even bigger slap in the face for the time spent on it, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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I've suspected for some time that Bioware sticks the bug report directly into the patch notes sometimes, instead of the flipside.


i.e. the "bug" was that you could send multiple companions on the same discovery mission, (since you can't do that with other misions) and they fixed it so that you couldn't. However whomever wrote up the patch notes took the fixed bug report and stuck it directly into the patch notes instead of "flipping" it.


I remember a few other "fixes" where it looks like the same deal. The patch notes describe how it used to work, but not how it worked after the patch. (and, again. In most of those cases the "pre-patch" version was more beneficial to the player)


Yes, you are VERY likely to be correct.




1) All missions are different and unique on a mission-screen, when you choose one to send your companion.

2) It makes sense for them to be unique.


3) When preparing a report of what you fixed, lazy interns will usually use the copy-paste option. Lazy fully-employed-people will do that too.


4) It's easy to forget to type a "no longer possible" statement on top of a copied piece of text, especially when the pretty girls from the marketing department decide to question you about what tweaks to the game they can use as selling arguments. At this point the attention will be focused on cleavage, and not keyboard.



DISCLAIMER: This post is in no way intended to present set roles to people or any other kind of sexual-prejudice. It is merely the use of a specific distractive situation, in a generalized form, to represent many possible forms of distraction leading to a mistake.


DISCLAIMER 2: No, I'm not a dev and do not work for a software Company. Yes, this particular situation leading to mistakes in a text DID happen to me a couple times in my teens, during internships for larger companies.

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I don't know which patches did what, but how I understand that it has evolved is this:


1. You could learn multiples of the same mission and send your companions out. Doing this eventually had bugs where you would frequently only get back the items from one of the missions.


2. In an effort to prevent this, bioware changed it so you could only send one companion out at a time per missions type (Underworld Trading level 6 missions, for example, have two distinct visual graphics, two types of missions). You can send one companion out on mission #1 and then learn mission type 2 and send a second companion out on THAT mission. This works and you get all of the materials back.


3. As far as I can see, from doing this in game, the only bug is that you lose a mission if you try to learn a duplicate mission before the companion comes back...meaning that if you 5 copies of mission #1 in your inventory, you learn the first copy, send out a companion, and then learn a second copy of mission #1.

Right now, you can't do this. You have to wait until the first companion is done with the mission before you can send out the next one for the same mission type.


The bug is that rather than not allow you to learn the duplicate mission, the system lets you learn it but it doesn't show up in your list because the companion is already using that mission title (whatever the title is for "mission #1)

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And to add insult to injury, the protocol drone that replied to my ticket on this said, "Sorry, can't help you, because WE CAN'T FIND ANY LOGS THAT SHOW THE ITEM BEING LOST."


Wow. Imagine that. A bug that causes an item to be silently destroyed with no warning and no error message or other visible result DOESN'T LEAVE ANY LOG SHOWING THE ITEM WAS DESTROYED.


You guys really, really suck at this.

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Not only has this STILL not been fixed since the patch that broke it, when it WAS working before. But just recently it has become even more broken.


Today I decided to try again loading two mission discoveries, just to see if an undocumented fix ever went in for this. Well the first one loaded fine and I sent my companion out. No problems. Then I clicked on the second one, and instead of the "You already know that schematic" message, I get a cast bar, and "Learning schematic." Then it took the mission item, gives me NO MISSION, and NO WARNING, and just silently ate my mission discovery with nothing in return. It never told me I already knew the mission, never put an available mission in my crew dispatch window, but did happily destroy a mission discovery I had just paid good credits to buy.


If you were trying to make crafting feel like an even bigger slap in the face for the time spent on it, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.


Had this same thing happen to me twice as well. Thought the first time was a glitch. Lesson learned after the second time.

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Had this same thing happen to me twice as well. Thought the first time was a glitch. Lesson learned after the second time.


I just did this too.. 2 Arch missions down the drain.. Luckily I caught on before the rest were deleted.

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Quote from the 1.2 Legacy Patch notes



"Players can now send multiple companion characters on a mission granted by a Mission Discovery if the player had more than one of that Mission Discovery."


I found the exact opposite to be true. Now I can't even learn a crafting mission if there is the same mission being run by a companion. It's going to take forever to get through the pile of missions I've saved up for 1.2.


This worked perfectly before the patch... you could always buy two identical missions, read one, send your companion out on it, read the second mission and then send a second companion out on that one. It worked perfectly.


But this is no longer possible after the patch... if you send your first companion out and read the second mission, it vanishes... poof... gone... if that is a 340 slicing mission, well, you just lost 70.000 credits...


I sometimes wonder if there is anyone out there that actually tests the patch notes.

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  • 4 weeks later...
This very nasty, uncalled for "bug" has been around for a while, since it was "fixed" (i.e., broken where it was working perfectly before), in 1.2. Any word on when you can pass this up to the dev team for an actual fix that fixes it back to how it worked before you fixed it?
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