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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Casual players are NOT valued customers


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What happened to the game that was touted as being the MMO designed to cater to the casual player...the solo player (and please just leave now if all you're going to reply with is MMO = not solo)


I helped in the Beta...I pre-ordered the game...I've been a subscriber since launch. However, I do not have all the time in the world to play the game. So I do not have a character that is level 50. I have several characters of various levels and I am doing my best to enjoy the individual stories and play the game at the pace I want to.


The whole VALUED customer bit that came with 1.2. Apparently only folks who reached level 50 are considered a valued customer and are given a FREE month...so I read this as...SCREW YOU to all of our other customers. And you know what...I don't feel like a valued customer...and apparently Bioware/EA agree.


All I get is frustrated when all the patches (and the way patches are done absolutely annoys me) are geared toward end game characters and events...they hardly ever fix issues that relate to beginning/middle of game (Datacrons still not able to get due to character model size....???)


Here comes 1.2...Legacy. Awesome...no...wait...crap. Only useful if you have a level 50...nope...really only useful if you have multiple level 50s and apparently have a droid on your ship that is printing credits for you. I'm sorry that I can't devote hours to the game ever day so I could have enjoyed the lower cost of the speeder/crystals...again...catered to top level players. Hell...I can barely afford anything now...and don't even get me started on the lovely GTN...prices on there are so over inflated due to the ridiculous economy.


At this point in time...I'm not even sure I want to bother getting to level 50 with any of my characters to finish the storyline. It just doesn't feel worth the effort of trudging through.


I loved the premise...and I'm sure if it stays going that in a year or three the game will become great...Unfortunately, this non-valued customer probably won't be around.

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What happened to the game that was touted as being the MMO designed to cater to the casual player...the solo player (and please just leave now if all you're going to reply with is MMO = not solo)


I helped in the Beta...I pre-ordered the game...I've been a subscriber since launch. However, I do not have all the time in the world to play the game. So I do not have a character that is level 50. I have several characters of various levels and I am doing my best to enjoy the individual stories and play the game at the pace I want to.


The whole VALUED customer bit that came with 1.2. Apparently only folks who reached level 50 are considered a valued customer and are given a FREE month...so I read this as...SCREW YOU to all of our other customers. And you know what...I don't feel like a valued customer...and apparently Bioware/EA agree.


All I get is frustrated when all the patches (and the way patches are done absolutely annoys me) are geared toward end game characters and events...they hardly ever fix issues that relate to beginning/middle of game (Datacrons still not able to get due to character model size....???)


Here comes 1.2...Legacy. Awesome...no...wait...crap. Only useful if you have a level 50...nope...really only useful if you have multiple level 50s and apparently have a droid on your ship that is printing credits for you. I'm sorry that I can't devote hours to the game ever day so I could have enjoyed the lower cost of the speeder/crystals...again...catered to top level players. Hell...I can barely afford anything now...and don't even get me started on the lovely GTN...prices on there are so over inflated due to the ridiculous economy.


At this point in time...I'm not even sure I want to bother getting to level 50 with any of my characters to finish the storyline. It just doesn't feel worth the effort of trudging through.


I loved the premise...and I'm sure if it stays going that in a year or three the game will become great...Unfortunately, this non-valued customer probably won't be around.



WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Dummy spit*

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i feel ya there buddy but thats how MMOs are people who make lvl 50 because they have alot of time on there hands are always overvalued. Lifes not fair and Bioware is just helping people learn that.


Simple answer. Dedicate all your free time to this game


Complicated Answer: Message Bioware tell them your feel taken advantage of and see if theyll give you a free month. lol




As for everyone else that posted. Thanks for being the reason why casual players never play MMOs for too long

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lol, getting to lvl 50 makes you a winner?


This is getting funnier and funnier.

lol, so you want a reward for NOT getting to max level?


This is whats wrong with little league.. everyone needs to be a winner.. and when you aren't.. you feel like youve been cheated.

First world problems..

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Even the most casual gamer ever should have at least one 50 by now, unless for some reason they were just actively avoiding dinging 50 on any character.


This isn't the design of the joint strike fighter we're talking about here.

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NO...I could care less about the free 30 days...I swear...people who have nothing constructive to say are why I generally stay away from forums.


My point is that they pretty much said that all players who either did not have the time or for whatever reason never reached level 50 is not considered a valued customer. That I feel is wrong. No matter how you look at it.


And I'm sorry...you're right...It's been several months since this game released....why should that have anything to do with it? I have a life. I have a job. I don't spend every available hour playing games. They are a wonderful way to relax, but that's it to me.


Also...for the record. I find it sad that people now have this expectation to reach end game playing a MMO within the first month now. Why else do you think there are all these problems? MMO's now cater to this generation of instant gratification people...


I miss games like Ultima Online, DAoC, Everquest, Lineage, etc...where you had to work at getting to a high level...both in character and crafting. It actually meant something and gave a sense of accomplishment.

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all the time in the world? Holy crap man it's been FIVE MONTHS. If you're so casual you haven't leveled a single toon to 50 in this time you're not likely to find any MMO that's suited to you.


Maybe Second Life >.>

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At this point in time...I'm not even sure I want to bother getting to level 50 with any of my characters to finish the storyline. It just doesn't feel worth the effort of trudging through.


So you'd rather take the time to complain, because it's worth the effort? Interesting.

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What happened to the game that was touted as being the MMO designed to cater to the casual player...the solo player (and please just leave now if all you're going to reply with is MMO = not solo)


I helped in the Beta...I pre-ordered the game...I've been a subscriber since launch. However, I do not have all the time in the world to play the game. So I do not have a character that is level 50. I have several characters of various levels and I am doing my best to enjoy the individual stories and play the game at the pace I want to.


The whole VALUED customer bit that came with 1.2. Apparently only folks who reached level 50 are considered a valued customer and are given a FREE month...so I read this as...SCREW YOU to all of our other customers. And you know what...I don't feel like a valued customer...and apparently Bioware/EA agree.


All I get is frustrated when all the patches (and the way patches are done absolutely annoys me) are geared toward end game characters and events...they hardly ever fix issues that relate to beginning/middle of game (Datacrons still not able to get due to character model size....???)


Here comes 1.2...Legacy. Awesome...no...wait...crap. Only useful if you have a level 50...nope...really only useful if you have multiple level 50s and apparently have a droid on your ship that is printing credits for you. I'm sorry that I can't devote hours to the game ever day so I could have enjoyed the lower cost of the speeder/crystals...again...catered to top level players. Hell...I can barely afford anything now...and don't even get me started on the lovely GTN...prices on there are so over inflated due to the ridiculous economy.


At this point in time...I'm not even sure I want to bother getting to level 50 with any of my characters to finish the storyline. It just doesn't feel worth the effort of trudging through.


I loved the premise...and I'm sure if it stays going that in a year or three the game will become great...Unfortunately, this non-valued customer probably won't be around.


^ just worth link that is all.

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