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Master Stike Uninteruptible? Don't think so....


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Testing the new master strike with a sage:


force wave: interupts master strike


mind snap (I think that's what it's called): interupts master strike


force lift: yep you guessed it, interupts master strike.



Can we get some clarification once and for all on this ability? Is it still bugged, or what does 'interupt' mean for Bioware?

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An Interupt is a specific skill about 50% of the classes have, that will stop your ability, and lock the ability out for 4 seconds.


Knockbacks, Stuns, Grapples, CC's, etc... will interupt master strike because they stop your character or move your character.

Edited by Doomsdaycomes
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So uninteruptible should be changed to:


Kinda sorta protected from interuptions while casting except for skills that push you away from your target; after all you are a melee class and need to be within 4 meters of your target........

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I think there's a misunderstanding on your part due to knowledge of game mechanics.


Your assumption of what "uninterruptable" seems to be that the ability will carry out no matter what counter measures are used against it.


What "uninterruptable" means though in terms of game mechanics is that it is immune to effects solely designed to stop an ability from being casted.


That means stuff like Force Kick (which trust me, DOESN'T interrupt Master Strike in 1.2), Mind Snap, Riot Strike, etc.



The thing that ARE stopping Master Strike though are knock backs and stuns. They are in a different category from interrupt abilities.



What does this mean for you?


It means Master Strike is still working, and if someone wants to avoid that painful damage that's coming right at you they'll have to blow what most people would consider to be their "lifelines" in PVP in order to stop your damage instead of using a quick low CD interrupt to stop it.

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Thanks Obie_wan, you were my only hope :)


Good job explaining the differences, best I've seen so far. This will help me plan a little better. Does force lift fit in the category of a stun? I guess it would have to if it interupts master strike?

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Forcelift will intterupt Master Strike.




Interupts: Stop a skill from being used, lock that skill out for 4 seconds. (Master strike is immune to these)


Stuns: Stop a character from making any action for a short time (4 seconds usually) and allow the attacker to keep dealing damage. (Will interupt master strike.)


CC (aka Mezz or Crowd Control): Stop a character from any action for a long time (8+ seconds) but are broken if that character is dealt damage. (Still intterupts master strike.)

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Pretty sure master strike works out to like 10M.


Also noticed my master strike still getting interrupted by some thing. It clear says interrupted and is not a stun or knock back. Didn't see it happen very often and kick does not work on ravage, so I'd say it's a glitch with one ACs interrupt.

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