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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Maintenance


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While I thank you for continuing to fight my battles for me, and press for the validity of my argument. (The argument was valid. Key word was.) There was a reason I did not include a dictionary definition of investment. I cite the words, "achieve something". Taken in the broad sense, then yes, the game is an investment. However taken in the utilitarian sense, which I fear our friend knightfell may, then no the game is not an investment.


thank you Xiianil, at least someone gets it.

By and by, i meant no disrespect in my initial response, i was just merely trying to put it in perspective

Edited by Knightfell
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Do they pay you to come here and tell everyone how they are not incompitent ?



They have proven time and again that they have zero clue of how to implement anything.


Do mistakes happen ? Sure

Should they happen every patch ? Nope

If it was one of my employees that made this many mistakes would they still be employeed ? Absolutely not.


People have a right to be pissed off so go back to your cubicle at BW and stop defending them. If you aren't a BW employee maybe you should apply.


I'm sure they could always use more employees to make excuses for them.


I dont want to upset you but ... I feel it is a minor issue too, so they messed up the patch and servers are down for 12 hours.. i just dont see that as the end of tor.

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Who pissed in your cheerios ?


Do you honestly think that SWTOR was going to outperform WoW's eleven year run in four months. These things take time and WoW was just as buggy and as messed up as this game when it started.


Go QQ in someone elses cereal bowl.


11 years eh?

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Seriously amateurs working at bioware? Getting rlly sick of it. Wasting my damn money on u guys. AND THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME IT HAS HAPPENED. dont come with some ******** about "well these thing happens". No they dont. When u accept ppl to pay to play, they dont argue "well i can half this month and half next month" U ACCPECT THEM TO PAY U WHAT U DEMAN. HENCE THE SAME THING SHOULD BE FROM THE COUSTOMER SIDE TOO dont u agree. Who the hell is paying for this unaviable pay time for me. Goddamit bunch of amateurs


P.s I gonna bet that this reply is gonna disappear quickly.:mad:




Honestly. They really should not grant patients computer access at the institution

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The truth is out


A small but determined band of low lvl players angered at the lack of respect shown through the "lvl 50 30 day subs scandal" have successfully invaded the Austin Texas center. Rather then use force, they have used their skills of infinite patience, honed from leveling so slow and with such attention to detail. To gain access to the SWTOR main frame. They regailed the gatehouse guards with a step by step, blow by blow account of those early lvls. The guards training had prepared them for hours of endless monotony but not for these Tales of detail and diligence. After only a few hours one by one the guards slipped into coma.


Once inside they have forced twisted and deranged coins in to Twinky and Coca Cola vending machines. They then left unseen and only after their trails lay cold did the true genius of their plan become apparent. Deprived of their essential nutrients the Dev's suger bloated brains began wain. The Dev's attempts to digest carbs and protein has lead to some awful smells but little useful output.


Latest news is an emergency airlift of M&M's is inbound.

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I agree. So tired of people saying.. 'give it time, after all it took Blizz x number of years to incorporate this or that'.

A new game should equal or exceed previous games abilities as with any product.


Having said that, I feel no anger over today's problem since BW is certainly more upset over it than any of us.


Sadly this happens and will happen in every MMO both past and future so basically I choose to deal with it. If it gets to the point where I'm not having fun anymore I just leave. The real problem that I see is some players use the "I'm leaving goodbye hello GW2" line for example..But what they don't realise is the dark cloud of complaining and unsubbing will follow them there or any other MMO that they will play. There will never be a magical MMO without bugs, issues, or complaints. (I do some complaints are warranted btw not every complaint is a whine thread).

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You guys do understand by the time that WoW came out it had already had a huge staff and was well prepared for maintenance's and repair due to previous success's such as Diablo and Starcraft and other huge titles.


I do not understand your QQ


You're comparing an eleven year old game which was already well supported by huge previous success's to a four month old game with a staff of about 300 people compared to WoW's 4,000.

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Who pissed in your cheerios ?


Do you honestly think that SWTOR was going to outperform WoW's eleven year run in four months. These things take time and WoW was just as buggy and as messed up as this game when it started.


Go QQ in someone elses cereal bowl.


I would recommend you to wake up from the star wars dream you are living in. The majority of the community is just a mmorpg player and not a light saber fanatic. These people will not be satisfied with a game that underperforms and does not exceed expectations. Get real.

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As much as I hate to do this, I think it's time to fire up World of Warcraft. I've been playing SWTOR for about a month now. In that month, I've seen the equivalent of about six months of WoW maintenance. I really love this game and Star Wars in general, but I'm so tired of all the problems this game has. Yes, I know it's only a few months old but that's not really an excuse. How do you not notice that you've put in data from a previous patch? Bioware stop making stupid mistakes. This game has potential but you guys are wasting it.
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i think im beginning to see why people are so upset over loosing a day worth of play.


u see its 2012 and in 2012 our planet is going to end (probably some time near the end of the year) so every second is precious to these people.


and Bioware think these people choose not to spend their last month playing with their kids or spending time with their family or friends they choose to play your game 24/7 so please think of them.

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No, it's not an argument meant to mislead. It's true you don't need to be a musician to recognize an incorrect note. However, unless you can play the music better than the musician on the same instrument, you're limited to a wince at the mistake or moving out of earshot.


I do find it interesting that you mentioned a single note mistake. The game is unavailable for a short time in the greater scheme of things, and people go completely berserk over the inability to log into a virtual world consisting of pixels.


If you were listening to a musician and they hit a wrong note, would you rush up and attack them, and demand a refund if you had purchased a ticket?


Stunned that people don't sit back and realize how ridiculous their complaints are in comparison to real problems in the world.


Let's throw something out there for perspective: How many children in the world have died from disease or starvation while you've been whining about not being able to play a computer game?


How often do you approach a negative situation of any regard and refer to problems in the 3rd world? You can relate pretty much anything to the 3rd world if you want, " i just ate a meal, how many children died whilst doing so?" to think like this at every situation is unrealistic, and to relate the problems of an online game to that of global poverty is fruitless.

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you've obviously never had anything happen to you that you didn't expect to happen.




Within my control professionally? No I haven't, not that has lead to a negative impact on customers. The company I work for provides software for medical institutions, if one server bursts into flames and goes offline, another one picks up where it left off. If the building blows up, that's a problem, but last I heard, Bioware didn't have any major fires or catastrophic events.


In my personal life, any unexpected events within my control that have gone wrong have been the result of my own lack of planning/preparation. We're not talking unexpected illness or acts of God here, we're talking about a poorly implemented update. If they can't find the people to implement backups and failovers in the event of "unforeseen consequences", then they shouldn't be in the business, plain and simple. Not even going to go into the fact that before even hitting the deploy phase, there should be extensive internal testing, which, had it been done, may have eliminated the need for the "Fix" today in the first place.

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They are going down because something with this patch caused a rollback of the servers. Therefore, they need to take them down to fix the problem.


Unfortunately, this means all of the idiots will come out of the woodwork and start complaining first because the patch screwed something up, then start complaining that they can't play because BW is taking down the servers to fix it. Sometimes, I wish they would put an age restriction on forums. Or at the very least require people to take a psychological exam before they can post to make sure they are at least mature enough to.


lol nice. I imagine most players complaining are 18+ just impatient and immature. Those of us with big boy jobs and at work get to wait for BW to fix the issues before we go home.

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You guys do understand by the time that WoW came out it had already had a huge staff and was well prepared for maintenance's and repair due to previous success's such as Diablo and Starcraft and other huge titles.


I do not understand your QQ


You're comparing an eleven year old game which was already well supported by huge previous success's to a four month old game with a staff of about 300 people compared to WoW's 4,000.


Yeah, but they usually don't choose Friday-Sunday to bring the server down, when most of the people were ready to have a good time.

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No, that was the whole point, it wasn't worth our time or dignity, and neither is that. Thanks for all that crying and whining over a video game that saved me $15, even though you don't even know if thats true, you're assuming it is. Somehow I doubt all the whining made that much difference. I doubt someone spent time on their job there reading all this whining. It was probably going to happen anyways, since thats just good business when mistakes are made. Somehow I suspect you wont understand that either. Obviously this few hours of game time lost was VERY important to you......lol. Thanks for the entertainment, you obviously didn't mind what it cost you.......




If it wasn't on account of the angry fan base, and it was just good business, why did they wait to give us a free day? Why didn't they say something like "Hey guys, we know our servers are down, and we're very sorry. So to prove we're sorry and that you matter to us beyond your monthly sub, we're giving you a free day."


And yes, my time is VERY important to me. When you work 60-70 hours a week yes that is important. I treasure what little downtime I have, and do not want to see it wasted. Yet for lack of good weather, I am not stuck inside feeding trolls and combing memes. The idea someone had about stocking up for a late night was great. But also implausible in my case. Better idea = ? At the first one, I'm gone.

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Sadly this happens and will happen in every MMO both past and future so basically I choose to deal with it. If it gets to the point where I'm not having fun anymore I just leave. The real problem that I see is some players use the "I'm leaving goodbye hello GW2" line for example..But what they don't realise is the dark cloud of complaining and unsubbing will follow them there or any other MMO that they will play. There will never be a magical MMO without bugs, issues, or complaints. (I do some complaints are warranted btw not every complaint is a whine thread).


And yet MMOs do evolve, both in technical and content wise. My first MMO ever was Anarchy Online, think of the launch period and months after. SWtor has fared far better than that but still, mistakes like this boil my blood a great deal.

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C'mon guys, THINK! Example: I have 8 characters which I play in parallel, and due to that, I don't have any level 50 characters. And there are people out there who just played as much as I did, but only with ONE character, and have it leveled up to 50. So, why would I be a client who DOES NOT deserve one month extension? Its stupid right?


Now, we also know those level fifties who entered new zones got "lost" [i am just putting quotation marks there as a mark of hope]. So, if you were Bioware, what would your "solution" would be in a case, where you "lost" all those Fifties? You know, you are in panic, messed it up, bosses breathing down your neck and all... All I am saying is, just be prepared for worse guys.

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They are going down because something with this patch caused a rollback of the servers. Therefore, they need to take them down to fix the problem.


Unfortunately, this means all of the idiots will come out of the woodwork and start complaining first because the patch screwed something up, then start complaining that they can't play because BW is taking down the servers to fix it. Sometimes, I wish they would put an age restriction on forums. Or at the very least require people to take a psychological exam before they can post to make sure they are at least mature enough to.


I hear a lot of whamblances!! :p

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