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Yeah, i know right? if anything people should feel bad for the interns who are getting fired for booting up the servers with the wrong stuff loaded.


I understand why people might be upset. Hell I am home sick today so this certainly is not what I wanted to see but such is life.


I do feel bad for whomever F'd up but that doesn't mean I don't expect them to catch all kinds of hell for what happened. Its just that I am not going to treat this forum as if it is a giant collective psychologist to dump all my whining and negativity into.

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Damn, I have been looking forward to playing today all week. And try out the new patch. Well, here's a perfect opportunity to give all subscribers since beta the 30 days free play time that they deserve, not just the level 50's ;) To make up for lost playtime.
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Ha, wonder how many people made arrangements to play 1.2 all day today? oops :p


I understand mistakes, but this is a pretty big one, source control 101? "Ugh, sir, I forgot to 'get latest' before adding my code". Gotta admit I've done it at work before, but fortuantely for me I didn't piss off 1.7mil people!

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What's up with the UK? Are you British, English, or something else? Plus I didn't think that you were part of the EU due to not using the Euro, but still using the Pound. And you drive on the wrong side of the road compared to the rest of europe. Just wondered.


If you are English you are also British but not all British people are English because they might be Welsh or Scottish (or Scouse or Geordie according to some lol). We are part of the EU but kept our own currency, we aren't the only ones who did. Also we drive on the correct side of the road if you want to look dashing in a white driving scarf.

Seriously isn't this sort of thing what Google is for??

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You do know that this is the last beacon of Adult Star Wars that exists outside of Books? If this crap burns, or the terrible press and feedback its getting doesnt cease, there will be no more MMO's no more RPG's no more BF's... It'll be the Muppets vs the Clone Wars beat em ups forever!!!!
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Does anyone remember the epic 24 hour shutdowns after a major patch in hugely popular mmo? Noone likes it, not least the poor buggers sweating it out trying to work out where its all gone wrong.)


I remember EQ used to have **** crazy restarts/resets/shutdowns after new content. Which worked out for the fast moving guilds as all the mobs were respawned and you could farm gear over and over a few times in a day/week :).

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